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Apoc Fanfic Character Profiles

The Veteran

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Right. It's character profiles time but I'm tired of putting all this stuff up! So everyone writing in the fic can get in here right now and tell us a little about themselves... I'll stick in Trigger's bit tomorrow but right now... I just wanna go to bed! :D
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Hey, I'm interested in writing in the Apocalypse fiction. Here the characters I wrote up, I've already my first post ready to be put up once they're approved.




Character's Name: Patrick Seitz

Character's Callsign: Ace

Race: Human

Age: 31


Character's Background: Pat Seitz grew up on Mars, and had a fairly average youth. He considered joining MarSec, but changed his mind, emigrated to Earth and joined Megapol at the age of 24. He rose through the ranks to Sergeant, but only because of his efficiency. He harbored many controversial political beliefs, and he wasn't afraid of making them known, which held back his promotions, and caused him to be assigned to patrolling the slums areas. His partner recently got killed by some Diablo gangers, and he's been assigned a new partner, Jonathon Carter.


Character's Personal Information: Black hair, brown eyes and has a goatee. Fairly tall with an average build. Usually wears a white suit and tie when off duty. He's vocal, expresses his political beliefs to anybody who'll listen, and enjoys strategy games in his time off. His preferred sidearm, oddly enough, isn't the Megapol Lawpistol, but an old, heavily modified .44 Automag.


Character's Physical Statistics

Strength: High

Speed: Above average

Agility: Above average

Character's Mental Condition: Stable

Psionic potential: Low

Bravery: Moderate

Character's Controller: Zager




Character's Name: Jonathon Carter

Character's Callsign: Psyker

Race: Hybrid

Age: 22


Character's Background: Jonathon Carter, like most hybrids, had a tough life growing up. His was easier than most, since his parents, both hybrids, were independently wealthy. They weren't able to buy acceptance, but they could bribe the school system into accepting him as a student, giving him a better education than most. How they came by this wealth, Jon doesn't know, and he hasn't asked. After his graduation, at 21, he signed up for Megapol, and got in because of political pressure for equal rights from the Mutant Alliance. He's been assigned as the partner of Pat Seitz.


Jon is a card-carrying member of the mutant alliance, and a registered latent psionic, capable of using a mind bender with great skill.


Jon doesn't know it, but he's a direct descendant of the hybrid commander who led the hybrids in the first alien war.


Character's Personal Information: He's got blonde hair, large solid black eyes, like all hybrids; and no facial hair. Below average height, slight build. Jon's generally quiet, prefers to communicate telepathically whenever possible, and avoids confrontations. He uses a Lawpistol, though Seitz intends to remedy that ASAP. He wears a pair of large sunglasses at all times, in order to conceal his eyes.


Character's Physical Statistics

Strength: Below average

Speed: Above average

Agility: High

Character's Mental Condition: As stable as a psionic can be

Psionic potential: Very high

Bravery: Low

Character's Controller: Zager

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Well hey welcome aboard. The only thing I would say is that the hybrids living on earth before The frontier lived in total secrecy. They didn't fight in either of the first wars. And they weren't leading any groups of any kind. He may be directly related to the original hybrid commander but he had nothing to do with the early wars...
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There were but they weren't hybrids they were alien through and through. The difference between a hybrid living on earth and an alien raised hybrid is clearly defined.

Alien hybrids probably were used for infiltration and whatnot. Human hybrids lived in seclusion in Roswell mostly but obviously there were groups elsewhere. They lived peacefully, secretly and prospered in their secret groups...

Until the year 2060 something the hybrids were almost complete myth. It wasn't until then that their societies were uncovered and they became publicly well known. I think the military tried to take them in but uprisings by the Cult of Sirius forced them to accept the hybrids into Earth communities. By the 80s hybrids were beginning to become very much equal to humans as over the last eight decades the hybrids had become more and more like humans physically and mentally. All hybrids have enhanced psionic capabilities but only once they are trained can they control and focus them... Until this point, their abilities simply work as a second line of defence. Like a telepathic flinch so to speak...

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Name: Kristoff Snikers

Callsign: Pain in the Arse (he's actually referred to himself this way)

Species: Hybrid

Background: Notably, Snikers has no written background, except an eyewitness description in the Megapol computers or two. Snikers' family history has been kept pretty much within the hybrid circles. As there was actually very little procreation with full human beings and as a result Snikers' genetics are almost a full third still alien. Snikers' mother is dead; due to that pesky "no mutants may procreate inside the city" law she couldn't go to the artificial womb plants and the operation was a bit tricky. Snikers of course couldn't get into school with his not officially existing and all and had to teach himself to read. Also due to not having a birth certificate or any real official record he couldn't get a job many places...and turned to Psycke at the age of twelve. Despite his age Psycke was desperate at the time and he was taken in under one gangster, a woman named Susan Moreland. During a short stint when Psycke was allied with XCOM Moreland was killed in a Cult ofSirius raid. With nowhere to go and few people in the gang accepting him Snikers signed up for XCOM...

