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Hi all!


It's certainly been a while since I had anything to do with any updates on this site (as Olav will definitely agree), but the first updates are in place. If you've arrived straight at the home page then you'll have noticed some major differences already!


Working from top to bottom - I've fiddled about with the UFOA logo and created a little something better for the top image. Hope you like it!


I've removed the shop section with all its broken links, and put in a bit of a pre-order hint since the release date is so close. Nice of ALTAR/Cenega to release the game the day before my birthday :eh:. The two links underneath serve another purpose - if you buy from either of those two online stores, we get a small amount back to put into the piggy bank for server costs. It not only benefits us though, as both stores have the lowest price for UFO Aftermath in their respective parts of the world! :blink:


For current/new users, the user bar has been fixed, upgraded and moved to a control panel to the right of the screen. It'll now notify you of any new topics and posts when you arrive at the page.


To keep the community spirit up, you can now see who's online in the forums under the Community section. This also replaces the Forums section that was hidden at the bottom-left. Makes more sense to me :)


Finally, I've set up a weekly poll - complete with test poll to which the answer should be fairly obvious! It's a members only polling system, which helps to keep the results as accurate as possible. The last update on the list is a little statistics block so that you can see how popular we are.


Any comments - we'd like to hear them! Post away people, and fear not, as I'll be working on the forum re-skinning soon!

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'Ello Bomb Bloke! To quote myself:

To keep the community spirit up, you can now see who's online in the forums under the Community section. This also replaces the Forums section that was hidden at the bottom-left. Makes more sense to me
Check the large "Enter the Forum" link there ;)


'Ello as well to Kal Cyann - Well the forums have been a state (and continue to be) as I've waited for more versions of the forum software to be reelased and several bugs to be squashed so I don't have to re-iplement and rebuild the skin every week or two ;) Since we're now on the final release version of version 1.2, there should be no bugs (except the one involving mySQL 4.0.14 that makes the forums hang every so often, but we're on top of that and our hosts are trying to solve it by upgrading to 4.0.15).


When this is skinned up properly, this should be it - finally, everything working again ;)


As for future updates, we've got some ideas in teh works, and one fairly exciting one that I'm going to have to code quickly (but carefully ;)) in time for the general release date of October the 3rd. Keep your eyes peeled, but not literally as this may hurt!

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