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Bug in rescue mission


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When are the random missions created? I mean, is the playing field set once the mission pops up, or not until you actually land at the mission location?


If the first one is the case, the patch won't help for this mission. Only for new missions.

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Enemies and weapons, absolutely. But the map?

I remember getting my entire team wiped out in a base (by a ballon fish or sporeblower behind the first door). I loaded the save I made right before entering the base and got different enemies, but the same map.

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This has happened to me several times, and this is on a clean install with 1.3 patch. It does'nt help to restart the mission either so it seems that the map is generated at the time the mission shows up on the map or something...
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I've had the same problem EVERY single pilot rescue mission. I thought I was doing something wrong cos I stood next him, surrounded him with all my men, used activate on him with each one and still nothing. So it's the waypoint that's unreachable... doH!


I've not taken any screenshots of UFO:A yet, is there an ingame key to take a screenshot? If not, you could try print screen or a 3rd party screenshot program.

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Screenshots are taken by pessing Ctrl + Alt + P, this should export it as a jpg to... erm.. somewhere in your UFO:A folder. I too have just met this pilot mission problem, so it looks like I'm going to have to clear out this small town of mutant monster things with 6 people and an already dwindling supply of grenades...


I wouldn't mind too much if I just couldn't reach the pick-up area, which is inside a building, but the fact that the pilot is just stood right there, mocking me with his not-moving-ness... Oh well, hopefully this will get properly sorted out next patch.

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  • 1 month later...

You can skip it by terminating every transgenant/alien on the map. Automatic victory.


And the rescue missions ONLY appear if ALL 3 planes were shot down, yet you only rescue ONE pilot...


Don't they ever attend survival classes?

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Well, it seems that fix was orientated for wilderness missions, not city ones. So it lead to the typical "fix one thing to break another" fix.


Currently, I'm developing a tool that will automatically fix saves games with that problem. Lack of time and a few under control bugs and glitches of the tool are delaying it's release (last test resulted in "transparent" soldiers ??? ). But the core part that is in charge or correcting the game is working.


If you feel daring enough, here's the procedure to manually correct the files (you'll be needing a vfs file handler tool and any text editor)


You'll need to edit the squad.txt and tact_game.save files (both plain text) within the vfs.


--- squad.txt ---

Search for the string "RESCUED TRUE" (sounds odd, but that's what you should be looking for)


Then rollback the text and spot the string "UNIT_ID" and note the number next to it. It has to be the 1st one you spot while scrolling up from the "RESCUED TRUE" string


That's it for the squad.txt, you don't need to modify anything here, now for the other one


--- tact_game.save ---


Here, search for the string "ID " that has the previouly noted number next to it. Now locate the value "CURRENT_POS" and note the numbers next to it (Note: this value seems to be duplicate further down for that same unit under a structure called "CURRENT" subvalue "POS")


Now, almost to the end of the file, you'll find a "TARGET_AREAS" string, and just a couple of lines after it, there's a "POS" value (if I rememer correctly), change the number next to it so they match the previous ones


Save the file and just repack the tact_game.save into the vfs


Don't forget the MD5 check and now you should be able to continue with the mission without having to go trans-hunting.


If everything is done correctly, the area should now be centered on the pilot, wich they never are in an illegal spot

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  • 3 months later...

Two things I do to avoid this..

step#1 = save before missions!!!!!

step#2 = DON"T EVER do any pilot rescue missions!


I have found that for some reason my random map gen has a 20% of putting my flyboy in the mountains of behind a river that I can't get to! they'' fix this sooner or later but just skip any rescue missions...


Also when I start a mission where im going into a base or alien ship I check to see if my guys can get there before starting the time... saves alot of headache if you kill all those grays and then can't enter the ship or base!


If you run into a mission like this scrap it! the random map gen makes the map when you get the mission... so for example you down a alien craft and start the mission if you can get into the ship just forget it.. reloading before you send your HELI will not give you a differant map!

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