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Very. :)


Especially since I now have to announce MINE!!!!!


When I get around to learning how to draw comics THIS thing will undoubtely be mentioned. My eldest bro' comes around today and mentions in a by-the-way fashion: "Hey you come up with any good tricks on the synthesizer yet for tommorow?" I look back puzzled sitting behind the comp and reply, rather stupidly since I should've predicted all of this: "You mean for the practice we're having TONIGHT, right?"


And the rest you can fill out for yourself. People need to tell me these changes SOONER dammit!!! :)


But in any event tommorow's sim IS still proceeding since IonMage should know the jist of what's supposed to happen. So Ion, any more questions E-Mail me till tommorow, if not then he's GMing tommorow and the sim goes on as usual. Make up any excuse you need for simmer characters that won't make it (try a bubonic plague that's recently affected Tranquility Base and knocked Oskari and Harris out of the loop for instance. :) )

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One small problem, I may, keyword MAY not be able to arrive tommorrow. I have karate lessons, getting my next belt tommorrow. Now, saturday karate lessons usually end JUST ON TIME, but since this is testing one can only guess....


So, do please show up, and give me a few minutes to get there. Sorry about this inconvenience :)

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Once again a BIG thanks goes to IonMage who filled in for me today and to Neos who got the log. :)


I guess if the FTP access works we can get back to regularly scheduled simming. The school's nocking on my door a bit but...I think I can handle that. So next week same time, same place. Hopefully I'll be able to get the access settled and write it on the XCGS site too. Till then. Cheers! :)

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Hey everyone! Horrible news! Apprenttly in order to hook up our new network cable for our new connection, the cable company has to dig a big trench from our new house to our neighbors house! And worst of all, they wont be able to do it for another 4 or 5 weeks, and THAN they have to make another appointment to hook up the cable! So... when am I going to be able to go back onto mIRC? I really don't know, we're looking at our options for an alternative internet connection, but hopefully we'll figure something out soon, I'll try to post more in the role playing forum. Since my character is on his way to becoming a solider/engineer anyway, let's just say he's not avaliable for combat because he's learning his new trade, hmmmm? either that, or you can just take him on missions and have someone else role play him. Sorry guys, talk to you later!


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Unfortunately, we'll be selling this house soon. That means, many showings, where potential customers look at said house!


Tommorrow we have a showing. Apparently it will last until ~2:30, but dont hold me to that, it could go longer, or shorter. But expect me to be late. If I get home at 3:00, I won't bother however. No way one can make a (serious) sim in 30 minutes time.


Uh, 2:00 is simming time for me BTW.

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As hesitant as I am to add to the post count on this board, it looks like I might not be able to make it to the sim on saturday, depending on what kind of "agreement" I can reach with my girlfriend.


Also, I'll be heading off to Paris from July 1st to the 9th, so I certainly won't be able to make the July 3rd sim.


[Edit: Looks like I'm coming back on the 6th or 7th, actually. ]

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I have a friend over, so I probably won't be able to play tommorrow.


Oh, and, uh, maybe while I'm at it I should give a heads up; I go to college this sunday. Now, the plan is I get to go home on the weekends, so I should be able to attend, but things are rather chaotic right now so anything could happen. If I dissappear suddenly, you know the reason, but if things go properly I should be able to keep coming.

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Well, good news is, it seems my connection at college connects to #XCGS just fine, went there myself. And if this post gets through, then that means I can participate in the forums while there as well. Of course, I'll still be at home on weekends, but just a fallback... :)
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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh Fsck! dammit, I knew I outright forgot something! Dammit! Argh! Damn studying and vega strike and college summer classes screwing me up!


Alright, my college summer classes run from monday to thursday. Now, that means my weekend begins on friday. However, I am used moreso to simming on 'the first day of weekend' than I am to simming on saturday. I know thats a crappy excuse, and it is, but its all my fault! I seriously hope I didn't single-handedly slow down the sim!

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Ditto. If a sim isn't scheduled a day or two before the date, then I won't be on when the time comes. I barely have enough free time as it is, I can't afford to waste it if I don't know for sure that there's going to be a sim.
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Not that I intentionally missed the last sim, nor do I intend to in the future, I will admit, actually seeing the site updated will give me the idea that something might happen on saturday, meaning I would have a better time remembering. And I doubt I'm the only one here like that.
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Okey dokey. Whilst I haul my ass and refurbish the site completely I don't have a sim for tommorow in mind. :) But however a roleplaying idea did spring up since it's now new years eve and it would be rather stupid not to say a word or two about it.


So tommorow I was thinking of having an IRC roleplay between the characters back at base. Should be worth something I'm sure so I hope as many of you can make it.


That should be all. Cheers.

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Hey man, remember, it doesn't have to be a block-buster movie premiere event every time. Whenever I was dry for ideas, I'd just run a UFO recovery or something. You can always throw in a plot twist on the fly. :)


With that in mind, I'm not going to be able to make this upcoming, uh, sim - a friend of mine who I rarely see anymore is in town, so we're going to hang out.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Okay, I have a bit of homework for my college summer courses. I'm going to try and get as much done tommorrow as I can, but I can't guarantee I can fit the sim into my schedule. I'll try, so don't be surprised if I'm there, but don't count on it either.
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