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UFO Fanfiction Discussion

Carlos the Jackal

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<covers eyes, cautiously peeks through fingers at revised 'fic>


Ok, if Ki-tat's still with us, the operation looks to be a success.


<reads a little more>


Aahh! GIA!


Next time I'll try not to make "have her back by midnight" come across like "pile a jet aircraft into the ground with her inside".



Oh, and to keep the jets straight, there is another pilot on base, who swaps shifts with Trigger and flew the prototype Tammy saw taking off upon her arrival. Let's name him Davies. He'll be surprised to wake up and find he has no plane in the morning. :hmmm:


Another Hurricane should be arriving at the base soon anyway.


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I know! Sorry it was a bit heavy handed but there were several things I wanted to do there... I wanted to prove Gia as a pilot for a start, show how tough she was by letting her survive, and find some way to get her a new plane!

I have to edit my posts I think as only JFish Green and I know... Hangar 1 (which is where I said I was) is not actually where I was. Hangar 1 is the Skyranger hangar as all of the troops' equipment and weapons are directly next door to it. Hangar two is Trigger's Hurricane and 3 will be for the new Hurricane for Gia and Davies.

Anyway someone should try and write in this Davies guy next time the interceptors are mentioned but I'm guessing he'll be the one to die first as he wasn't even at the briefing! (I guess he was flying then)

And don't worry JFish, Gia is as hard as nails and I intend to have her up and about as soon as someone writes her walking somewhere!

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Hmmm... I guess I can send out Cheese to pick up the new Hurricane, as well as some more supplies (rocket tank, anyone? :D ) He can just take the old C-5 we came here in. After all, that thing can hold 3 Chinook helicopters, it should have no problems with a small jet...


Actually, I'm sort of at a loss for content... I'd appreciate some suggestions. Anything you guys'd like to see Doc do or say? Come on, my character needs some meat (content-wise - although I could go for a nice juicy steak ;) )


And anyone can feel free to write about Doc. Just don't kill or otherwise mangle him - there will be serious repurcussions... :hmmm:

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Sounds good Doc. Take the galaxy out and bring back whatever we need. And has anyone actually SEEN Doc? He posted in the fic to say he was writing something...And that was eleven hours ago! ;)


Note to Snikers. When someone leaves a post in the fic saying not to write YOU DON'T WRITE! It's not hard to understand is it? :D

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:D Forget about it. I know I do it though and Doc does it as well... But Doc did it this morning and still hasn't come back... That is called abusing the system Doc :hmmm:

Ah well, all it is Snikers is posting something in the fic saying something like 'I am writing so you people don't' basically... It means that if you have that post up while you're writing your post and someone else writes a post that messes up yours then they have to delete theirs and re edit it.

It works nicely if you have a long post to write like I usually do! ;)

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Well thanks Ego but you've just called a pilot Commander... :D

Trigger is just an interceptor pilot in this one. The commander is mainly Warlord's character but it isn't actually meant to be anyone from XTC. I don't know who he is or hatever his background is but I know the person you're talking to right now isn't the commander!

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Aye, the person you want to be talking to right now is General Genega, and he's mostly NPC.


Does your character know aliens exist? Will he be sent on missions, or push paper?


Are you sure you don't want to write a soldier, that gets to go on missions, and perhaps has already been briefed? Because this is intended to be a mostly soldier-level fic.


Edit: Bulked out my previous post to advance the time in the fic. I'm declaring it is now Wednesday 30 December, 1998, Morning. Everyone gets a briefing and training session today. Karl has not much to do other than a paragraph about his skill on the range. Gia gets to explain why Interceptor 1 intercepted the ground. Anyone can go ahead and write a lieutenant and assign squads - please.



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LOL! Whoops!!


As for my character yeah he knows aliens exist he was part of the Britush team that investigated them. As for what type he is, he's a spook that's done paramilitary operations and has done covert ops of every kind, so yeah he can be sent out on missions, though he can also do a bit of paper pushing.

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Captain's log, stardate 20021014.0908


CP: We've been crossing the Delta quadrant, facing several cubes along the way, but managed to run away from them so far. I jus....


