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A few bumpy weeks ahead

Mouse Nightshirt

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OK. My AS Level courses have started, and the workload has hit me like a truck. I'm bogged down most weekday evenings with homework and the like. However, the first few weeks seem to be the worst of any school year, so hopefully the work will tone down.


On top of that, I have a main role in our school production, and as a result, won't be available on most Saturdays, as it takes up a good chunk of the day.


Add to this that my first modules are examined just after Christmas, I have a lot on my hands, and even less time for XCAS.


However, I'm going to drag on through as much as I can. We've had a huge influx of members recently, and attendance numbers have been off the chart.


However, I will warn you. It may be possible that we reach the final saga within the next year, and by final saga, I mean the end of XCAS as it stands. It is possible that after completion of XCAS (There always had to be an end to the story. You don't want't us to die in NAO of old age do ya? ;)), that it will terraform itself into a new sim. An X-Com sim, yet possibly not based on any of the released games (if you get my drift into what direction this may be heading :blush:).


So anyway. Mission briefing is up, so go read it, and be there tonight!

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Mouse...I really hoped I wouldn't need to do this, but since you fail to see the obvious pattern here let me point it out to you on a clear slate:


As I hear the sim was once on hiatus for 6 months before I even arrived until September when it restarted. Nevertheless when it did start it kept up relatively okay and then I joined the sim myself. It kept up quite well in fact throughout the fall of 2002 until at the end you called a time out until end of January next year. Okay - no big deal. We did some stuff in between unofficially so as to keep interest in the sim and so as not to let people think it was all dead. Finnaly when the date you proposed came about you delayed it for another month until finnaly in February we had our next official sim led by you.


It seemed it would be relatively okay but again you stopped showing up. Rather than tell us right away about the fact you won't be able to make it to sims you waited for another month which we lost since we didn't know how to act during that time. Finnaly in March you announced you would not be able to lead the sim until end of school so I stepped up to take the baton and did the best I could.


Fast forward until the end of school I was tired like nuts though mainly due to my own fault but leave that for now. Anyway you announced at the end of school you would be coming back. Again you were late for a week or two but okay - you did come back. The only trouble now is that since your "return" we have preformed only TWO sims whilst envisioning one more and ALREADY you're informing us of a "few bumpy weeks ahead" whilst still not participating at sims regularly.


Pardon me for saying this but I don't think this will be a few bumpy weeks ahead and I'm sure neither Ghost or DH think that way either. The fact stands that I've lost my trust for you and now that I've left on a vacation things will only get worse when it comes to managment.


To put it bluntly Mouse. If you cannot do the administrative tasks of XCAS because of Real life issues then hand over the Commander baton to someone else and play a character with less responsibility or simply quit XCAS. It's as simple as that. Forget about hurting the new people with your resignation! What do you think will hurt them more? That they see you leave now or that you remain inside and the XCAS managment remains full of holes?


Anyway that's about it. I shouldn't have even posted this since it IS supposed to be my vacation from XCAS but still I felt it necessary to do this now and not later before Mouse would dissapear again for an unspecified period of time. The bottom line is however - start showing up at sims regularly and do the administrative tasks on time or simply admit that you can't do so on a regular basis over the year and resign from the Commander position. It's that simple. And I assure you there is no 3rd option. I can't speak for DH or Ghost to be perfectly frank but I for one will not continue supporting you and Brain (who should've been removed from the roster a long time ago) for the good of the sim since it's starting to make me feel ill to be perfectly frank. So please for the good of the sim! Shape up or ship out.

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Loonie's right. It may be your sim, Mouse, but the better idea would be to simply pass the responsibility to someone else. Ending the current storyline in general is just a waste, I mean we've got... What... A three year in-game history going for this? And as far as I can tell, the story has only recently been seeing such great elements like the romance between Kacur and Fléche!


I know I haven't been here long enough to know you as well as the rest of the gang, but even I can see some incompetance in you Mouse. I recall a meeting some time ago when you complained that everyone was making plans "As if I'm leaving again" ... I'm sorry man, but in my opinion the contingency plan to replace you in another absence should have been gone through with. The website has barely even seen an update since you've come back. I'm sorry to say, I think Loonie was doing a better job than you, despite him being more of a substitute than a Commander.


I mean come on... If anyone else took such vacations would they still be in the roster?:blush:

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Well in that case, prepare for XCAS to be passed onto someone else. Yes maybe I've made a mistake in doing so after an extended period of time, but currently, my attention must be divided elsewhere.


