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Fan-fiction contest winner:

Okay, Easter is over and it's time to share with you who we picked as our winner of the fan-fiction contest. The judges this time was Jiri Rydl (public relations at ALTAR), Radim Pech (lead graphic designer and animator at UFO:Aftermath), Robert Hoffmann (business development manager at ALTAR) and myself. We liked all the stories, but ended up with Devvie's Barely Nothing as the winner. Congratulations Devvie! You can expect a signed T-Shirt and poster to arrive soon. Not too Young Not too Old, Skonar and Strahd will also get each their signed poster for a job well done! You can read all the stories in our fan-fiction section.


Vision, new game from ALTAR:

As reported earlier, ALTAR is working on two new titles. One of them was revealed to the public last week, and you can read the press release here. It's an RPG called Vision, and it will be available sometime in 2005. Let's hope the other game they are working on in something completely different....like a small squad based sequel for instance...


UFO:Aftermath for £19.99:

Amazon.co.uk are now selling UFO:Aftermath for £19.99, which is £10 off from their former prise. So if you still haven't bought the game you can do a bargain now. And best of all, you support us so we can keep this site running if you buy through the link provided. Thanks!


More reviews:

If you are still looking for more reviews of UFO:Aftermath, the official site have many new ones. The list is huge, and you can find it here.

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