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New Czech review & 2500 signed on for news letter!


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Czech gaming magazine Level (number 105) have reviewed UFO:Aftermath giving it 8.2 out of 10. Don't know what they based their verdict on, but I'm sure our friend Ghostrider will tell us soon. What we can tell you is that 8.2 is one of the highest review scores. Take a look here for the others!


There are also news from the Aftermath HQ that over 2500 people have signed on for the news-letter. If you wish to receive the Aftermath news-letter as well, visit HQ!


And as some of you may already know, we are changing hosts. The name change for the site is not yet done all over the world, but many of you will probably soon come to the new host. There, we have closed down the forums while the change finishes. Don't despair, it will soon be up again!

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If I get my hand on the LEVEL 105 - I would provide main ideas ... ALSO I am going to the INVEX COMPUTER Fair in Brno where I believe will be a strong UFO presentation + chance to talk to Martin and other Altars and for the Czech players also maybe a chance to buy the game with some Special discount ...
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