*Red alert claxon*


Data: Captain, there are 2 tactical cubes approaching fast, they are outrunning us!

CP: Damn it, we'll have to put some pressure on the engines :hmmm:

CP: Data, quickly, set maximum warp!

Data: No effect captain...

Geordi: Captain, sensors detect transport signatures trying to pass trough our shields!

CP: Divert auxiliary power to the shields.

*several Borg teleport to the bridge*

Borg: CP, prepare to be assimilated...

CP: Over my dead body you

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:hmmm: Now that, is spam... Hush Photon! And you really should write in the fics when you get time. It's good to have as many people in on it as possible.


One more amendment for you too Ego... After trying repeatedly to move the range onto the hangar level I failed miserably and had to leave it on the Personnel level. I've finished the maps now and will put them up as soon as possible but I can't as I have no webspace. Anyone who can offer their services is welcome to provide it!


Very angry edited footnote! :D EGO! CARLOS! What are you doing? Will one of you please change that last post so someone can carry on with the fic? You both have the power to do it and know what needs to be changed now come on! It's been four days!!!

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Hush Photon! And you really should write in the fics when you get time. It's good to have as many people in on it as possible.


Maybe... but that won't be anytime soon I fear ;) I've been sleeping 3 hours on average on weekdays just to keep up with all the things I've got to do... and everything indicates it'll continue being like this :D

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I noticed you haven't been online much lately. I hope things get better. I've been kind of busy myself, but I do want to write some more in the fic. I got a little lost there in those last few posts, so I'm not sure where to go with it. I'm open to suggestions. :D
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Well not much will happen now until we get our first UFO sighting and we have a while before that happens as XCom isn't even operational yet! Before then we have to deal with the delivery of a replacement Hurricane interceptor for Gia and the tank design to be completed by whoever's doing that... I forget who that is...
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Hey! It's training day!

Inspiration from GI Jane, Starship Troopers, Tigerland, Full Metal Jacket,

but first off, someone could write a breakfast scene! (Skip the shower scene, it's not that kind of a fic.) :D


We're also wide open for another X-INV spook squad report.


I was hoping Wormfist could have Worm write something about the tank AI integrating with Sanjay's work...and Slice realize he's fighting bots on QTF, not real people. Hopefully CP will squeeze in a rough scientist's briefing, even if it has to be bulked out by editing later.


I've some notes done towards a pilot briefing I want to write, and that'll set Doc up for his first flight in a Skyranger (without human cargo). And he's nominally on the list to fly back to Area 51 (Dreamland) to get the new Interceptor, which should be arriving about the time Gia's bandages come off.


Green gets to visit the range (one paragraph written), and I have to have him interact more with other characters, get some relationships established. Probably Poison's going to be in Squad B with him. Want to hear from Snikers. Also there's jogging outside for exercise (before it gets hot) and grenade pits outside as well.


I think after a mission or two, the core characters can be reorganized into one squad, hopefully after that losses will be minimal for a while.


Busy at work, but yes, next post is coming together.


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Hi there!


Tftd fan back on line after almost 6 hole monthes break!


It seams that the scenario has changed a bit since my last log in. By the way, i had to re-register, as Pete certainly wiped my registration form form the site.

So, what's up? Is the fic still up? Humm, am i still alive at the fic?



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Hi tftd! Welcome back!

We all had to re-register when Pete changed the forums. Yes, the fic is still alive, but the UFO one has started over, and the Apoc one hasn't been transferred yet.


Oh, and TJ, some things confuse me about your fanfic post. First, I don't think Ego is going by Ego Terrorist in this one, but I didn't check, so forgive me if I'm wrong. Second, why is night falling already? I'm pretty sure that the day just began about two posts ago, and I think some people might want to write about the first day of official training.

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Ah is he not? Ah well. I'm off to bed soon so sorry but I can't change it just yet but I'll do it first thing tomorrow. And the night that has just fallen is actually the last night if you follow me.

The fic needs rearranging slightly but again I'll se to that in the morning.

JFish was it you who posted the big bit about Rick moaning about women? If it was could you please copy the second half of it (if you follow me) and put it in another post. Just so the time follows more of a straight line!

And if it was someone else then could they do it please.

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