I appreciate your enthusiasm Strong Bob. Loonie's plus point was that he could place a lot of effort into XCAS, which I no longer have the capability to do. At least for the forseable future.


I've also been disheartened by the fact that there seems to be a lot of resentment. I cannot concentrate on something if I feel that whatever I do, even if my attendance were to be 100%, goes unappreciated.


XCAS has been running two years now. That's a long time for any sim. Maybe it has run its course anyway. I have been contemplating "The End" for over a year now. Maybe now is the time to deploy it. XCAS provides the framework for some other stuff, so maybe "The End" won't be the end-end, but rather, the end of X-Com's time in Ascidian space. Maybe at that point I will leave.


But anyhow, I'd like to hear what you think, no matter how negative.

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I've never spoken ill of anyone on these boards, or on the XCAS channel itself, and it will continue. However, I must say I don't approve of the attitude directed at Mouse by Loonie, and I'm of the opinion that Strong_Bob started too recently to make any judgements like that. But I'm not going to go out and insult anyone directly, which is pretty much what a certain being/s has/have done.


I stand by Mouse as a GM, a player and an over-all sim commander, regardless of recent issues that are real life induced. I wish I had enough life to induce these problems...


Anyway, to do with the 'ending' issue, I feel that an ending of some form should be done, or a breaking. In fact I think an excellent idea would be to give us the old fashioned plot device of 'a crazy unreliable wormhole' that we think will lead to Earth. But instead leads to another dimension or part of space. That way, we could have an ending for the Ascidian space era but continue the sim. Sadly, return to Earth is unlikely thanks to the XCom time line that has already been established ;). Yes, the plot device is predictable and clichéd, but you can all think of better ones for me instead. I also have no idea when to do this, I was thinking 'distant future', but that could mean a few month to years on the XCAS real life time scale. :blush:


As for the handing on of a baton point, it isn't my place to direct anyone on this issue, I have only my opinion. My opinion is that instead of shovelling responsibility from person to person, there should be a council of four to preside over our work like the Ascidian council! You could give out the specialist jobs like the council too, but I'm thinking more of a democracy, with people taking the jobs they want and then the jobs no one wants getting spread out evenly. This could be done using the forums, irc or email, any communication method at all really.


Anyway, to summarise: Mouse rocks, I'd like some kind of ending/split at a later point that I haven't yet decided on, Maybe we could make a council.


-CZ radio signing off, tune in tomorrow for "Lobster tango, Ascidian trot"

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I've also been disheartened by the fact that there seems to be a lot of resentment. I cannot concentrate on something if I feel that whatever I do, even if my attendance were to be 100%, goes unappreciated.

Mouse... I have yet to see your attendance to BE 100%! I can't appreciate someone if their performance is so erratic and sometimes half baked. (Come on, the idea of going on a mining mission recently was a bit unrealistic.) The others tell me you were pretty good once, and I understand that one's personal life can change things like that. But please, all my resentment is pointed at your empty promises and erratic abilities of late. Nothing else.


XCAS has been running two years now. That's a long time for any sim.


How many sims have you been to? The RPG/Sim I worked for, before I joined XCAS, was around for almost a decade. It was called The Destron, and it collapsed only recently, shortly after I was banned for something personal I had with another administrator. The point is, this sim had working people like Loonie aboard unlike Destron. XCAS also has a greater potential, maybe moreso if we developed a more advanced system. Thus, two years is quite miniscule for a sim... But under one person's command? Yeah that would be a long time. Command of Destron changed hands about 2 or 3 times a year, I think maybe some promotions and demotions are in order.


XCAS provides the framework for some other stuff, so maybe "The End" won't be the end-end, but rather, the end of X-Com's time in Ascidian space. Maybe at that point I will leave.


Good idea. I was getting tired of Ascadians anyway. :blush: Plus this would probably open up some great roleplay opportunities for everyone, especially with the Kabron Pirates issue. (Anyone recall the Macque/Starfleet issue on Star Trek Voyager?)


Well, right now the main problem is finding someone to run the place when you're gone. I could certainly do it, but it would be unrealistic to make Scott a Commander... Loonie? He did it in the past but I don't think he's up to it anymore. Any current volunteers?


EDIT: Ack, CZ you had to post at the exact same time as me didn't you!? ;) Well, in my defense, the point I made was that despite only seeing Mouse around a total of five or six times he's made promises and has broken them. Not a very good first impression if you ask me, my man. And the fact that he's also been shirking his own duty as the Commander is also a valid point, considering his claim that he was here to stay so long ago and has since only participated two or three times.

