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How not to post in Roleplay threads

Guest Sasquatch

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Guest Sasquatch

Suddenly from behind comes a dark figure! His name is SARGENT SASQUATCH and he has a grenade and a gun (big, unlimited ammo, one shot kill).


Rallwell is in engineering, talking to herself and looking at the plans, when SARGENT SASQUATCH comes in. "Who the hell are you?"


"My name is SARGENT SASQUATCH, and you are about to die" He pulls the trigger with a look of... well... blankness in his eyes.


The gun doesn't make a sound. "You have to pull the bolt back." SARGENT SASQUATCH does this, and with a look of blankness in his eyes, he pulls the trigger again. "Unlimited ammo... but the mag needs to be in the magwell, not on your belt." Dully, he inserts the mag into the mag well, and with a look of blankness in his eyse, he pulls the trigger. "Bolt, remember?" SARGENT SASQUATCH pulls the bolt back and presses the trigger... "Your mag is empty. You should really get a full unlimited mag, as opposed to an empty one."


With a howl, SARGENT SASQUATCH screams at Rallwell. "I'm SARGENT SASQUATCH!!"


"I'm not sure about you, but the last time I looked at that rank, it was 's-e-r-g-e-a-n-t. It's fascinating, where are you from?" Rallwell looked over at the dark figure, grenade, big gun, and impotent firing skills.


"AAAAAAAGGGGHHH!!!" SARGENT SASQUATCH flees the room, intent on getting away from the torture. He then sees Sergeant Scott... "I AM SARGENT SASQUATCH"


"I'm 'Sergeant' Scott." Scott looked inquisitively at the hulking soldier. "Is there a problem?"


"I'm going to KILL you, with my GRENADE!" With a heave, he chucks the grenade at Scott's chest. It bounces off his ferronium armour.


"Hey, Dunce. You need to pull the pin, that's what Lieutenant Kacur always said." Scott picked up the grenade and brushed past SARGENT SASQUATCH. "Later."


With a scream of horror, SARGENT SASQUATCH flees to his quarters. Sobbing, he can't figure out what went wrong. Slowly he looks at his hand...


Sasquatch: That was horrible. TIME TO WANK MORE.


(To be continued - or not)


<<This post has been editted by DragonHawk, at 7:25PM DH Standard Time, for humour purposes only. No money or drugs were received in the making of this post. No any animals been injured - only the questionable pride of dorks.>>

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OOC: (Out Of Character)


Okay...everyone just ignore that last post by Sasquatch, and can a Mod please erase that post.


Sasquatch, if you are posting in the Roleplay thread then you need to post seriously and respect other characters or do not post at all as you will not be welcome here.


Also you will need to apply to join XCAS or clear it with one of the guy's in charge (Such as Dragonhawk) before we pay any attention to your RP posts.


Thank you, we shall now return you to your regually scheduled Roleplay.



Senior Sergeant Dr Ned Yorke

Chief of Support Section and Ship's Doctor


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My response, sent by PM:






You've burned up your one chance with me. Your spamming was something I could afford to leave alone in the Off-Topic section, but not here. This is highly disrespectful and heavily unappreciated.


I'm willing to let things go for now, giving you the benefit of the doubt, but note that a second incident will not be tolerated. I can make allowances for mistakes, but not blatant idiocy. Your pursuit of random moronity in this section or other purposeful sections is no longer acceptable - keep it in the off-topic section.


If you feel that I've been unfair or have otherwise passed a judgement that you believe will be in minority, then you may feel free to contact any of the admins (Pete, Alan, or Tammy) or moderators. Otherwise, keep your posts on-topic and reasonable and you need not hear from me again.



DragonHawk, XCAS Moderator




If you are unaware as to the actual rules of posting, Ego Terrorist provides a very good guideline above. If you cannot hold to that, then you cannot post.


My policy is relatively simple, enough so that one of your calibre should be able to understand it. Our relationship can be rather cordial; I believe in offering as much respect as I'm receiving. You took a shot at us here, now I'm taking a shot back. That does not imply equality however; you are the transgressor here. We return to some semblance of equilibrium when you either smarten up or get out. Very simple.


As I mentioned before though, feel free to talk to any admins or moderators about this if you feel my message is either unclear or unfair. I don't know whether other moderators have contacted you, but I have and that is official enough for the forums. Please cease your meaningless drivel in on-topic forums and we will get along fine. Continue and there will be consequences.


Appended for XCAS players - Sasquatch is under temporary suspension until December 27th

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  • 2 weeks later...
This lot was origionally in the XCAS Roleplay 2 thread. I have removed them from the aforementioned thread to avoid polluting it. It does however make a rather nice 'How not to post in roleplay threads' guide.
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