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I think its time

Mouse Nightshirt

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I think its time to announce something.


I shall be leaving XCAS.


No longer do I have the motivation, ideas, time, or enjoyment I used to have in running XCAS. For me, recently, it has become more of a chore, and now, with AS levels module looming (in which I may add there are a few subjects I need to buck up in), the advent of loosing time is now something which I no longer can do.


The past few years have been a good laugh. I've met some interesting people (and some strange ones :blush:), and of course, who can forget lobster magnet, that rather mysterious (and sureley subliminally addictive) movie which had such an impact.


I'd like to thank everyone who took part. Firstly, Skonar, who helped so much in the inital stages of starting up XCAS with ideas, techs, and experience. Kudos to Brainiacus, who, although dissapearing a year or so ago, did a lot to help the fledgling site and sim. Thanks to Dragonhawk, who has offered invaluable advice throughout the entire history of XCAS. A humoungous thanks to Loonie who kept the sim afloat for quite some time and did a sterling job of commanding Pickers for those superb autopsies ;) Our reamining original members, Saber, Ghost, CZ, Necro for sticking with us. And thanks to every other member, past or present, for being there at the sims, and making the time enjoyable. If I have forgotten anything, blame the head and not the heart.


I know recently, I've been a bit of a d***head when it comes to leading, but I think the best thing I can do now is leave. Just to note that this was not suggested, forced, or in anyway asked of me, this is totally of my own initiative.


As for the control of XCAS, I shall leave that decision up to you folks, as you are the members, and ultimately, you have control. I'll be available via e-mail if you need me, and I'll pop into the #XCAS IRC channel from time to time.


Once again, I'd like to say thanks to everyone for the great 2 and a bit years we've had, and all the best to you and the sim for the future. Whatever you do, don't let it die off. The TDF's long standing record needs to be broken ;)

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Dude! Can I be the first today, you shall be sorely missed. Don't put yourself down I been through GCSE's and A levels and they do take over.


Its been a good couple of years now and I always used to look for ward to the sunday slot, and the odd postman.

Xcas won't be the same without you mate, even if you did de-classify the funnies.




Necro: "Its been good serving under your command sir "::salutes::




See you around matey!

Andy (aka: Technomaige)

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May I be the second person to say that I'll miss you!


Like Necro's said, it's been a good couple of years, and as of late it's had it's high's and low's but hell, every one of them fun! X-Com Alliance won't be the same without you.


My thanks to you for breathing life into this project, what? 3 years ago and getting it going and keeping it going. Good luck in all of your endeavours, and don't worry about the AS-Level's, compared to the A2's they're easy - so work smart!


And on a final note yes, we shall keep this thing going (even if I have to use magnets and lobsters!), and with a bit of luck we'll be the 'longest running X-Com sim'.


So toodles! Have fun, and don't forget to visit!


<Dr_Yorke> ::Bringing himself to attention:: Commander Wiendhoven, it's been an honor and a privilege to of served along side you. ::Salutes::

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Thanks, Mouse, for putting the sim in front of your desire to lead. I appreciate the fact that you're stepping down for the greater good, and the personal cost that this takes. Recent times have been tough for many people, but we'll keep the ship running.
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once again,just like photon's leave, it is saddening to watch this happen...mouse,i know i have'nt been around very long,but still,it has been fun simming with u...i thank u and DH for introducing XCAS to me...i hope all goes well for u in the real life...


p.s....who's gonna run XCAS^BOT now eh???


Chavez: Sir...it's been fun...thanks for defrosting me at the time u are alive...who knows what the commander after your time would have been like...all i can say is...good luck in the civilian life.::salutes::

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I can run XCAS^Bot for you if you want Mouse, just send me instructions on how it works and it should be no problem :blush:


As for your departure, it is certainly a shame to see you go. I know that in the past while you have not been able to dedicate your time to the sim, but still you were the one that created it, the one that started us off, that one fateful day where the Patton went through the wormhole, got attacked by an alien UFO, and after a lot of ::shoots sectoid:: and a swarm of arachnomortuses we were saved by the Ascidians ;) And even though some of your sims were... not entirely realistic, they were always fun. It is a shame to see you will be taking your leave from XCAS, but know that you are always welcome here, and it would be great if you'd come and observe from time to time. XCAS will not die, not if I can help it (though I admit I have been less active than I would have liked to be recently).