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I've never spoken ill of anyone on these boards, or on the XCAS channel itself, and it will continue. However, I must say I don't approve of the attitude directed at Mouse by Loonie, and I'm of the opinion that Strong_Bob started too recently to make any judgements like that. But I'm not going to go out and insult anyone directly, which is pretty much what a certain being/s has/have done.


CZ what you must understand is that this attitude has been BREWING in me for a long long time. And I constantly kept it under wraps so as not to be rude and offensive. I HAVE given Mouse leverage time and time again, but now I just want to express my dissatisfaction.


What I expressed is my opinion NOT a personal attack against Mouse. Also the thing is that you don't have a view into how we organize things CZ and so you don't know all the things that have happened. In any event the main point is that I am dissatisfied and for many MANY months I have hidden and repressed that dissatisfaction, also bringing it up to Mouse in person several times. But now I am expressing it since I can't do it any more. If you blame me for that well.....I guess in your eyes I am really a bad person.

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Come on guys, expressing your resentment here won't solve anything. Mouse, if you want to end XCAS, please do so only if you really think that you can no longer spare the time for it. ;)


Yes Bob, Mouse was and will always be a damn good CMDR of XCAS. Personally I don't want to see the end of XCAS but if it had to happen I'm sure at least Kappa will still uphold Mouse's legacy. Maybe my opinions are biased since I'm a loyal Mouse supporter :blush: , but I've really enjoyed being part of XCAS for the past two years under Mouse that I still stay up at ungodly hours just to sim.


Anyway, I'm posting just to show Mouse that some of us still want him to be around. ::salutes the CMDR:: (Maybe some positive opinions will encourage him to take XCAS back to its full glory again ;) )

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Loonie, what you have just said simply isn't true. You have never told me of dissatisfaction as strong as you have said so in the post. Yes you did make it clear you were uneasy with the situation, but never with the vengance you have done so in here. I would rather continue that avenue of discussion in private.


My real life has changed a lot in two years, as it would in this stage of my life. I don't have the luxury of being able to be able to provide scheduled maintenance any more. XCAS was started at a point where things seemed to be fine, and all was up until the GCSEs. Regardless of how important XCAS is to me (which it is, contrary to some of your opinions), my real life will always take precedence at expense of XCAS, every single time. My attendance of late has flucuated due to the now ever increasing workload of school in the transfer of level (as anyone who has done A levels will note the differences between GCSE and A level as rather a jump.) At least for now, I want to spend time planning my studies and my life ahead, which is what I've been doing extensively for the past several months.


Loonie, you entered XCAS just as I was entering that critical stage of my education, and thus my real life future, so I can understand that you have a rather different view of how XCAS has been run than those who have been there since the original (and very very different sims).


And I will note that I did not take your last line in your original post all too kindly.


A lot of the older members will remember Svengali from way back, who happens to be a mate of mine in RL. I actually have discussed XCAS development with him ever since the idea and creation. Even though he hasn't participated since a long time back, he still has a fair idea of what goes on, and actually spends time reading the roleplays. Anyhow, my point here is that he said that XCAS was originally my idea, and my creation. Since the beginning, it has changed considerably. Very little of the original XCAS remains. The amount of input and development from external sources has been huge, but that's also a problem. I never intended, for example, for the UFOpaedia to be as diverse as it is now. The current incarnation wasn't even my idea or execution, more of a pleasant suprise by Brain. At the moment it is proving to be the biggest pain because it takes a suprising amount of time to work with.


Now some of you may say "Oh come on, its only an hour or two" but it's an hour or two that I currently, and for a long time, have been unable to cope with, and may be unlikely to content with for a while at least, a long time at most. The original website was originally intended to be a simple shell for the sims, having nothing much more that a mission briefing, roster, a few stories etc etc. Generally, considerably more time needs to be spent on the site than ever is spent on sim planning and execution.


And Strong Bob: You don't remember my attendance being 100% because I was busy with real life when you joined, and still am. You're also comparing XCAS to one sim. Most of the sims I have ever been in/been in contact with (especially through the org) do not last for extended periods of time. As a single sim, I don't know of any other than that you mention. The sims (such as NAARO) were morphed into a new sim along similar lines, or continuing the storyline in the old sim in a completely different setting, which is where I'm planning to take XCAS.


