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Yep, that's right. First review of UFO:Aftermath has been done, and the beginning of judgment day says 86%! You can read the review in the September issue (number 115) of Czech gaming magazine Score. Let's hope this is a result that others agree on!
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Sorry guyz...I could translate it for you...but I actually don't have the Score mag and the review for UFO:AM isn't online..so if I'll buy it in the near future...I'll post the translation here...

greetings for all......... :blink:

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I am Czech member and I would be happy to translate - BUT I was unable to OBTAIN even a single PRINT of SCORE 115 - SEARCHING ... We can than discuss the translation - You do the first HALF of the article - I can do the 2nd PART O.K. - KEEP IN TOUCH when you get the magazine ... Tom :blink:
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OK Ghostrider...we can translate it together...so...because I won't be online till next Tuesday...I'm choosing the first half of the UFO:AM review..OK??...you can translate the 2nd half....

Maybe on the Tuesday I bring you my part of translation...

See ya........ :blink:

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Ok ... We will translate it with YURII already discussed it with him - we will do it this weekend ... The game according to the article looks exactly the same we ( I mean we here at UFOAFTERMATH fan site ) thought it will - same GOOD aspects - same BAD or little dissapointing ( for example we wanted better INTERCEPTION CONTROL etc. ) BUT GLOBALY IT LOOKS VERY NICE
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