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UFO:Aftermath sales HIT THE ROOF!!!


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Here are some stats for you, if you are interested in how well Aftermath is selling. At Gameplay it is the #1 selling game, beating titles like Half-Life 2 and Halo.


At Play it is the #11 best selling PC game, beating Tiger Woods and Secret Weapons.


At Webhallen it is #6 amongst pre-ordered PC games.


At Amazon.co.uk the sales rank is #30, at Amazon.com it's #51, at Amazon.de we are #8 and so on.


So, the point of this post is that UFO:Aftermath is selling very well at the moment, and we here at UFOAftermath.co.uk hope it continues! The chances for a sequel is going up with every sale!


If you have other sales reports, do post them here, or send us a mail about it!


Thanks for the heads up Brian!

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"Here are some stats for you, if you are interested in how well Aftermath is selling. At Gameplay it is the #1 selling game, beating titles like Half-Life 2 and Halo. "



How can it outsell a game that hasn't even been released yet? I sure hope it's outselling HL2 since IT'S NOT OUT YET!

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