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New developer diary!


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The new developer diary, the ninth installment, is out at gamespy! Follow this link to read it!


This time Martin Klima explains to us the different choices ALTAR made when they started developing this game. But as many of you know, ALTAR have listened to us all the way through the development, and they are still open to suggestions. Read more in the diary!

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Or you can go over to the *link removed due to warez* and download the WIN32 version of UFO: Enemy Unknown. You have to apply patch, or turn off hardware acceleration to make it work though. Enjoy! :blink:


[sorry, babe, but I can't leave a link to a site that has full downloads of the game available. If you want to upload the patch you're talking about here, I'm sure that'd be fine.]

Edited by Tammy
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Olav , could you tell me exactly what to do?

I got winXP , just downloaded the game from the link you gave me.

I also downloaded the patch.


When i start the game , the graphich is realy strange.


I exstract the game to :t\xcom

Then the patch to :t\xcom


Then i start the game with the UFO.EXE file.......

What have i done wrong?

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Here's what you do. You install the game, in my case to c:\games\xcom. Then you open the xcom_bugfix05.zip file in for instance winace, and extract the content. Then go to the place you extracted the files to, and into the XCOM1 directory. You then copy the two files there, and paste them into the c:\games\xcom folder. Then you start the game with this command: ldr_XCOM1.exe UFO.EXE


The short version is that you have to supply the UFO.EXE file as a argument to the loader file :blink:. As for the command above, you can put it in a .bat file, or make a shortcut that run the command.


Here's a few XCOM sites btw:






And feel free to ask if you still have trouble. Enjoy!

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These are two slowdown tools. Never tried them myself, but they should work.


As for the patch, do this: Make sure you put ldr_XCOM1.exe and musfix.dll into the same folder as UFO.EXE. Then right click ldr_XCOM1.exe, and create a shortcut. Once the shortcut is created, right click it, and choose properties. Then, in the target line, add UFO.EXE. My target looks like: "C:\games\xcom\ldr_XCOM1.exe UFO.EXE" this. Then click ok, and start the game with the shortcut. Did that help?

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It did start the game like normal , WITH full hardware acceliration.




One click on the arrow when i look at the world , it has already turned the world around almost 2 times...


So i still got a little problem.


And those slowdown programs , they all required DOS , wich XP doesnt have.

The latest windows with DOS capabilitys was 98 i think...?

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