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New #aftermath channel:

We have moved our UFO:Aftermath IRC channel to a new network. The nice guys at ChatSpike are now hosting the channel. Their site is sadly down at the moment, but you can find the information you need in our Chat section. Come join us!


On a side-note, we also have a new The Fall: Last Days of Gaia channel up for those of you that are into Fallout like games. You can read more about the channel here.


Rebalance mod 5.2:

Aralez is hard at work these days, and on the heels of the release of Rebalance 5.0 comes 5.2. The changes are many including the BFG9000 form Doom!!! Read more about it here, and download it in our mods section.


"Manufacture ammo" ALPine plugin:

Manus have been nice enough to make a "Manufacture ammo" ALPine plugin that works with the latest version of ALPine. This little plugin let's you research "Manufacture ammo", and then manufacture 6 types of ammo. Get it from our mods section!


UFO:Aftermath "nice prise":

Play.com is now offering UFO:Aftermath for the neat prise of £17.99 (about 33$). So if you for some strange reason haven't bought the game yet, now is the time... ;)


UFO:Aftermath desktops:

If you are looking for a nice background for your desktop, you can check out the official site and this one. Hope you like them!


Fan site competition winner:

UFO @ DK won the fan-site competition ALTAR had going. Fried can be very proud of his site. Congratulations from us!

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Sorry, i'm a newbie regarding mirc, is it safe? I remember hearing about some safety holes etc.... ? (You see, i usually don't chat in the internet, i like to think before i write something  ;) ) (oh and to edit it after that, ;)  )

It is completely safe, I havent got any virus or anything in there. Just use common sense not to click all links posted there, especialy in private's. And most of those spambots are killed on sight in that network, so it is as secure as it can go ;)


And the security holes that 'are there' are just like the ones IE has, exept that IE has them ;) Just download teh latest mirc and you are safe and dont click any links unless you know whats behind the link.

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