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Only one complaint


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Been playing this all weekend and I have only one complaint. If I say I have played all the X-Com games I think you'll guess what it is before I say.



I want more than one squad!!! Being able to action (for example) a base defense mission without recalling a team that is 3/4 of the way somewhere would be nice!


Other than that I'm :inlove: (even with Catalyst driver issues)

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Yea, this is a drawback.

Well, at least game has squads that are not player controllable... they doesnt always get the job done, but at least you dont have to investigate every downed UFO :rolleyes:


ah yes, I personally dont like those drawed human in sqad screen. Hey, they can be drawed, but with MUCH better results.

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Yeah I must agree the Artificial Incompetence squads are rather useful ... I have gained a few bases in areas where there was no recent missions availble. Kinda useful the success rate can go up due to development work ...
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I love the game, but I've played all the other so I want all those abilities plus more.


Here's what I like about Aftermath:

1. Massive research tree. You can take short-cuts with research by ignoring the "optional" requirements.

2. Massive engineering tree. Put your developments to good use.

3. Plenty of weapons and gadgets to keep you amused.

4. I actually like the sound effects - they sound perfect.

5. Visuals have good attention to detail.

6. Characters stats system is quite involving.


Here's what I don't like:

1. You can't make your own bases.

2. You can't configure your own air defenses / radar stations.

3. You can't buy your own troops/scientists/engineers.

4. You can't move whilst crouched.

5. You can't "crawl" (as in Apocalyse).

6. You can't have muitiple teams.

7. Pathfinding is as bad as in Baldur's Gate.

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Pathfinding is bad because your soldiers have absolutely no AI to control them, that's why you can make waypoints for manouvering. No AI is a good and bad thing. I'd like my soldiers to shoot on sight if they spot an enemy, like you could set a soldier to fire if percentage to hit is so and so or just fire no matter what as long as it is in range of the weapon. Though no AI is also good, as AI usually sucks bigtime and your soldiers end up shooting at the wrong target, standing with the back against your enemy and loads of other things.

So use waypoints, you'll find it enormously helpful after a while :rolleyes:



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I'd like my soldiers to shoot on sight if they spot an enemy, like you could set a soldier to fire if percentage to hit is so and so or just fire no matter what as long as it is in range of the weapon.

Nono, I would NOT like the idea if in close-quarter battle soldier with automatic shotgun (or LAW) goes haywire and starts to spread towards the alien..... with his squadmates in the line of fire.



I like the way it is right now :rolleyes: Total control of your troops.

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x-com: apocalypse as it was called in the UK was nice except i missed the whole earth world


UFO: aftermath , reminds me so much of the first UFO: enemy unknown as it was called in the UK


its nice having the earth back and spining it it around.


I have not gotten far in the game but we can do underwater missions in Aftermath ?


Also having more than 1 squad would be nice


Can we get a batch of items made ie 10 energy cells or 10 imporoved armor

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Underwater missions: Not that I've seen (and I've gotten pretty far now)

More than one squad: Nope, but then again, at the atage I'm at, I'm tending to only do certain missions anyway (as anything involving reticulans generally involves lots of men dying, and as the lowest level member of my team is lvl 18 (the highest is lvl 24)...)

Batch items: Certain items are made in batches (eg energy cells do get buuilt in lots of 10) but you can only build one 'lot' of items each time. So you'll get 10 cells, or 1 armour, then you'll have to re-do an order.

I'd like my soldiers to shoot on sight if they spot an enemy, like you could set a soldier to fire if percentage to hit is so and so or just fire no matter what as long as it is in range of the weapon.

No, as area effect weapons might then be fired at point blank range, hitting your own troops. Believe me, once you've made that mistake once, the relief that they don't auto fire will be immense...

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i loved in x-com games having about 3 squads of 8 out, oh well


this aint one of the old x-com games and earth is 99% destroyed or something with a hand full of survivors so you dont have the man power or the money since there is none to have many squads.. nice and simple :rolleyes:

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I haven't played the game yet ??? , but I find it very unlikely to have underwater missions, TFTD-style. Mainly because that the developers would have to design a whole new array of weapons (dart guns :rolleyes: ) and armour suits (diving suits). Besides, you'd also need underwater fighters to counter the ol' USOs, but that wouldn't be necessary if you downed an UFO flying over the sea with a standard fighter.
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I love the game, but I've played all the other so I want all those abilities plus more.


Here's what I like about Aftermath:

1. Massive research tree. You can take short-cuts with research by ignoring the "optional" requirements.

2. Massive engineering tree. Put your developments to good use.

3. Plenty of weapons and gadgets to keep you amused.

4. I actually like the sound effects - they sound perfect.

5. Visuals have good attention to detail.

6. Characters stats system is quite involving.


Here's what I don't like:

1. You can't make your own bases.

2. You can't configure your own air defenses / radar stations.

3. You can't buy your own troops/scientists/engineers.

4. You can't move whilst crouched.

5. You can't "crawl" (as in Apocalyse).

6. You can't have muitiple teams.

7. Pathfinding is as bad as in Baldur's Gate.

i hate the ufo missions. they shoulda been more like the xcom ufo missions where u enter it manualy inustead of having it a seperate section. i hate no internal base defence(i can see non military bases but atleast military bases should have auto weps) i also LOVE there is no money. nothing pissed me off more about xcom then the fact that your saving humanity and still have to balance a budget.

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My main gripes with the game are this.


