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First Turkish preview...


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Turkish gaming magazine Level has a preview of UFO:Aftermath in April (nr. 75).


There's also yet another new Czech preview. This time it's GameCenter.cz that has the goodies. Jiri Rydl of ALTAR Interactive is also teasing us with the promise of some exclusive material coming this week. No mention of what that may be though...

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Nope, it's not trailer, it's video from visiting us. And the demo is planned for summer if everything goes right, but don't shoot me, if it will be delayed. And don't tell anyone yet, please.
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Delay delay delay....Does creator of games know any other words?




When i get disepointed too many times , ill take revenge by not buying the game , but just downloading it....!!!


No , kidding , but what are you actualy gonna do , to try to stopp me from downloading it?


And since you can mention the demo is comming the summer , is that May , july or ???

Can u give me a more accurat date when i can finaly buy this damn game ?


Im not angry , just a victim of delays , and i have been following this game from the beginning...

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