Personal Info: Snikers has an unsightly scar next to his left eye from when another gangster on a Psiclone bender went berserk and tried to cut out his curious eyes. He also is missing his right hand's middle finger, from when he showed to a cop and sort of got it shot off. He has a cybernetic replacement that works pretty much as well as the his original digit. Snikers has hair, unlike a lot of hybrids, but it's thin, white and grows at a slow rate. Snikers also has a long history of on-again off-again psiclone abuse. Currently he's quit, but this is his ninth time trying...

Most notable is that Snikers is, to put it mildly, unkind. He is left extremely bitter towards pretty much any human being until he gets to know them. He is cruel, heartless, sarcastic and has an acid tongue. However, he retains some sectoid characteristics - he respects the chain of command with a near zeal. He will follow any order, suicidal or no, and never fails to salute a commander. He also will never retreat of his own violation, has a high tolerance for pain and will let nothing, nothing stand in the way of him following a command.

Strength: Like most hybrids, Snikers has less than average physical fortitude. He is both thin and short, and is as weak as he looks.

Speed: Snikers can dash fairly effectively, but doesn't have much in the way of real speed.

Accuracy: Is fairly good with a rifle, but he is an absolute crack shot with a sidearm. Any pistol he has in his hand becomes a deadly weapon, more so than it was already.

Psionic Potential: Very good. Very...good.

Intelligence: Has an effective dry wit. Unfortunately, Snikers is a freak for old books and movies, and rather than filling his head with

anything useful Snikers seems to know nothing but quotes.

Controller: Me, myself and I. **makes an elegant bow** Thank you, ladies and gentlemen.

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Well all you really need to do is post it again mate... So long as you can remember what your character was like then put it up again.


Meanwhile here's Trigger...

Name: TJ Munt

Callsign: Trigger

Species: Human

Background: Very interesting family background. His grandfather was lost on the UGS Patton in the 2060s after serving his earlier life as a soldier in the second alien wars. His great grandfather had served as a pilot in the first alien war and Trigger had in fact been named for him. Early in life Trigger discovered his exceptional skill with weapons and became a member of the gun club in the small town he lived in. After completing his college studies three years early, Trigger moved to MegaPrimus to attend an advanced course in law. By the time he reached 17 years old he had achieved a degree in the subject but had been deprived of many of the character building environments vital to a person's development. As a result Trigger found communicating difficult and many office related jobs proved very dificult for him. Tigger was finally pushed over the edge when the dimension gates opened in Mega Primus. The emerging saucer destroyed the vehicle carrying both of his parents and Trigger immediately signed up for the Megapol Defence League. This was the cover for XCom's recruiting agency and Trigger was passed directly on to Bravo bases command.

Strength: Being of the build that he is, strength is not one of Trigger's best features.

Speed: Very agile frame and so moves quickly but carefully. Stealth is another of Triggers good assets.

Accuracy: The best of the best bar none. Crack shot with a sidearm but unbelievable with any kind of scoped weapon. If he'd been around a century or so earlier the Nazis would have had noone to lead them...

Psionic Potential: Probably only average but if he's ever taken over I'll be the one to write about it...

Intelligence: Extreme! Until recently was serving as the stand in for head technician. Also lends a hand in research fom time to time. His degree would also suggest that he understands the way the world works pretty well...

Controller: Me but anyone else is welcome as long as they stick to his character.

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Name: Azur Postek

Callsign: Data

Species: Android

Background: Being one of the last Androids manufactured, he has been designed to have the last in android technology, and the first to have Intelligence comparable, or even above of humans. Sadly, as the controversia with androids arised, he had to earn his life with low-life style jobs. However, 2 years ago, he was picked up by some scientists who were visiting the place he was working on and then excelled in research so much that he was then picked by X-COM to be a soldier and a scientist at the same time (which couldn't be done easily by a human)

Strength: VERY strong, as he is an android.

Speed: Slightly below average

Accuracy: Slightly above average

Psionic Potential: He's an android, what can you expect? :D (max psi-defense, no psi attack)

Intelligence: Quite above average, as this model was designed to be a multi-purpose android.

Controller: Anyone who's willing to write for it, I'll probably not due to lack of time ;)

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Anyways it's FODDER TIME!


Name: Joseph Koolata


Nickname: Joe Cool


Species: Human


Background: Joe Cool grew up with his great-grandfather after moat of his family were

killed by Cult of Sirius extremists. The Cult had attacked because Cool's family had been

almost entirely members of XCOM in previous years. His great-grandfather was a vet

from AW1 and although he was a full 105 years old he could still tell many of these stories

to his great-grandson. Inflated with pride in his family line Cool signed up for XCOM...


