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Punishments for CZ


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Um...or not as the case maybe...especially given hte fact that our beloved Kacur would undoubtedly take part in it and that is really too cruel...


Just out of interest before we pass judgement on CZ...why are we? What is this heinous crime that has been commited that require's such punishment?

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I suggest that he, for the next two weeks, must restrain all extraordinary actions... In effect, he must force himself to be restrained, thus NORMAL for said two weeks, causing the people around him to make fun of his attempt and maybe causing him to explode messily. :blush:
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To be honest I have almost done so already, as all of my fellow Lindsay block T inmates are normal humans who do not know the wonder of Lobster-magnet. As a result, I have had to be quiet and removed when around them. Instead, I'm just a nerd around other nerds, which I generally get to be a few hours each night :blush:

Curse these normies! I wanted a room next to an internet addicted lobster enthusiast, is this university so poor as to be unable to match up two insane people together!?! Or maybe that is why they haven't put the mad people together... Safety and all.

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Then by that definition if you already have to restrain yourself IRL then for you to have to restrain yourself even in sim would mean a total brakedown, considering you couldn't even relax when not IRL.


Then you'd really be insane! You see, insanity CAN be gained through excessive sanity! :blush:

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No no, I am both sane and insane at the same time. Thanks to my quantum physicist training I can be both at once and it be perfectly fine. I have what is called crazy-sane duality, which works well and is fully explained by physics. Just for the love of god never, ever, try to diffract me through two slits of cardboard!
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