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VFS extraction.


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Has anybody had any luck extracting the contents of the VFS files? I've had a brief look at them with a hexeditor and I can definitely see where some of the files start (WAVE files, mainly)


I'm presuming that somewhere in the file (most likely the start) is a "table-of-contents" area, giving the offsets for each file.


I'm ultimately looking just to extract the great music from the VFS file, but it'd be great if you could inject files into it as well.


I'm going to keep investigating to see whether I can write an extractor/injector, but if anyone has any information I might find useful, please reply :laugh:

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I think I may have to repeat ALTAR's answer from the official boards. How about asking? They never gave anyone a go for this...


If I were you I would wait until the modding tools are out, or at least send them a mail to ask if it's okay. Not that I wouldn't love to have the music files myself, but we should respect their property :laugh:.


In the meantime, there are two music files for download at HQ.

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Ah, t'is a good point that Slaughter... I'm so used to offering to host modding tools for games that are 8+ years old.


I guess if ALTAR turn out to be okay with this, then the offer still stands though, but it could well be worth waiting to see if such a tool is in the modding toolkit anyway as Slaughter says.

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well, you dont need any permission to do whatever you like with the datafile, only general copyright apply, for example your may not claim that you're the author, you may not redistribute it and so on.


ive created a tool that extracts the music from gamefile.vfs from 1.1a english, i dont know if it can handle the localizations. if you try it on a non-egnlish version please let me know how it works out.

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