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Where To Get The Game In The Us?


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Take a look at this thread at the official boards for some information on where to get the game in the US. If you have bought the game "over there", please post a reply to this thread telling people where, since many seem to have trouble getting their hands on a copy.
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I can tell you Funcoland/GameStop doesn't have it here in Cali yet. Not my store or the other four I called within a 60 mile radius... from Fresno to Modesto.


Not sure what is going on. I just hope it has nothing to do with the changed release date for Canada. With my luck the dummies at GameStop are thinking the release date has been changed to Jan-2004.


I must admit this North American release has been nothing short of a disaster. The date was changed so many times in the past three weeks they don't even know when they can put it on the shelves. And if you checked the internet you could find 3 or 4 different release dates as late as last Thursday.


I am giving GameStop one last strike tomorrow and if my pre-ordered game doesn't show I will be force to go else where... if the game can be found, that is. ;)

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So your GameStop told you Wensday? I was told Friday last week and then on Friday I was told Monday or Tuesday. Also on Monday I was told it is "active" by all the stores I contacted. Meaning the game is on shelves if they have it. Yet they don't have it. ;) I hate being like this but I also hate not being able to purchase an item that is already out. ;)


Though I have learned a valuable lesson. If you live in North America and are excited about a European game being released soon do not wait for it to arrive in you local store. Order it from the UK (which usually has a earlier release date) and have it shipped. I just ordered Silent Storm that way over the weekend now I know I will get it weeks before the state side distributor even thinks about shipping it. ;)



I just hope my pre-ordered UFO:Aftermath arrives today. I can't wait any longer. If I don't get the retail version soon I will have to drive to pick it up or stop playing the demo for fear of getting bored of the limited game it provides.



EDIT: Great news for me. I just called Funcoland and the guy said it is on the packing list so it is either inside one of the many boxes he has yet to open or it will be in tomorrows shipment. I resisted the urge to tell him to open the damned boxes for the love of God.... I should go down to the store now and hover around the sales counter until he sorts through the boxes to find it. :devil:

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I am convinced that good customer service has gone the way of the Dodo. My order was not in any of the numerous box received today and now I am told (for the third time) it will be in tomorrow.


Having had enough of GameStop/Funcoland I called every Best Buy & CompUSA in the Modesto & Fresno area. They are all saying the same thing. They were ordered but never showed up and they don't know why and they don't know when. All this leaves me to believe whomever the US distributor of this game is should be publicly flogged.


If I wasn't dying to get a hold of this game I would have to laugh...

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Yeah, it appears all those other dates given for last week were all BS. I got my copy yesterday and played it until I started falling a sleep in my eazy chair. ;)


I got up early just so I could play an hour before leaving for work... ;)


Well worth the wait and hassle.

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I got mine the first day it came in, from Electronics Boutique in my town, although they only had 3 copies. Oct. 17, 2003.


I suppose it is selling out, perhaps!


Mid-size town in Midwest -- Iowa. So, I would expect that larger cities got the game more, I suppose. But read above first sentence.

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