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Desktop icon vs. cd game loading


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When I load the game from the desktop icon, everything goes smoothly except occasionally, my video goes nuts (flicker) See below.


When I close the tray of my CD and autorun, I get the setup window and two things happen:


1. Zone Alarm asks me if I want to enable explorer.exe.

a. If I say "yes", I get "Assert_Fatal" errors. (I have recorded the details, if needed)

b. If I say "no", I load the setup window OK. So that's what I do.

(This problem doesn't come up when I load from the desktop.)

Question: what is the function of explorer.exe


2. Whenever I check my refresh rate, it's ALWAYS shows 90mhz. I select 60mhz and play the game. Two questions:

a. Why doesn't my 60mhz selection become the default, so I would see that each time I open setup, video settings, with the CD loading?

b. Do you think my refresh rate stays at 60 when I open with the desktop icon, or is it defaulting to 90, thereby giving me my occasional flicker probs?


Best wishes, SerAris

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Autoplay is a feature of explorer.exe, thats probably why you're getting that message.


Once when i left the game running at the main menu while watching television for a long time it flickered like crazy when i returned. Could have been caused by a screen saver been activated, but i doubt it. This is a bug.


Flickering from 60 hz doesnt seem likely, although i get terrible headachs from 60 hz screens.

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True, Sigget, never turn your back on the screen. It hates to be ignored and if you leave it too long, it's magic lantern show time! It doesn't go flicker as much in the menu page. If I'm tactical, I don't even risk going to pee.
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explorer.exe is Windows Explorer, and also Win9x/XP's main shell.

Did you enable networking capabilities? Because if so it will attempt to "reach out" onto the network, and that's why ZA is bringing up all these dialogue boxes.

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