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Merry Christmas!


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Oh dear! You might want to watch it DH hee hee. :)


Once an occurance happened that Tammy invaded our forums and closed down a topic that was used for chatter and was not on topic. So for you to actually ALLOW spam and you also being a MOD.....well...let's just say that things could get heavy really soon. :)


But nonetheless merry christmas you guys. :)

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You know normally I might feel a slight pang of guilt spamming in a topic not in the off topic forum, but you know when two mods (especially Tammy!) tells us that we can spam, spam, and spam our little hearts out then I shant resist the urge!


So we've got around 2-3 people interested in a "XCAS Christmas Special" Sim (Where we discover that Santa has left us some presents under the hastely erected christmas tree and we explore and discover the true meaning of christmas in typical Christmas special TV style!) So who else can we collar that would be available to join in this sim...?


(Coinsidentally I'm now 4 posts off my 500th offical post!!)

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lol! Yes, Sectiods storming the Santa Manufacturing Plant, hidden under the surface of the north pole. I can see it now, Sectiods, Mutons and an assortment of aliens currently engaging in a running battle with the Elf Security teams, when we rush in...oh dear lol.


(Getting closer to my goal of 500 posts!)

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Heheh, I can see the party is going to be wild! :)


But anyway...so as to make it even better ::grins friendly:: I have a little Xmas gift for XCAS. Think of it as my going away present or something similar. :)


You see about a lousy year ago Mouse asked me to compose an XCAS theme song and lo I did. However as he never got around to completing his flash site the theme was never used or even heard as a matter of fact.


Well...that's about to change. GET YOUR LOUDSPEAKERS OUT FOR THE XCAS Theme Song!!!


Merry Christmas you nuts and a happy New Year!!! :)

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lol, I always wondered what happened to that. :) Good work Loonie.


On another note, I want to have a general meeting on the 10th with as many members of XCAS present as possible. I just want to see what sort of things need to be done. If Pickers or Bob gets around to reading this, toss me some emails and let me know what's going on.

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Certainly excellent quality Loon... Although I personally invisioned a more rock and roll oriented tune similar to what was on Apocalypse, but I prefer this a lot more. Nice job! *Cough* Finally... :)


DragonHawk, my E-mail is just about completely dead at the moment. I'll be changing services soon though. Would you mind a PM through XCAS?

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wow, I like it! It catches the 'feel' of XCAS well, at least IMO. Got a militaristic (the missions we go on), yet emotional (the forum RP, and other recent events) feel to it. A nice goodbye present, loonie :)


Its official; if we have a funeral for kacur, at least some part in that song is playing.

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