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We have a E3 reporter!


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And so it's official! UFOAftermath.co.uk has a reporter for E3. Mike Nino is going, and he'll visit the Cenega booth. There he'll speak to the ALTAR and Cenega representatives, and hopefully get a closer look at the beta. So if you have a question for Cenega or ALTAR, post it in this thread! But hurry, E3 is coming up fast (May 14-16)! And thank you Mike!
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That is EXCELLENT !!!! :eh::blink::)


I would like this themes to be touched at E3 ...


1.Is the game really going to be launched as announced ...


2.Will there be only ENGLISH version or also other local versions [ I hate CZECH translations they SUCK big time ... CZECH SUBTITLES are fine I think ]


3.If he can take some pictures for us - sure he will I know ...


4.If there are any BONUSES planed to be in the GAME BOX [ MAP , POSTER etc. ] and PLEASE BIG BOX ... Just a wish ...


Thanks ...

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I'll send Mike your questions. Thank you for that! And don't you worry, we'll have pictures alright! And maybe some short video feeds! :blink: Time will show. Keep the questions coming people!
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Slaughter, you don't need to send the questions to me. I can just copy them down from here. Right before E3, I'll post all the questions I've collected in this thread so everyone can see them.


Ghostrider, I will be bringing two digital cameras - a Canon s100 (for still shots) and a Nikon Coolpix 2500 (for 320*240 Quicktime movies). The Quicktime movies won't be the best, but they'll be better than nothing! :alien2:

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I see you are prepared as THE REAL "E3" visitor should be ... :) Great !


I am really looking forward to it ...


Questions ...


1. On how many CDs will the FINAL GAME be - if it is known today .


2. Are there any additional FMV CUTSCENES covering the story - and if there are what compression will they use - I think Rad Gametools Bink Video [ *.big ] ...


3. Will the SOLDIERs feature any Emotional animations during missions .



OK - Maybe some of them could inspire you MIKE ! :blink:

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Will there be a difficulty , wich makes it unable to save during missions. Like in Fallout tactics?

And if yes , will you be given a little xtra skill points?


If you go thru the game , will you be rewarded with something else then just , "woohoo , you saved the human race" ?

Like some hidden gameplays , or history , or something....?

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Here's the list so far!!! Keep those questions coming!


Cenega Questions

1)What is the expected release date? And will it be released worldwide, or in Europe first and the US later?

2)Will U:A be released only in English, or in other languages as well?

3)Will there be any bonuses in the game box, such as posters, tech trees, complete and stand-alone manuals, etc.?

4)How many CD's will U:A need? One? One install and one play?

5)Have you made any deals with large software chains (CompUSA, Best Buy, Circuit City, Walmart, etc.) in the US? How about in Europe? ***I don't know the names of european software chains, so help me out here!***

6)Typically in the US, software is actually cheaper the first week or two after its released, then the price goes up. This is because the publisher/distributor lowers the price or offers marketing support to the retailer to get better positioning in the store and more advertising from the retailer. Are you going to follow this strategy?

7)What's the recommended price going to be in the US? In Europe?

8)Will you be able to pre-order U:A?

9)Will U:A be available through popular on-line retail channels such as Amazon?

10)Sid Meier's company Firaxis bought the rights to X-Com from Hasbro/Microprose. Do you think that this might effect UFO:Aftermath sales?


ALTAR Questions

11)Will there be cut scenes, FMV or otherwise, during the game?

12)Will a player be able to save during missions?

13)After you win the game, will there be a gratifying finale, such as an end-game movie, a hint at what comes next, or some other reward for a game well played?

14)Are there any plans for a sequel?

15)Will the soldiers portraits change during game play? Will they show fear, injury, the thrill of victory or the agony of defeat?

16)Are you surprised of the very emotional reaction amongst the 'hardliners' regarding your decision to scrap the kneel-option in order to aim the game at inexperienced TB-players? And how have you reacted on those protests?

17)What approximate level can we expect a well developed squadie to reach?

18)Will there be a list of skills and attributes posted before U:A is launched?

19)Will there be any sort of economy/economic modeling in U:A?

20)What happens when you zone to another map? Is it, first person to the door that enters and the whole squad goes with him no matter where they are on the map? Or does everyone have to be in a certain area? Do we have to clear the zone before we can proceed to the next zone? Or can we split the squad and fight in two zones at once? Pretty sure we can't but just what are the restrictions on zoning.

21)Will there be a 'low ammo' (as in shortly before you're "out") warning for reloadable/clip weapons?

22)After having successfully completed a tactical mission, will the player have to comb the whole map (and sub-areas) in order to recover every alien artifact/weapon?

23)Does terrain affect movement speed? What about weather conditions?

24)When a soldier enters a building he will be outlined but the building's interior won't be shown. How does the player manage to navigate indoors under this condition?

25)How are wounds handled? To elaborate: is all the damage immediately taken from the health bar or will there be a progressive deterioration with time given lack of treatment (possibly leading to a state of unconsciousness)?

26)Are wounds localized (a leg wound hinders movement, an arm wound prevents or hinders use of a weapon) or is this subject to abstraction (a wound's location is irrelevant, only a reduction of total health takes place)?

27)Do field medics have the ability to restore health (replenishing all or part of the health bar) or is his treatment just a patch to stem continued damage (health bar drainage over time), meaning that the wounded will need some actual downtime at the base for full healing?

28)We are aware that territory is gained by engaging in tactical missions. But how is the actual direction of the expansion controlled? Is it directly controlled by the player?

29)Once you control a territory, you can decide what type of base you want there. Is a new base immediately available for use or is there a 'delay' until construction is finished.

30)After overtaking an alien base can you appropriate it and allot it a standard functionality? Could you elect to simply destroy it otherwise, maybe picking up some resources in the process?

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