Unfortunately no amount of kind comments will instill me with the same vigour I once had (Although I still feel I could be capable of running XCAS with vigour in the future, it seems as if that solution will take too long). I've feel detached from a lot of the newer people in the sim now due to my absence. The negative attitudes never help, neither does the real-life workload, and XCAS will need to be ended soon. Maybe once I reach university, I would have time to manage a small sim such as XCAS again with full vigour and attent I had at the inception


The idea of having a "council" of some kind seems valid, as it does spread the workload nicely, but I know it would never work, mainly as I doubt enough would volunteer (not that I don't have confidence, but as has been the general trend since the start).


And anyway! I'm running out of ideas for storyline! :blush:

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I really don't know what to say, really, since I've been here with you guys for hardly a month, so I can't take sides on this. However, I do think that each of you is right in some way. For example, Loonie is right advising Mouse to leave XCAS if he feels he can't fulfill his duties, though I think it was wrong of him to stress it so much. Mouse SHOULD leave XCAS if he's 100% sure he can't go on, as Saber Warrior said earlier.


Also, there's no real need to be so harsh on the commander, he's doing what he can to squeeze his life until the last drop of free time he has to work and maintain XCAS. And he's mainly doing it for US, so I think it'd be best to support Mouse instead of "petarding" (bombarding :blush: , I'll explain later) him with resentment.


And finally, I don't really get the thing that you get so hammered by homework and stuff, I mean, for a 16-year-old boy (like me). And you speak about the university as a salvation or vacation. Over here, it's the other way round! Elementary school is a breeze (10% work), High school, not so much (40-50% work) and University... OOF! (70-90% work).


Anyway, as I said before, really can't take sides, but I think this should be resolved in a little nicer way, not throwing rocks at each other.


-- Corporal Jonathan Goorit, signing out.


PD: -Referring Strong_Bob's post of Sep 7 2003, 02:22 PM, lines 3 and 4- "WHAT?"

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Okay. This is the thinger here.


I don't know if some of you haven't noticed but since joining XCAS almost a year ago I have done every last thing to make sure I would be nice. I never spoke against another person even though I really wanted to and never not once mentioned a specific person and put him on the spot in a bad light, because I thought things could be solved quietly and politely.


Lately however I'm learning that some times you just can't be nice in order to get something done in life. I've been nice for almost a year and there have been almost no improvements in this fluctuating dead/live cycle that is prominent in XCAS. So now I have obviously resorted to this measure so as to hopefully wake people up a bit before the next 6 month period comes around.


But I see obviously that my opinion here is not the majority's opinion. Fine. Then I can assume that you want things done the way Mouse has them planned out and how he handles things adheres to your desires. Apparently that is the case and because that IS the case I will shut up from now on about organization and such because I am indeed in this essence just a disturbance who is disrupting what the majority of XCAS players want. And if that is so there is no point in me to keep telling you this over and over.


So from now on I will be quiet about it all. But mind you I'm not going to do a single administrative thing in XCAS or such thing at all apart from writing a UFOpaedia entry every now and then if really needed and contributing in the roleplays. Not because I want to get BACK at Mouse or such like but because I now know for sure I won't be enjoying it. If others feel fine doing it then so be it but I for one don't.


With this I had in fact quite announced that I will be quite likely coming back to XCAS. Still it won't be till the 20th since I need to straighten out real life things first so that date still stands as it is. By now I had decided that when I get back I will do only three things in XCAS. Roleplay Martin Kacur (in sim and in roleplays), occasionally contribute a UFOpaedia entry if I feel like doing one and shut the hell up about administration. Why the last point? Because my views are obviously different from that which most other people have in mind and me pointing it out EVEN MORE than a year since being in XCAS will not help anything. I had my chance to make my point and if you would be receptive to it you would've done it by now (before DH or Ghost respond to this I mean only the change in organization when it comes to the principles, not the shifts that were done for instance when I took over the sim temporarily).


Once again I DO so wish people would stop looking at this like a personal attack at Mouse. He's a good person who wants the best for XCAS I am SURE. But it's just my opinion that he cannot lead it properly anymore like he used to. But f**k it. I'm shutting the hell up before I cause anymore disturbance here.

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I'm conferring with Mouse as to what to do, but I feel I owe him and Loonie a public apology. The things being complained of are nobody's fault but my own.


I have a proposal for Mouse, but until he ratifies it. I would like to post it here now... Sigh, I don't think it would be a good idea though. Tomorrow though before 9:00 GMT, it will be up if it is not rejected.




