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I'm at university at last, and I've just been for my first introductory lecture for physics. Our first year tutor is called... And I'm scared by this, I really am... Jacco van Loon. Fortunatly he seems normal, and not prone to diving sideways, but I'm watching him just in case. At the first signs of him talking about lobsters in a magnetic context, I'm changing courses or taking up distance learning...
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And as I read through the list of staff I can report to, I came across this:


Chair of the Lennard-Jones Workplace Safety Committee: Dr R D Gould


Now Stargate references are sneaking into Uni life, what next? Will my first year research be on ZATS, or Zinc-Americium Transmitting Systems? Or maybe the chief of the medical department is called Fraiser... I don't know because I haven't checked yet, but I think I shall! Who knows what other secrets the universe holds for me!


*runs off to become a hermit-like conspiracy theorist, but not like Mel Gibson, he knew how to use guns and stuff...*

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I'm two weeks into my university course and I still have no idea when one my lectures is. It's being moved around because of assorted madness, so it's a lot like an academic 'whak-a-mole'. If you see it on the notice board you've got to be fast or you'll miss your chance!


*Plays carnival music* Gah! Tuesday at 3! *runs* No! Now it's friday at 9! *runs* Monday!?! Noooo! *runs* etc...

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What the feck are you on about?


Going nuts and not doing it in the #XCAS channel whilst we were having a sim! Demotion!!! :blush:


Heh, kidding really but try to make it tommorow. It'll be nice to see you and Necro up to your old tricks between each other again. ;)

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Hhmm... It seems I've lost track of what day it is. In my head I've started refering to the weekend as 'nolectureday' and counting it as one long day that happens to get dark in the middle. I shall endevour to make it tonight. If I don't... I'll probably be playing CS and loosing terribly at it. I'm rank 113 of 117 on the server! How cool is that! The only names below me are ones like 'player' and people that have turned up once and tried to learn how to play the game.


In fact... I think my CS skills are much like Jackson... This is spooky. I'm always the first to get shot, I always get shot, I'm always the one to get the grenade to the forehead... In fact if I look at my skill index instead of my score rank... Egads! I'm 34 on the skill chart! I'm brilliantly skilled but I can't convert said skills to pay the said bills! The curse of Jackson travels via any electronic media! Be afraid!

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