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UFOPaedia.org - Poor performance/Downtime

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Hi there,

I've recently picked-up XCom/Long War again and have been attempting to make use of the UFOPaedia wiki however it's appears to be struggling as of late and I was wondering if A) someone could take a look at it or alternatively if the possibility of just getting a backup of the site/database would be possible to look at spinning it up locally.


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It's definitely looking better currently though I was still getting 12s+ load times after your comment. I'm sure whoever runs the site could look through logs to identify what the issue might have been. I think the site is just such a great resource it's painful to have it unavailable.


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Hi there, is it any better now? It seems to be a bit of a bot magnet which can cause it to slow down but we have Cloudflare in front of the server trying to mitigate bot traffic.

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Hello Pete! :)

It's a lot better for me now. Pages were timing out before even loading, that doesn't seem to be happening now at least. Is it perfect? No, far from it. But it's at least usable. ;)

- Zombie

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On 5/30/2024 at 11:40 AM, magic9mushroom said:

For the past couple of days it's been not loading the wiki formatting correctly. Attached image to show what's happening.


Can you try clearing browser cache etc and see if it works? Perhaps try a different browser to rule that out as well? It's working for others.

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5 hours ago, Pete said:

Can you try clearing browser cache etc and see if it works? Perhaps try a different browser to rule that out as well? It's working for others.

Clearing browser cache/cookies does not work. Using Microsoft Edge does work (my usual browser is Ungoogled Chromium).

I suspect CloudFlare may have something to do with this, as I get a CloudFlare verification screen every time I load a page in Ungoogled Chromium when I didn't seem to in Edge (and TTBOMK that's not supposed to happen normally). Is it possible that CloudFlare thinks I'm a bot and is deliberately serving me a shitty version of pages?

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Cloudflare is probably to blame there. Usually it just has one loading screen and lets you in.


I've cleared the cache to see if that helps, but if you're still seeing the same issue do you have any plugins in Chromium that you could try toggling off and see if that helps? Might need to try one at a time and open in an incognito window so it's not loading anything from the cache.

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  • 1 month later...

Resolved. Finally figured out what the issue was; my browser hadn't been updated in a while, and I'm guessing CloudFlare found that suspicious. After updating browser, CloudFlare remembers that I'm human and serves me the proper version of pages.

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