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VERY possitive preview...


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That's right! GamersWanted.com did a preview on UFO:Aftermath, and here is their summary:



Gameplay: 8.9/10

Longevity: 9.8/10

Controls: 7.5/10

Graphics: 9.2/10

Sound: 8.5/10

Overall: 8.8/10



Real time movement and combat with pause option for commands.

Wonderful graphics.

Environment is completely destroyable.

Great spin on a great game.

Global strategy brings depth.



Camera angles a tad difficult.

Only one squad allowed. Causes difficulty later in the game.


What can we say? Homework is going to suffer BADLY in a weeks time!!! Read more here!

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Hmm ths is probally better off here...


Since I cant read the new review cause of my work filters.. ill post here.. one of the cons listed was that there was only one squad per game/level What do they really mean here?... How is this different from early/mid game Xcom when you could only fit 10 or so ppl per craft?


I dont remeber how many soliders are allowed in UFO:AM at a time but what is stopping the player from breaking out those 8 or so players into smaller squads once the level starts?


One thing that I will miss is that apparently other reviewers have stated that once you enter the UFO it is a new level.. so you cant keep troops on the ground outside the ufo and send a team in to recon... can anyone confirm/deny that?

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Very nice indeed.... guess the longlivity of it will keep us playing for ages to come. Oh and I KNOW there will be many people who play just to see how much of the map they can destroy while in the progress of killing the aliens.


As for his comment on the annoying things the squaddies say every time they are selected... I'm sure there is a way to turn it off in the final version...



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