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Interview with ALTAR at E3:

Mike is going to E3 this year as he did last year, and he'll talk to ALTAR for us. So if you have any questions you'd like answered about the sequel UFO:Aftershock, now is the time to speak up! You can either click "Post comment", send me a private message (click on my nick) or use the contact sheet to submit your questions. We need them as soon as possible though, so get started!

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I have seen someone mention Base Micromanagement somewhere on this site, I for one would enjoy this, what level of base management are they hoping to achieve?


Some of my early posts on the old ALTAR board mentioned (I believe along with Ufoman) expanding the base number of mission types. Do they have any plans yo implement this?

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all iwant is for the r&d to be able to do 2 or more things at a time....we make cyborg cynatsts that with more implants canm produce more faster,.....


base control sweet....but i think we will have a base in space and than go back down to regain control of the planet

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I don't know how much this is an issue with others, but here it is. Does ALTAR plan to improve the randomness factor in UFO:AS? What I didn't like in UFO:AM is that if you saved the game at the right time (just before interception, just before delegated mission) you could almost always win after an adequate number of reloads, no matter the strength of opposition. It would be much better if this random number determining outcome wouldn't change just because you reloaded. Maybe on easy setting randomness would work as before (like an in-game cheat), but be fixed on harder settings.
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laser sights....implants on to guns.....


prone positions....line of visions corrected (making it only possible to see monsters in a 120 degree angle in front of a soldier...or 90 deggre at night....


will it be esear to controll the time of day the mission starts


and will stealth actually work

do those anymals attack sound or movement?? or just by sight??


will there be beeter ai


and will there be a choice from turn based to real time like fall out



repeating like before....getting on to buildings, into them...control of a city, boat in stages not just top level but take the out skirts than move to the center and than secure sky scrapers or hives like in resident evil......


will we veicels not only for looks but for action....have a comancy circle round and only come close for fire support if the team is pined down...fire support from a fling ship witha a nsiper or a geteling gun(both ship and crew can be killed...if so than the team has to make camp to srvive untill a dropdhip is sent


will there be small dropships to be sent down to help out(be menufactured and only used once a game...untill new ones are made


will our base be on the space station and than try and get the earth back


thus we will have learned how to be very strong because life in space recourse constant ecersise...and are there people still let of earth that have undamged dna


and where were they before in after math...or is this when we except there deal??


and are we only oplaing as humans.


tanks? armerd suits that take over thhe tanks like allice in avp 2, or dreadknouts from warhammer 40 k..if there is a buggy can i sit 3 people in like helo....2 in front and one with a big support gun in the back?


once the android upgrades are installed is armour able to be worn??


what will those upgrades do


back to weapons....even after 50 ears we have learned that progectile weapons are still very usfull....will i be able to have a m203 with a styer.....


when sniping can we actually do that like in shadow company....have night googles that do something...and creat a possabilaty of stealth or a suit that can obsorbe all enarge bursts but will shetter when projectiles hit?


will there be a use for close combat weapons like bayonets....or knives..


will the alians have better ai, stand wach so we can creep up from behind and cut there throughts......and will they move in squeds.....making it more organised...


will my troups at least have some type of reaction to alians that pop up froma corner and lay in a burst mode out of panic.....


will they stand ground when they see us and call for help? and not rush into the next room to get killed like always........now on hard that would be the biggest chalange


with bases....can we actuaaly walk in them once we get back to organise....thus making it important ofr base lay out to be quick and officent...will the crafts be seen in the base like drop ship....will there be base deffances in and out?...and if not than why not??...you would of thought they learnt something after getting there base attacked for 50 years......


sorry for the long post...i think thats all for now


and one more thing phycontrol should only be alloud to be used by one of there generals only........


oohh nad the biigest thing eat...i want ranks....with my soldires...private lance corpral copral..srar..staff sargent..warrent oficers and all that...and more than one spacilized squed to pick from...assoult, recon,lo0ngrange support, rescue, and demp,as well as tech team to get back doend planes and supplies

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I believe that my current questions are along the same lines as what ZuckerDoc, Thorondor, and Slaughter were trying to hint at on the old Altar Board.


Does Altar now have enough money from UFO:AM so that they now have the financial and programming resources necessary to give us what we want in Aftershock?


The sister thread where I enumerated my questions in more detail:


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