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Mod Update!


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I captured three bases or so, and did a bunch of other missions with the HARD_eq_mod in the UFO Aftermath subdirectory and version 6.01 of the Rebalance. I have yet to see a rebalance weapon or any advanced weapon in the hands of the aliens.


Got twenty bases now. And HARD_eq_mod hasn't been hard at all.


Cudgels are using UZI's and the Morelmen are walking around without any weapons at all. The most serious weapon I saw on any of the aliens was the Plasma Grenade Launcher.


The Reticulans are using the simple Laser Pistols, Psi Stingers, Psi Blasters. In fact, I feel lucky if I see a Reticulan carrying a Plasma Grenade Launcher, and that's the only Heavy weapon I have seen them carry.


With the EASY eq_mod and 5.62 of Rebalance, I lost a soldier to the mini-launcher handgun, which I believe was a rebalance weapon. But, there's not even that kind of stuff showing up with the HARD eq_mod.


Instead, the game seemed to get easier after I installed the HARD eq_mod. Started running 6.0 Rebalance without any eq_mod. Then with 6.01 I installed the HARD_eq_mod.


I don't know if it is lack of patience on my part, the fact that I used ALLITEMs cheat, or if there is something seriously wrong with the HARD eq_mod.


I don't know how long it will be until the game gives me the Russian base, but if it hasn't gone hard by then, then I will begin to wonder what's happening for sure.


Anybody else using the HARD_eq_mod?


From what I have seen so far, BlackAlmaz doesn't have anything to worry about from giving it a try. ;) Seriously, I was wondering if he or someone else would get different results than what I have been getting.


From what I can tell, though, in any given weapons category, the program seems to be selecting only the first or the weakest in the category and giving only those weapons to the aliens. Gonna have to study it some more, now that I'm starting to see a pattern. Out of time again, for now.

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I don't know what's going on with the HARD_eq_mod. The only mods I have been using with this game are the Rebalance 5.62 to 6.01, and occasionally the original eq_mod. But, I'm starting to wonder if I should uninstall UFO:AM and reinstall, deleting everything except my Profile with the saved games.


I have also been wondering if I should just start a new game with 6.01 and the HARD_eq_mod. But, I currently don't have enough time to get sixty bases and test everything without using ALLITEMS.


And whatever I decide, I won't have time to try it some more until later. I have another deadline with work, so it might be a day or two before I can get into it, or longer.


What we need for testing the HARD_eq_mod is someone who has not used ALLITEMS and who has saved games all throughout Rebalance 6.0 to the end of the game.


As far as I know, BlackAlmaz is the only one who has played UFO:AM all the way through with Rebalance 5.62 and Rebalance 6.0 without using cheat codes. So, maybe BlackAlmaz has saved games at ten bases, twenty bases, thirty bases, forty bases, fifty, and sixty.


If you had a collection of saved Geoscape games at different points in the game, then you could test the HARD_eq_mod at various stages of the game to determine if the right things are showing up at the right time?


Maybe someone could coax BlackAlmaz to send you a collection of about ten Rebalance 6.0 Geoscape saved games at various stages of the game. Then you could upload them to the Saved Games section of Slaughter's board, and then we can download them and test the HARD_eq_mod at various stages of the game to see what HARD_eq_mod does if anything.


The more I think about it, we should probably have saved games at six bases, twelve bases, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54, and 60. That would give you a way of testing if various parts of the HARD_eq_mod are kicking in or starting when you want them to start.

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