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Black Screen then reboot


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Well I don't get past the training mission.

I play about 1-3 minutes, then strange things happen:

1. the system reboots suddenly

2. the screen gets black, i still hear the sound and can give orders, but i can't see anything. Then after a few more minutes the system reboots automatically.

3. the screen splits into visible and black parts, the black parts of the screen vary every time.


I sounds funny but it isn't.


I already tried new drivers, compatibility modes, and of course all possible settings in the ufo config menu.


I got directX 9.0b 45.23 asus detonators, win XP pro, the german version of ufo aftermath


I don't know what else i could do... PLZ HELP


I want to play this game!!!! :laugh:

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I confirm this report


Athlon XP 1600 / EPOX 8KHA+ (KT266A+ chipset) / 512MB RAM @ 266 FSB / ASUS GeForce 4 MX 440 / WinXP SP1 / Asus's latest 45.23 drivers / DirectX 8.1


After resolving slowdows (see https://www.ufoaftermath.co.uk/forums/index...ic=458&st=15) I met repeatedly BSoDs every 3-5 minutes. These BSoDs are in the asus ioctl service and occurs everywhere: geoscape, missions, inventory. The game is unplayable so far.


I don't know what it is, patch 1.1 or something else.


BTW. Tutorial mission usually goes smooth, no matter, freshly started or loaded. But in real game (once again, no matter, freshly started or loaded - KABOOM!)


P.S. System is running all at factory settings. No overclocking ever. Hmm..


P.P.S. It appears that these crash-reports are mostly with ASUS video boards. May be this is ASUS's driver? Need to try NVIDIA.

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no problem. It was just a guess, when I wrote it.


But, man, was I glad that it worked to me yesterday evening and I was able to play at last.



So, the conclusion - ASUS's drivers are a big NO-NO-NO.

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