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Hawks European Warfare Mod (For American Conquest:FB)

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Since this is a strategy gaming forum, I guess I can place this here if nobody minds.

Hawks European Warfare is a rather ancient mod for an old Cossacks spin off called American Conquest. The mod is mainly focused on Historical battles such as Borodino, Austerlitz, etc, where plays can fight to the death with their historically matched armies in multiplayer battles. A few examples can be found here:


I came upon the game randomly when one of "derps" older videos popped up in my youtube feed, since then I have been having a blast with them, and the game has been extremely enjoyable. The old group of players that used to play this game have largely disappeared, but it's been kept alive by a small group of veterans and newer players, which has led to a new revival of the game.

The youtube videos tend to have download instruction links, but I can leave a more comprehensive link here that goes over some more details:

Basic Setup for Hawks European Warfare (HEW) | Hawks-Gaming-Club (freeforums.net)

We also play a civil war mod for AC; Divided nation, which is also quite exciting to play. If anyone would like to contact us, we can be reached on the forum above or here:  https://discord.gg/5AXTJTcU



Cheers! 😀

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