Loonie, we're here to discuss, not to bite and run. If you have a point, we're here to talk. This very attitude is what has gotten us to this point. You want something done, then you do it. Don't back down like you've done before.


There has been a show of no-confidence though, by an officer of this sim, and this needs to be respected. Our LTs are chosen to make decisions like this. Loonie doesn't talk brashly, he would only say so if he seriously thought something was wrong. Without the support of the sim members, a leader cannot lead. This week, we will decide, at the very least, my fate in XCAS. More to follow tomorrow, by the prescribed time.

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And Strong Bob: You don't remember my attendance being 100% because I was busy with real life when you joined, and still am. You're also comparing XCAS to one sim. Most of the sims I have ever been in/been in contact with (especially through the org) do not last for extended periods of time. As a single sim, I don't know of any other than that you mention. The sims (such as NAARO) were morphed into a new sim along similar lines, or continuing the storyline in the old sim in a completely different setting, which is where I'm planning to take XCAS.

I wasn't contesting the change in XCAS, I'm completely open for it. But Running off to work with other sims shouldn't be an excuse, XCAS is your creation and your responsibility. Hell, XCAS doesn't require much more from you than maybe a simple post in the forum as to what needs doing in the sim or on the site. By telling us, as you have in the meeting I attended, that you'll be back to stay and that things will get done only makes things worse when it doesn't happen. Like what's already been mentioned, a council or something along those lines should be put together and formed in the fashion of specialist officers. (I'll air my suggestion for that at a later date.) A democracy style council is a great idea to me. Although democracy certainly didn't work here in the U.S. (George Bush must be stopped at once!) I think we can make it work here. :blush:


Loonie, I'm actually in agreement with you. But please, in my experience giving up on fields that need work doesn't make things better. Notice only a couple of XCAS members have posted here thus far, that doesn't mean everyone dislikes your methods.


Now to clarify, I'm not trying to stress things either. This is simply some constructive critisism I feel is necessary to point out. If someone, like you Mouse >_<, feels insulted by me then please just ignore it.

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OK folks, here's the deal.


According to what I'm hearing, there's a lot of misplaced anger here. People want Mouse to step down under the opinion that this will somehow improve things. I fail to see how, at this juncture, but I'm sure the whole situation will become clearer.


Mouse leaving solves nothing, except for scapegoating, of course. That he is being rebuked for his lack of consistency is not the issue I bring up right now. He is being called out, challenged for command. It's that simple.


I would be a fool to dismiss my participation in this act. Since Loonie stepped down, it seems that things have gone poorly under my administration. Every week, it seems that another complaint crops up, whether it be updates to the site or a poor planning. All the complaints in this thread alone, minus those directed at Mouse' schedule, are mine to deal with. Enough people have expressed their disappoint with my work.


I personally do not believe in an unlimited democracy. Too many people vote and expect the unreasonable. However, I don't think this will be the case here. Since I, as Mouse' current deputy, have been called out by my peers, I will submit to their judgement. I therefore deliver the following question for discussion and subsequent voting.


"Should DragonHawk be expelled from XCAS administration of the sim in general and Alpha Squad?"


'Yes' means that I will be expelled as a member of the administration and as a pseudo-officer of XCAS. I will not engage in planning of any sort, and the fate of Alpha Squad will be left to someone else to determine. I will be at the disposal of the next administrator. Note that I have no intention of abandoning my position with Kappa Team; Ghost and Saber would not have let it come to this.


'No' means that I stay where I am. You will have to handle the fact that my time is not unlimited and you will deal with it, but NOT in a way that undermines my authority, like what is happening here; there are enough other options. In turn, I will do what needs to be done for XCAS, in-sim and out-of-sim. There will be no false commitments, no promises that can't be kept. This does not mean that the sim gets a free ride - I have no intention of letting research progress any faster than the UFOpaedia can be updated, so if nobody submits research, there is no progress. I will use the authority that I will have; I won't shy away from my duty.


Abstaining is allowed, but I don't encourage it. If you abstain, you are not bound by the conditions of the vote. Not voting is also allowed, but other than being reviled for your lack of indecision, it will accomplish nothing more than an abstain would give.


Clean and simple. You guys want the crap to stop? Right here, we settle what you believe to be the cause. Considering yes/no votes only, if 1/3 vote against me, then that will constitute a deciding vote in view of the fact that my position here was meant to be temporary. Greater than 2/3 of ALL votes must be 'no' to install me as a pseudo-permanent supervisor for XCAS' activities. If neither condition is fulfilled, I will stay on as an advisor, but the primary administration and power will fall to someone else. I won't accept a half-measure like "forget it, I withdraw my complaint, I don't care". That's bulls*** and we all know it.


