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UFO: Aftershock FAQ and wallpapers!


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UFO: Aftershock FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions):

Long time community member and official board administrator Øystein "PlacidDragon" Andersen have put together a VERY detailed FAQ for UFO: Aftershock. Thanks to him and Martin Klima of ALTAR Interactive you can all enjoy loads of new information in this 7 page FAQ. It is available in Word and plain text format. Do not miss this jewel! And if you have any feedback, give it in this thread or at the official boards.


Aftermath & Aftershock wallpapers:

Thorondor put together a very nice wallpaper for UFO:Aftermath half a year or so ago, but some fool forgot to post it *whistles innocently*. The other day he sent me a newly made wallpaper for UFO:Aftershock, and reminded me on the Aftermath one. Therefore I can now present to you two great wallpapers for Aftermath and Aftershock. Enjoy!

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"Sorry, I meant the Aftershock one....dark.....oooooooo  ;)"


Lool, Shagpuss ;)




"Nice work Thorondor - (...)"


Thanks, Pete ;)


Aftermath made the consequences of what happened to Humanity too distanced and detached, IMO. In Aftershock, we need to come to terms with the dimension of the loss to our race, because, no matter how it all turns out in the end, we'll be forever changed.


We're survivors, but the future is just not how we had once naively envisioned it...

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