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Polish Special Edition released!!!


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I just got another mail from Cerber detailing the content of the Polish Special edition he just got:


I have just bought polish special edition of UFO: Aftermath. I found 2cd with game, nice T-shirt (Large size), poster, and bonus disk:) I will be at home about 8 p.m. so to that moment I cannot write anything more about game. Manual has about 64 pages and looks quite good but is b&w.


Bonus disk contains: Korea... screenshots, Korea... trailers, Aftermath trailers (E3, ECTS) and two pdfs with mutants and weapons. That's all.


Thanks for the heads up Cerber! Take a look in this thread again later for Cerber's impressions...

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More info from Cerber:


So, I was playing in UFO for last 2 hours and I have to told that it is excellent game. I prefer combat system similar to UFO: EA or JA2, but this one is also good and I suppose that it seems to be little more real (but it's difficult to explain). I think that graphic is better than screenshots show it us. Music is just great. Tutorial is quite interesting and give us good training so I advise to take it. In my opinion (after 2 hours of playing) UFO: Aftermath is very good game.

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