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Several mod updates...


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First Person Camera v2:

Quenaelin have made a new version of his First Person Camera. It smoothens the zoom, and works well with version 1.3 of the game. You can download it in our mods section. If you want to comment on it, go to this thread.


Update: If you have trouble using this mod, a small guide have been included in the download. You can also find it online here.


Rebalance 5.5 ALPine plugins:

Manus is still hard at work converting Rebalance mod weapons into ALPine plugins. You can find seven new ones in our plugins section, including Gateling Laser, knife, BFG4500 and so on. If you want to comment on them, go to this thread.


Rebalance 5.6.2 (bugfix):

Some small bugs were found in version 5.6 of the Rebalance mod, so Aralez corrected them and uploaded version 5.6.2. They are rather small bugs, so if you are happy with 5.6, never mind. You can find version 5.6.2 in our mods section, and comment on it here.


Strategy Game Of The Year...again:

Yet another Czech site have awarded UFO:Aftermath Strategy Game Of The Year. This time it's BonusWeb's readers that did them the honour. This is the second GOTY for Aftermath, and you can read about the first one here.

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