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Updated training mod and SG-1 screens...


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Updated training mod:

Kret have made some adjustments to his training requirements mod. You can read more about it here and download it from our mods section.


New SG-1 screens:

TYR have modeled a new weapon for the Stargate SG-1 mod. This time it's the m249 Saw, and it's looking neat. It's still missing a skin, but you'll get a good impression of how cool this model will look anyway. Here's three screens:


https://www.ufoaftermath.co.uk/Mods/SG1/m249_s.jpg https://www.ufoaftermath.co.uk/Mods/SG1/m249_ingame1_s.jpg https://www.ufoaftermath.co.uk/Mods/SG1/m249_ingame2_s.jpg


OriginalTriology.com Star Wars petition:

Seems like the original theatrical versions of Star Wars will not be included in the upcoming DVD release. That is a shame, and so far there are 60 000 people that think so. If you do as well, then head over to OriginalTriology.com to read more and sign the petition.

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hmmm....i have a saw model some where..just cant find it....i like it but it seams a bit to round...i used one and its alot mor Squere like...but other wise..this is what the game needs

it would be great if we had a PRONE position


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@ Blackalmaz, well first there are at least 4 different versions of the m249 maybe you made a older one, this is one of the most recent versions, which is truly about rounder and smother than the older ones, and of course the pictures dont really show the proportions exactly, it is less round than it looks like right now. I hope i can change the ammosettings that the saw spits some more bullet shells ;)

A prone position would be nice, especially if it would give a stealth bonus also

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Any Questions ? ;)


This is just an alpha, showing you that i can handle that now, even with this not perfect texture it looks much better well and if you dont use the camera plugin it doesnt even matter it looks as it should look, i will continue to experiment with this but since i have it now i dont see a high priority in this anymore,


well what do you say ?



ps: special thanks to fulby, blackalmaz and aralez for helping me getting behind it,

even if my way is something different ;)

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Wow, now that's some good work! BlackAlmaz and you both are WAY better when making models than ALTAR! Hats off to you guys.


And is that an ejecting bullet case? Is that what BlackAlmaz is talking about ? If yes, you are even better than i just said

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Aralez, if you're talking about that particle in the screen, they've been there since the original release of UFO:AM.


One funny thing about them, if the unit is at the edge of the map and is firing in the direction where it would leave the edge on his right, the particle will drop a hell of a long way down ;)

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@ blackalmaz, yes thats what i meaned with alpha, although it doesnt really matter i would have to make a own texture for the backside of the weapon in this case since its asymetric at that location, in further tests i will try to make that however im currently satisfied with the texture however its true it can always be better and i will try to make it better ;)


@ Aralez i will work on the bullet particles so far i read its kinda easy adding a new type of ammunition into ammotxt and then set the ammount of used bullets, the problem is currently the weapon fires 3 bullets on singleshot and 10 on automatic burst, i dont think its possible to make 2 different bulletshell animations IS it ?


PS: id love to edit the particle to make it look like a real bulletshell ;)

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the more you put into the mod..the more the game slows down..

but for you model...move it back a bit..so the handle is in the hand..maybe shortan the sholder grip........and is it or is the models baraal aimg somewhat up??


not a critic..just some helpfull hints and Questions

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Thx Black i always apreciate constructive critics ;)


however i know this issue very well since i spent alot of time on this model, i could have fixed that of course but i didnt want to ruin the proportions at that moment, its still easy to fix laters, The model itself is fine, just all weapons are about the same proportions so the hands are usual at the "correct" position, the muzzleflash is abit a problem since the original model is so fat that the barrel is twice as thick as my model thats why the flash is abit higher than it should, well i would have to make the model itself higher to fix that or change position which will result in other difficultys with the hands again, i guess you know all about that. So i leave it as it is now, and IF i feel after changing this i will do, since i got soo much to do you should agree i have more important to do than making everything perfect.


Ps: the barrel looks fine at my model, the texture itself seems to make the optic effect that it goes up abit


oh and here is the textured Usas 12 Assault shotgun ;)



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