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Tactical Command Network


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Tactical Command Network Formed... - posted by Pete


I'm pleased to announce that the all-new Tactical Command Network has just been formed. I'll explain what this means all in good time...


As most of you know, my entrance onto the internet scene started with this very site, which I created about two years ago now to answer all those annoying questions that I had and couldn't get answers for, and to generally get as much X-COM info as possible in one place. True, this is still a work in progress, but it soon became clear that there were other games that I might want to focus on as well.


The next game that I built a site for was UFOAftemath.co.uk, which I started construction on back in the early days when ALTAR Interactive were merely months into the game's production. This site is now run by Ooda - an all round nice guy and hard worker who's been on the X-COM scene longer than I have.


But why stop there? Well, a lot of you have mentioned that I've missed another great tactical game of recent months - one from the very creators of X-COM themselves - Laser Squad Nemesis. Did I overlook it? Well, not really.


After discussions with Blade - the webmaster of LaserSquad.co.uk, a decision was made to move the entire site over onto the same server as my other two sites. The aim of this is to keep as much information on these fine games in one place, with links at the top of each page so that visitors can easily jump between sites and all three webmasters - myself, Ooda and Blade - can benefit from each other's visitors.


A facelift will be taking place at LaserSquad.co.uk over the next few months to make it look a little more like the other two sites, early designs of which Blade is quite happy with.


So what's the network thingy? Well... in my mind, when you get three or more sites linked together like this, it's called a network. And why the "Tactical Command Network"? Well that's because this first site you're viewing right here is called X-COM Tactical Command, so it made sense


Have fun and keep your eyes peeled for new updates to the sites!




As can be seen by the message above, the Tactical Command Network has been formed. The Tactical Command Network consists of X-COM Tactical Command, UfoAftermath.co.uk, and LaserSquad.co.uk.


Welcome to Blade and LaserSquad.co.uk. :blink:

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