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PROLOGUE by Ghostrider according to the GAMES image given :

Day after tommorrow - Extraterrestrial Ship on Earth's Orbit - None of the

efforts to make contact were successfull . Spores are released ... HOMICIDING all humans in matter of hours or days . NOW NO ONE KNOWS THAT EXACTLY ... BUT SOME SURVIVED ... SOME READY TO FIGHT BACK ... Spores are long gone but the biomass is spreading

to make Earth more related to Alien homeworld as we now believe ... We have to stop it or It is the ULTIMATE END .


Little Summary of the TISCALI GAMES PREVIEW for www.ufoaftermath.co.uk



First article is about an INTRO sequence of excellent quality but forced to be shortened because it was so remindind to a Hollywood Spectacle INDEPENDENCE DAY that ALTARs were forced to cut out most of the material on American distributor request . Even without those sequences INTRO is excellent


( Hey I ahave an Idea we can BEG Altar to give SLaughter the Full version only for Scientific reason to view it All - Ghostrider :eh: ) .


It is also mentioned that ALTARS were extremely ANGRY about the fact that 1/2 of the Intro work was ruined - WE WANT TO SEE IT :blink: Ghostrider .


But Altars were allways good in inspiring by other excellent ideas worldwide like they

did with Czech AD&D Game Dragons Lair - The risk of Copyright or Trademark conflict is HIGH and little expected in this style of work and they should not be as surprised by that ... this is my oppinion Ghostrider NOTHING AGAINST Altar but that it is how the World runs today .


Characters article summary >

6 Soldiers in mission , You as a Commander in chief , Main mission FIGHTING ALIENS AND STOPING BIOMASS . Get Back control over the entire planet . RPG elements GOOD , Soldiers got differetn talents you have to consider it when arming , giving specific orders etc. TEAM Abilities in balance is the key to success .


Missions article summary >

Randomly generated missions - Good Generator Engine . Variable mission types and scenarios .


Fighting ENGINE >

Bit dofference compared to XCOM is that your soldiers would never do anything what you did not order them to . Need to train this for HARD XCOM FANS where soldiers had some AI actions . You plan the unit action in sequence like this : remove weapon , take medikit , go to the gate , go to the wounded and take care of him . You plan this sequence for an individual soldier or for a group . When you are ready all SET - you simply give order GO and all the ordered actions are taken by your men . When the tactical situation changes - for example Alien sighting - everything stops . You can then order some of your men to neutralise the threat - the medic proceed with healing procedures for the wounded .


Here the reviewer have some suggestions - It will be great to have the option of simple switching WEAPON and MEDIKIT because in case of sudden need of retreat you need to start healing the team as

fast as possible and it is complicated to switch that in several steps .


Sometimes you plan your team precisely but that could be wasted in matter of moments when unexpected Alien steps out and all the work is wasted - so have that in mind .


WEAPON & TACTICS summary >

In the beginning limited capabilities of Earth weaponry then you advances on Alien origin tech . LIMITED SOLDIER loading capacity - about 25kg at first but improving with experience - affect mobility and speed - relevant factor ... Aiming better when kneeling , I recommend it . Faster and more accurate killing + extra statistics visible when shooting kneeling .


Creatures & ALIENS summary >

Some spoilers inside this Article so I better not mention the names - It is better to be surprised in a fight . Wide-ranging types of enemies in game . Giant mutated beasts , BIG BRAIN SHAPE LIKE ALIEN type , MEDUSAS resembling , GIANT FLIES , MUTATED LEVITATING FISHES , TINY BUT DEADLY BIRD LIKE CREATURES ... GOT DIFFERENT WEAPONS with different range * HAVE THAT IN MIND and have also variable weapons at your disposal .



You never met your scientist - you only choose project to be worked on . Only they choose what they are able to research at certain moment in the game .


CONTROL & CAMERA summary >

MAP is allways visible - no FOG OF WAR . ALIENS you have to discover - only visible when any soldier have some in sight .Controls are little complicated - have to train a bit . Lot of Key Shortcuts - HUGE MANUAL INCLUDED - have them on paper on my desk all the time . Only memorized the most common ones but I played only for a short time . Dynamic camera first little annoying - DEFAULT is that any new object or event is shown - sometimes from strange angles . But this can be turned OFF in options menu .

What you want you can then ZOOM on manual . ZOOM IN-OUT , ROTATE HORIZONTAL-VERTICAL . Sometimes a good view is important to get a good aim at covered Alien - or two Aliens in a row .


FINAL summary >

These are only first imperssions so wait for a legitimate REVIEW of final Czech version - there we will compare to other XCOM games or related .

But I have a good feeling from playing AM . The authors worked HARD to make their imaginations come to life . It is an interesting piece but as allways only

selling numbers will determine the Game SUCCESS .



Summary by -GHOSTRIDER-


I did not translated areas with exact names of creatures because in my oppinion it is a disappointment not to be surprised . And you see I

suffer that for you to have this little summary to cut that time before release :)

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