::salutes to Mouse:: It has been an honor and privilege to be one of the Cydonia mission's original crew, to serve under you Commander Weindhoven. And it is still an honor to be part of the X-Com team in the Ascidian space. May your studies go well and your grades be high ;)

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So, this is it, Mouse? We'll all miss you, it's really saddening to see you go, but you must go on with your life, especially if you want to study Medicine. :blush: Anyway, take care, my friend. ;)


Goorit: "It's been an honour to serve under your command, SIR" :: Salutes ::

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A very sad statement indeed but it can't be helped. :blush: Anyway I wish you best of luck in your studies and any future endeavors. XCAS had been my first sim and throughout the years I've met various people from all around the world. It introduced me to weird stuff like Monty Phyton and Yo Momma jokes, all of which gave me plenty of laughs. Even though I'm no longer very active due to the increasing difficulties in coping with the time zone, I will continue to be a part of this sim as long as it still exists. Thank you for introducing this poor geek to a wonderful place.


It's been a great honour and pleasure to serve under you, sir! ::salutes::

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  • 4 weeks later...

*Surfaces from the pile of work and societies for a moment* God Speed and good luck! *Sinks back into the coursework area and is swallowed forever*


Jackson> ::Salutes so hard it hurts his face, what with the hand smacking it and all:: Good luck sir! It's been one of my finest honours working for you, and longest; most COs would quit or shoot me after two missions... I'll make sure a bard composes a song in your honour when we get back to Earth, a song with no lobsters, magnets, badgers or even walnuts mentioned at all.

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Well...uh...damn. I must say that I didn't expect this to happen. Well everyone quite likely remembers a rather strong statement I made back in September about this issue and I'm not sure about how much that influenced Mouse to do this but...I think it would be quite fair to say that I believe him when he says that this was under his own initiative. In fact I wouldn't want it any other way. What I said back then was what I believed in, but wether Mouse decides to feel that way too is indeed ENTIRELY up to him, if not for anything because it is still his sim.


You know when I stumbled upon XCAS about a good year ago I must say I never expected that it'd change my life like it has. It was the premier place where I learned how to IRC, how to talk over vast distances using the internet and of course not to mention this most invaluable art of simming.


When I joined the sim I was really thrilled and excited beyond belief. I felt like I had to do more and more for it, that I had to improve so that the sim would live. Then even through the hiatus in winter I kept rallying for what unofficial sims I could constantly trying to find the mistakes in my simming and improve them.


Then when Mouse decided to leave for 6 months I still wasn't disheartened and I decided to take charge. And though I learned a very valuable lesson from a big mistake I had made back then I still decided to stay in XCAS at the end, finding it pleasurable again.


It all lasted until recently. Now some people might think that for me to have run out of juice in a year and not continue in it is a testament that the sim is nice but ultimately not anything special. They are so WRONG! During my time in XCAS I learned so many things and gained so many experiences, not to mention actually meeting people over the net for the first time! All of this with its leader not present!!! :) :) :)


Sure it might've been better had Mouse participated regularly. But what is done is done. And I want you to know Mouse that your creation that is XCAS has changed my life for the better in SO many ways that you cannot imagine! It was through this place that some of the most original ideas of my life came to light. It was through XCAS that I met some of the world's most astute and friendliest people. And it was through XCAS that I met a person who inspired me to get out of my schizoism.


In short by starting XCAS you had made such an impact on my life that it changed it forever and for the better and for THAT...


::lifts his arm to his head and throws off a slow yet strong salute::


...I thank you time and time again. I can only hope that you will have a happy life ahead of you and no matter what people tell you keep in mind that your creativity IS immesurable. What you had created here is exactly what inspires me now to get to work on my next project. And if you can inspire such a person as myself...well...that makes you one in a million at least. I promise you that. :)


Farewell Sir! And may you find happiness ahead of you!

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