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The Goodbye


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Okay...then just friends. :)


Today I depart from XCAS and well...to be frank I'm not sure how much point there is in making this thread really. But if anyone would like to say their goodbyes to me this'll be the place to do it I guess.


I want it to be known for the record however, as I had stated in MY farewell to Mouse, that XCAS has meant a LOT to me. Its style of play may not be what I am exactly after, but the tolerance levels not to mention it also being quite fun at times has given me the opportunity to learn simming and GMing to a most excellent degree I should say. The knowledge in simming, GMing and leadership of a sim will no doubt be invaluable in my next simming project which should hopefully commence sometime after New Year's Eve.


But it's not just a place where I learned how to sim. It was also the first place where after 6 years of schizoism I had found people around my age to whom I could really talk to, not to mention making quite a few more long-lasting friendships, if only over the internet. I want to truly commend Mouse, who had the guts to start this sim in the first place and had managed to mold its essence, even when he was indeed absent. Commendations also go out to Brain, though I wish I had managed to see him active a bit more, however still he had contributed a wealth of info for the sim, something which cannot go unnoticed. And last but definately not least a humungus thanks to DH, who provided all of the people that had once led XCAS (Mouse, Brain, IonMage and myself) with constant advice and guidance without which this sim would've been no doubt of a significantly lower quality, were it not have died a looong time ago.


Also big thanks to the other constant members who produced god knows how much work too for XCAS - Ghost and Yorke having done a lot to say the least! Along also with other people who constantly attended...Jacko for his endless original antics...Ion for sticking around even when most would've quite likely quit...Bob for helping out whenever he possibly could...and Saber for waking up in the middle of the night for our sims. :)


And anyone else that I had not mentioned...thanks for sticking around. Believe me, one way or the other (and no matter what Skonar might think) I can tell from my own experience that XCAS IS a most excellent sim. Because I for one have enjoyed it quite a bit.


So see you around. And I'll be sure to check the forums and in the sims every now and then to see what's going down. :)



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Well...for once I'm kinda at a loss for words...so I think a General Issue Goodbye is in order, as well you're not really going anywhere...nobody truely leaves XCAS *cue manical laugh* but yeah. :)


It's been a pleasure simming alongside you and having you as a GM, the XCAS experience has just gotten more and more...interesting (if not weirder) over this last year, but none the less, I'll be seeing you around, keep smart and keep safe, bye!


...oh and don't forget to visit!


<Dr_Yorke> ::Salutes:: It's been a honour and a pleasure serving alongside you, and I wish you the very best in all of your endeavours. Goodbye sir.

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I didn't post in Mouse' goodbye thread before, mainly because I didn't think I had anything nice to say at the time, but here I go...


Loonie, you kept the sim alive for a time, just long enough for me to join up. Your attempts to make the sim more of a realistic/flexible environment were admirable and I shall do whatever I can to build off that. You were somewhat of an inspiration really, despite being a complete pain in the ass at times, and I must say that there may've been the possibility that I wouldn't have stayed long if not for your contributions.


I don't think it's much a secret that for a brief while there was bad blood between us, but I'd like to think that's past. Good luck with your sim there... With XCAS just around the corner, you're gonna need it. :)


<SGT_Scott> ::Salutes:: Sir, I may not like you... But hell, without you a lot of good things wouldn't have happened to me. May you rest in peace...


P.S. Loonie, send me the log you promised! I can't give you a good send off story without it! :)

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So, we loose another high ranking officer... Might get myself a promotion yet, LOL.


Loonie, its been great having you on the team, I was a little unsure about your simming technique to begin with, but now I have no doubts that you can be ranked upon the highest GM's going. You kept XCAS alive in its darkest hour, you where a valuable asset to us all



::Necro Brings himself to salute:: Its been an honour and privelage serving with you and you will be sorely missed.

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Well, while it's sad to see you go, I'm happy to see you finally pursuing your own path and your own dreams sim-wise. I also thank you for the kind words you've left for XCAS, as it's gratifying to know that you've advanced yourself here and that this will have prepared you for you next step. As for comments directed at me, well, we both know that I don't think advice is necessarily value added - the people who have made the tough decisions so far, Mouse, Brain, and Loonie, are the ones who warrant the majority of the glory.


At any rate, thanks for holding things together during your term as admin. Pop by anytime and let us know how things are going, and best of luck to both you and said project in the future. :)

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Loonie, you have been an inspiration to many in the sim. You did keep the sim alive for quite some time, after it seemed we had reached our Sell-By date, but thanks to you, DH, and a whole variety of others, it's still alive today.


I'm not sure what the departure means to the long term stability of the sim, but I can guarantee you that you will be a great loss to to the sim.


All the best for the future Lenart. It's been great to get to know you :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

"See you in the world of tommorow" - Karl, Futurama (or me copying him... Either way)


Or I will if I join XCGS, which is looking doubtful at the minute due to time constraints and a distinct lack of irc connectivity... Curse you Keele network! Curse you!!


If I don't see you soon, have excellent luck with everything you ever do, and don't destroy the world... I keep all my stuff there.

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Indeed. Not to mention that we're just discussing right now how you have a plot to detonate a Nuclear Power plant in the UK. :)


Still...I'm not sure XCGS would quite be your style. :) But you're welcome to apply if you find it interesting. :)

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