Personality: Cool is filled with pride - perhaps overconfidence - with his family line. His

brother actually telephoned XCOM in advance to warn them about his smugness. He also

is somewhat biased due to his ggf's stories hammered into his brain - he thinks that the

androids should be the scouts, regardless of their sentience. He also hates hybrids. He

takes an almost nazi-ish opinion on them and firmly believes they should not be let near

an XCOM base. Other than that, however, he is a suave (sp?), smooth, very cool fellow.


Strength: Above average


Speed: Average


Stamina: Keeps himself fit. Pretty good stamina.


Accuracy: Good


Bravery: Due to his ggf's glamourization (?) of war, Cool does not expect things to go very

bad...so when they inevitably do, he begins to freak out.


Intelligence: Slightly above average.


Controller: Like Gardener and Sandy, I leave his fate in your capable hands.

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Nazi-ish huh? This should be an interesting guy! So he's for the cull then is he? I think he should be able to just scrape through the first mission with a critical injury... Then he'll go back out again twice as confident and get slaughtered! :D

And I see what you mean about the android now but I see no problem. Nothing is invincible but being made of metal will make this guy extremely tough which, seeing as he has a human creator, is no bad thing. He's going to be intelligent too as he's made 90% out of silicon. Like some movie stars... No wait, wrong silicon...

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Paul Carlos


Strength: Average

Agility: High

Perception: High

Endurance: Average

Speed: Fast

Intelligence: Above Average

Accuracy: Good


Paul, more commanly refered to as Carlos is very well known around the base. Generally loud, social and highly amusing, Carlos gets on well with his fellow soldiers. However his past still remains an enigma to most base personell, and only the commander knows the full story.


Often found pestering the science team, he has struck up a relationship with one of the female physicists. Paul's main reason for coming to Mega Primus and working with X-com is to find the sole remaining direct relative he has. Currently becoming both involved and depressed by the shadowy powerplays that involve X-Com and the government.


Possesses inate knowledge on many kinds of field equiptment, most notable: guns, armor and hovercraft.


Awarded a degree in Pharmacy.

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It's a term usually related with herds of cattle and whatnot... It basically means to kill a large number of creatures... Not like a massacre though. The foot and mouth disease in Britain a while back resultted in massive culls... It basically means controlled killings...
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Megan Goodwin


Mutant Alliance representative.


Strengh: Low

Agility: Above Average

Speed: High

Endurance: Average

Perception: Very High

Intelligence: Very High

Accuracy: Average

Psi Powers: High (by hybrid standards)


Megan is the last direct relative Carlos has left. She is the granddaughter of Carlos's sister, as well as being 1/4 hybrid. Her hybrid father holds an extremly senoir position in the MA and Megan has pretty shamelessly piggy-backed her way into a fairly important position in the MA staff. However she justifies this by pouring effort into her work and believes passionatly in the cause. She often makes presentations to the senate, but has grown jaded to their indifference.

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Just to remind you guys:


Name: Sean France

Callsign: "Doc"


Alpha Squad Commander/Tactician


Based on his upbringing, one would never expect Sean to be a soldier. He recieved a PhD in Behavioral Science and Leadership at Johns Hopkins University (one of the few universities left standing after almost a century of extraterrestrial conflict) in 2073. Soon after, he was offered a job as a professor for Lifetree in Vancouver, the site of a new "mega city". Unfortunately, his professorship ended quickly - all they needed him for was as an electronic avatar for the psionic interfaces that Lifetree was beginning to use. Sean was not unemployed for long - he landed a job as a psychological investigator for MegaPol in the newly-founded Mega Primus. Over the next 7 years, he spent his time observing the actions of the Police on special assignments, and soon developed a keenness for small-squad tactics. His superiors noticed this change in his behavior, and transferred him to the Special Ops division, where his true colors showed. He soon became renowned throughout the Police, and was thus the first candidate from MegaPol for a tactician in X-COMCorp. His education gave him the obvious moniker "Doc."


In X-COMCorp, Doc made a name for himself as both a master tactician and the life of any party (the opposite of Carlos, the death of any party :D ). He owns a not-quite-legal micro-brewery in a section of a hangar bay at his home base, where he concocts beverages from decades past. His tactician's skills make him the best opponent for Tinman in a friendly game of chess - but he usually leaves drunk and/or furious.


In dramatic opposite to his more cheery side, Doc has a complicated past that he tends to hide. He has only mentioned it to one person on base, and even then his story was vague.


Strentgh: Average

Agility: Below Average

Speed: Above Average

Endurance: Above Average

Perception: Average

Intelligence: Exceptional

Accuracy: Below Average

Psi Powers: Above Average

Weapon of Choice (Don't be shocked by the sound of our voice... check out my new weapon...): Doc's time in MegaPol accustomed him to the good solid spray of slugs produced by the MegaPol M4K.

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