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Sim Briefing - Sunday December 14th, 2003


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Just so I don't botch up and assign everyone's equipment late again :):


Alpha Squad Loadout


Sergeant Joseph Scott

Armor: LFS Suit.

Rifle: Laser Rifle.

Pistol: Laser Pistol.

Grenades: 1 Frag, 1 Smoke.

Extra: 1 Motion Detector Mk. II, Special Piloting Suit Chassis.


Corporal Terra Fléche

Armor: Basic Suit.

Rifle: Standard Rifle -or- Auto Rifle. (6 Clips)

Pistol: Standard Pistol. (8 clips)

Grenades: 2 Frag, 1 Smoke.

Extra: 1 field med-kit.


Corporal Johnathan Goorit

Armor: Basic Suit.

Rifle: X-COM Sniper Rifle. (5 Clips)

Pistol: Standard Pistol. (8 Clips)

Grenades: 2 Smoke, 1 Frag.

Extra: Laser Sight option for Sniper Rifle.


Corporal Daniel Jackson

Armor: Basic Suit.

Rifle: X-COM Sniper Rifle. (5 Clips)

Pistol: Standard Pistol. (8 Clips)

Grenades: 2 Frag, 1 Smoke.

Extra: Laser Sight option for Sniper Rifle.


Corporal Andy Necro

Armor: Basic Suit.

Rifle: Autocannon Mk.II (4 AP clips, 2 HE, 2 IN)

Pistol: Dual Standard Pistols. (8 Clips)

Grenades: 4 Frag.

Extra: None.


Private Atzel Evander

Armor: Basic Suit.

Rifle: Standard Rifle -or- Auto Rifle. (6 Clips)

Pistol: Laser Pistol.

Grenades: 1 Frag, 1 Smoke.

Extra: Special Piloting Suit Chassis.


Private Mordechay Hoz

Armor: Basic Suit.

Rifle: X-COM Sniper Rifle. (5 Clips)

Pistol: Standard Pistol. (8 Clips)

Grenades: 1 Frag, 1 Smoke.

Extra: None.

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Just out of curiosity, you did read that I mentioned that non-vacc suits are OK for this mission, so long as you dont cause any hull breaches, and with that loadout you own't be, right? Your' call and all, just that we've been using the vacc suits for the last, what? 4 missions?
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I'd very much doubt that the AC could cause a hull breach, because if we view that the Supply ship is of similar design to the supply ship from UFO, then you will recall that you'd need a blaster bomb or three or some HE packs to pop open a hole in it.


I would imagine that the windows would have a similar surviability, though if the bullets are a combination of AP and HE and are striking it for a prolonged period, then the window might break, though this is debatable.


But for In Game purposes I'd say that the AC would not be capable of blowing holes in the hull simply because it isn't striking it with enough force, and you never know, the aliens might not fit their vessels with windows, after all are the aliens really going to be looking out of the window enjoying the view? :)

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Damn, I misread the doowhacky. (I thought we HAD to have Vacc. Suits.) I've altered the loadout accordingly. :)


Also, I recall the Supply Ships having windows in UFO Defense. But they seemed to be 'one-way' only. (You could only see outside them from inside.) But I never noticed any difference in they're toughness. They seemed to blow up as easily/hard as the rest of the hull.

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