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Czech version review, and two Polish previews!


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Tiscali Games have made a review of the Czech version of UFO:Aftermath. I don't know what they concluded with, but they gave it 85%, so something must have been right! ;)


You can read a small summary inside. Thanks Ghostrider!


There are also a Polish preview at Forteca.pl written by Silvex, and another one at Midgard.pl written by Darxtar. Enjoy!

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I see what I can DOO ... In general it says THAT the game is very ATMOSPHERIC and PLAYABLE . Its main assets are those two qualities mentioned . It also says that the only weaker point ( for first UFO lovers ) is simplified geoscape and some details such as that interception or the fact you cannot see the craft flying back to base with soldiers after mission - It is instantly BACK at the Hangar ... They also MENTION some details - for example that they love the BLUE IKARUS BUS ( I also took that TWOPART bus with a joint in the middle when I was abou 8 or something - big experience for me GHOSTRIDER ;) ) or the typical EASTERN postcomunistic architecture - and the variability in general .


I did not read it carefully so I will writte more later OK ?

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ONE MORE INTERESTING DETAIL ---- THE GAME ONLY RUNS ON 1024x768 resolution ... The reviewer had nice machine AMD Athlon 2200+, 512 MB DDR a GF Ti4400 - On this PC he HAD NO PROBLEMS - Not even a slightest one . But by this highRES I think the MEMORY of your video card gets nos SLEEP . So better make it 64MB or 128MB .


PS> The final ARTICLE of TISCALI says >


In direct comparation with UFO ENEMY UNKNOWN - which could not have been avoided - UFO:AM did just fine . Too simple base management , if not the rating would have been even higher .

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In most cases it is TTGeek. When you play a alpha or beta, you make a preview of the game. When you play a final version, you can make a review. ALTAR sendt out a ALOMOST finished version for review purposes, so it is good enough to judge the final game. But they did balance the game a bit etc. after the review version was done, for the final game.
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yea but almost done is NOT done really. There may be a little tweaking that was done in the final version not done.

But speaking on alphas there have been magazines in the past who reveiwed beta copys as an exclusive then another exclusive when the game was offically released. Exclusives tend to sell more.


An the res 1024x768 is'nt a bad thing, i guess it wa sthe optimal setting for all there tests.

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- and some details such as that interception or the fact you cannot see the craft flying back to base with soldiers after mission -


Hm. I deffenently red somewhere that, if you redirect your soldiers to continue with a mission right after they just finished one, they dont have the time to heal up.. So doesent that mean that u can see the transport? Maby I just assumed so.


We'll just have to wait and see... speaking of waiting, i sat down to watch a movie yesterday.. just to get a bit away from all the ufo excitement. I sat down to watch Dreamcatcher. about 50 min into the movie, the first x-com troops begin to appear in the movie. gees.. thought i was going nuts lol.

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Yeah - Dreamcatcher -great film with much stuff from X-COM in it.


The aliens looked largely like X-COM aliens (Mr Grey and the others looked like they could have been in Apocalypse - Multiworms etc...).


The huge alien spaceship looked just like a cross between a Battleship and a Mothership from Apocalypse as well ;)


Other movies with X-COM'ness in include Signs (look out for the Mutons!) and Final Fantasy - The Spirits Within (Those troops were dressed in X-COM armour from Apocalypse!).

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