You can't shift and rearrange items in your invetory, what I mean by this is say you can't fit something in the way it regulary goes in but if you could turn it to face upwards or another way then you could place it in. I think my soldiers would be smart enough to know that they could fit more in there backpacks if they were a little bit more creative and turned the way things face.


No way to have your soldier turn about face and face a direction.


Pathing Doesn't work well for over 3 squadmates grouped.


Can't delegate more then one thing to be researched/manufactured at the same time. Like have one base research this while the other does that sort of thing.


Can't build bases into your liking or at least do it so that you can build up your base with anti aircraft guns. The rescue my own base missions get to be annoying because some onslaught of UFO's has wrecked my fighters. Especially since the game decides that my men are so incomptent that they come in all scattered across the map.


The equip screen should have the thing your equpping dark out the slots it's taking up. The transperancy of the load out screen sometimes makes it a little confusing.



No way to tell your fighters what they should do when intercepting a UFO.


No group formation buttons, so that you can dictate what your squad should hold certain formations whilst in combat.


Mainly the biggest one is pathing and a patch could fix that and should. UFO Is a great game and I am enjoying it immensly but if they had included what I listed above it could of been an excellent game earning high 90 Percentile marks. It's those little things that make games great.


On a side note I liked the economy aspect of X-com it made the game that more challenging. and I rather enjoy not having to sweep pedestrian buildings anymore as that got boring in X-com when you would spend an hour on a map and not find that last hostile that is hiding in grannies closet.

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No doubt there will be more games with UFO's in them .. loved all of the x-com , TFTD , appocalypse - dont forget x-com interceptor they attempt for have x-com in space :rolleyes:


UFO aftermath might not fit story wise to the games above but is still a great game none the less , with racist squaddies , not surprise they keep shouting die ya ... and i got him ... since they almost killed everyone .. those pesky aliens :blink:

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Only one complaint? I have about 30 and I'm still working on the list.


What were they smoking when they designed the tactical missions generator? The thing creates levels that are so difficult for the characters to navigate that they get all confused and run off in random directions and everyone gets slaughtered.


Same goes for when you get to a door(and there's a lot of them) and because they can't all get to the door at the same time, to open it, the back row peels off and tries to get to it from the other side. Which means that unless you're really careful you're left with two or three guys walking into a room full of bugs while the others are getting stuck at another door in a random section of the map.


At first I thought the complete lack of player-side AI was an interesting way of involving you in the battle as you would be forced to micro-manage squad tactics. But after about two minutes of playing you really start to miss all those little things that have appeared in every tactical shooter since 'Syndicate' was released ten years ago.


For instance, your team stands at a junction and you order them to fire on an enemy at the end of a corridor. Woohoo..some of your guys'll fire; some won't (depends on the range of your guns) which is fine. If whatever you're shooting at walks towards you (and they always do because the bad guy AI is appalling) then you would expect the remaining soldiers who were out of range to gradually start firing as it approaches but sadly not.


Oh and no doubt while it's limping in your direction another bad guy will walk out of a door half way down the corridor and slowly wobble towards you in full view of everyone of your soldiers. Will a hail of bullets cut it in half?..erm well no. If you're not careful then in about ten minutes it'll have reached you and be knawing at your ankles.


You have to explicitly retarget troops when they see a new enemy or for instance when they're out of sight behind a lamppost; even though every other team member has successfully targeted and engaged. In fact that applies to every situation where you actually have to do anything other than take a direct line of sight shot. Your guys won't even move to an adjacent square in order to get a better shot.


None of this would be so bad, if the tactical levels were just a minor facet of the gameplay instead of the focus. Unfortunately they're not and while the strategic world map viewpoint is a nice idea and fun to play with it's just not enough to balance the dread of having to manually steer half a dozen blind and deaf dolts through an alien base.


Has a single one of the nine programmers or twelve play testers(according to the manual) actually played a game in the last decade? It doesn't feel like it.


Sorry for the rant.

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I think a lot of it is really so that EVERY soldier (bar the running around where you haven't told them to go) does EXACTLY what they're told. True, a button to fire at will would be nice, but rarely in tactical engagements where so much is at stake (the world in this case) would you seriously let your men fire at will if yoiu wanted to, say, take something home for research.


They'd utterly annihilate everything! Bad in the later missions when you realise that you really need to researh anything with a beat (or lack thereof).


True, sometimes it's annoying, and maybe some extra controls on teh control box would have been nice, but I don't find it too much of a problem.

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They'd utterly annihilate everything! Bad in the later missions when you realise that you really need to researh anything with a beat (or lack thereof).


Try playing an online first person shooter and then suggest to your other team members that they shouldn't fire until the team leader says so...even if they're being shot/eaten/beaten.


Even if they agree to it then the chances are that the first time they meet a member of the opposite team it'll spontaneously turn into a remake of that scene in Aliens where the guy in the truck commands his marines to not open fire.


While a button to start firing at will would be good, what would be better would be a button requesting them to stop firing, so that specimens could be taken, while mowing down anything that moves.


They're soldiers in a barren wasteland for goodness sake, it's not like they risk hitting an innocent bystander is it? And even if there are a few humans left running around a city somewhere, if your guys can't distinguish between them and a car with legs then they've already lost as the aliens have been plying them with psychedelic drugs.

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the fact i cant enter buildings doesnt annoy me very much.... the fact i cant get on the roof DO annoy me :blink: i want snipers on the roof damnit ! ;)


tried clicking on the ladders, rooftops, etc a thousand times, only to find out it will never work :rolleyes::P

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