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Today I received another disturbing mail from our anonymous informant...


This is an actual on-line news article that I ran across. You know, all my friends laugh at me because I don't believe we are being told the truth about several things. Well, I guess I'm not so stupid after all.


Thursday, Aug. 21, 2003 4:20 a.m.


Hillary Blames Bush for Blackout...


Rep. King: Don't Rule Out Terrorism as Cause of Blackout...


BY Manuel Inrique Blackwood


Oh, If only it were that easy. The Conspiracies and misinformation now rule all aspects of our life. We can no longer expect the truth from anything, except what we witness with our own eyes. Lately the press is being blamed for creating the news and not reporting it. The general public nor the news services have any clue that the press is only the lap dog of big business and a minority of high dollar politicians that only stand to gain from a world in chaos.


The ancient Sumerians were the closest to the truth. Our creator is actually an exraterrestrial race that engineered humans as a form of cattle,

livestock for the parasitic alien young. As with many experiments that are left unchecked, mankind began to advance at a rate much quicker than what was expected and began to mutiny against what the Romans and Greeks later refereed to as "gods". The Sumerian's name for these extraterrestrial beings was The Anunnaki. The word translates as: Those who came to Earth from the stars.


Well, they are about to come again. They seek to destroy what they have created. Once we were a threat to only our alien creators. But, they taught us well, and now see us for what we are... a powerful and uncontrollable force, unaware of our destructive potential. We are a species that is targeted for extermination before we destroy other worlds.


This current year has been one of the most confrontational in our history. This fact is not by chance but by design. All the hot spots and bizarre coincidences that we witnessed have been instigated by an alien force. Their earth bound co-conspirators, have been promised refuge from the global attack, wealth and a ruling position in it's Aftermath. Increased Middle-East conflict, the European heat wave and last week's blackout of the North American East Coast have all been probes of our infrastructure stability and defenses before the final plan of our destruction is set in place and we are left dealing with a UFO: Aftermath.


Dark tides are coming... You can read the first mail we published here: The truth is out there...

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