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Apoc Problem


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I've won this game on this exact computer so i don't think this is a compatability issue. Anyway, my game locks up at the beginning of a new day. I have over 90 people [soldiers and geeks]. am researching the blue armor, the 7th ufo [the one with cloaking] and multi bomb. I have personal shield and cloaking if that gives you any idea where i am in the game. This is the second time in a row thta this has happened. I'm using win98. Any ideas....



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to quickly consolidate two redundant topics posted by the same user:


redundant topic #1

I dont' see a link for any patches.... do you think I need it for the problem I just described...


redundant topic #2

Please, no, make that pretty please... someone point me to the apoc patch.

secondly, I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game and after installing it, I noticed it gave directions on how to run the game but they were Dos instructions...


should I be shutting down win and restarting in DOS ... I have never done this before... anyway, I tried it and


then typed the exe and nada...


Im on win98.


any help would be greatly appreciated... this is the second time Ive tried to beat the game and had it freeze up on me when I was finally making headway..

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the patch...


elementary my dear watson.


what game are you on about? apocalypse

*points to apocalypse section*


and what do you want to do? Download a patch

*points to apocalypse downloads section*


now if you can't find it from that i'd be rather surprised.


and a little note for the future: don't post multiple topics about the same thing. in this forum it's considered spamming, and a bad thing is.

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I don't think i was *spamming* I could see that I my post was getting read, but no one was responding... so, I sent the pretty please second try, that's all. I was looking for a dloads on the Main page, but I didn't think to look in the specific "Apoc" location first. I think you for your kindly help.


and I think you kindly


hee hee hee hee


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I still have not found anyone else who's familiar with my lock up... not even the reverend Scott Jones. Word. Has anyone had the "Widget bug"?



this is from the apoc faq:


2.6.1 Help, my base storage is filled up with 65536 widgets!

This is the "65536 widgets" bug. Others have reported it, but no one is

exactly sure what causes it. I myself have not witnessed it, but Rob

Fermier has, and this is his advice:


"I had the 65536 problem too, and found a work around.

Mine occurred when Transtellar went hostile to me as

a result of a mission. The problem went away when I

reloaded to a previous save game and gave money to

Transtellar before the battle."




finally, would anyone would be brave enough to let me email them a savegame and see if it crashes on their machine too...





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Try this: Find something that's common in both the air and ground vehicle transfer screens. The small and large disrupter shields are good for this. Haven't tested if it works with other common objects like elerium and fusion power fuel.


First of all, keep one shield, and send off the rest. Next, move the very last shield in the base to its new destination, then switch to the other vehicle screen (ground if you moved from the air vehicle transfer screen, and vice versa)and move it again, as it should read as though there's still one item in storage. Now send.


Essentially, this means you've moved two items from your stores when you only had 1, leaving -1 objects. But because of data wrap in C/C++, -1 is seen as 65535 for 16-bit unsigned short integers (a data type that only takes values 0 - 65545).


That's one method of obtaining the 65535 widget bug. There may be other methods out there, and then there's always the occasional glitch.



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You can sell or transfer the items. It doesn't matter how you get rid of them as long as they are removed from storage.





On second thought, you don't need to get rid of any of the items. It'll work just as well with multiple items. But to get the full 65535, make sure the remaining items left behind in storage is -1.


I just gave it a test, and I can't get it working for known alien and human artefacts (so you can't do it with fusion power fuel or elerium). The game's smart enough to properly update the item transfer counter for known artefacts between the air and ground vehicle transfer screens.


You can get the 65535 widget bug with unresearched alien artefacts -- the game doesn't properly update the transfer counter. So if you want it, get it done before completing research on an artefact that's common for both air and ground vehicles.


I guess it's a ... well, a cheap way of getting a rather enormous supply of small disrupter shields (And cash if you don't mind selling a few). :D


A word of caution: Your general stores will be stuffed. You won't be able to buy anything new -- but you can bring stuff in from tactical combat (just have the ships with the storage modules temporarily land at the base after the battle) and you can manually bring equipment in by equipping soldiers and vehicles from another base with the items you want, and have them visit the affected base and drop the equipment via their respective inventory screens.



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so the widget bug is a way to gain more stuff, not something that freezes up the game? I thought maybe it was what my problem is, since I have a lot of stuff. still looking for a brave soul to test my savegame. any takers?




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