I expect votes from all players (minus Chung, Kokinda, Turgman, and possibly a few others), but not right now. In fact, I will discount anything I get prior to Monday. XCAS players have, in my mind, a reputation for a strange combination of impulsiveness and shyness. I want this decision to be neither. Unlike the first rank discussion, this decision and its implementation will be binding and your vote needs to be thought out. I expect each player, on his or her own personal honour, to vote honestly regardless of personal feeling, accept the result, and be ready to deal with whatever the aftershocks will be.


In summary, a 'yes' vote means that the source of all the current problems will disappear. A 'no' vote means that you wish for me to remain in XCAS Alpha in an administrative capacity. Voting period will be between Monday 00:00 GMT and Wednesday 00:00 GMT. Two days should be sufficient to get this done.


As always, I leave you time to discuss, to make sure you understand the conditions of any voting procedure. When the voting does take place, I would prefer to get them via private means so that I'm sure only XCAS members are voting, and so that the vote stays confidential.



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"forget it, I withdraw my complaint, I don't care". That's bulls*** and we all know it.


It is not bullshit if this thing has been permutating in my mind for almost a year since it DOES make sense for me to stop causing upheaval in XCAS. Why? Because if people really wanted a dramatic change in structure they would've acted towards it by now. But they haven't. Therefore it is useless for me to continue to complain since it is the will of the majority not to change things in that respect.


It's interesting you should say that's bulls*** since I have quite a few of your constant and repeating self-doubting statements - the one you just made included - labeled as bulls*** as well. But anyway forget that for now.


What you need to ask yourself is how things will change after your responsibility is cut. I for one am not going to do administrative duties for sure because I've learned by now that I'll be never happy doing them in XCAS. Now cut you out of the picture as well and we have only two people left. Ghost and Mouse who is bogged down with RL stuff (quite correct that he devotes to RL stuff before XCAS but as I've said I have my opinion about that in more detail).


Anyhow. We have already been having some problems when it was just me, Ghost and DH. Now with the two of us out of the loop I can't help but think that things will get worse since there'll be even LESS people to do administrative duties.


But even so there is something else which will ultimately decide my vote differently, however I won't mention it here since it could sway the opinion too much and once again it could be faulty. Nevertheless I'm beginning to be quite positive of it...


Now I believe what will happen is either:


a) With half of its administration cut off (me and DH) XCAS will have even MORE problems with managment not to mention GMing and sims in general UNLESS more people are willing to step up and do their best attempt at co-leading the sim. Of course it's each person's own right to think for himself if he can do the task and if he wants to do it. In paticular here I want to mention Bob. You have had previous experience in leading as I saw and heard but above all I do NOT want you to feel pressured to step up. I don't want you to think "God, XCAS is going to fall apart if someone doesn't take charge and help out. Guess it's gotta be me." Do it only if you FEEL like doing it and if you believe you'll enjoy it, please.


B) There are only 2 people left to do the administration. There is a psychology factor which has a small chance of succeeding so that things WOULD work out but for it to really work is quite unlikely, especially since real life stuff is apparently Mouse's main worry (as it should be - though yet again my opinion about it is here) and Ghost also can't be around and lead the thing all by himself (correct me if I'm wrong at any point here).


I think those are the two possible scenarios. Apart from Strong_Bob I currently don't see anyone who would perhaps be interested in administrative XCAS stuff, but again if I am wrong about this point it out (Bob including if I've made a wrong prediction with you).


So that's basically it for me for now.

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I'd like to help on what I can, the computer is mine at least 4 hours a day, so you can guess my life is flooded with free time. As long as you don't throw everything to me, I'll be fine :blush: .


There's no reason to kick anybody out since, as Loonie said, the least the worst. DH, I know you don't have much free time, but at least you do some stuff sometimes, which is better than nothing if you resign. We need as many people as we can on administrative duty, so we'll be able to assign smaller parts to each other, thus lowering the amount of work for each of us. That's why I'll try to do my best.


I won't let XCAS fall!

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the computer is mine at least 4 hours a day, so you can guess my life is flooded with free time


Same here lol, im a fairly experianced webmaster, i know how to make Flash things also :) and i am a fairly good leader, i was high ranking in a clan in Starsige: Tribes and when the leader dissapeared it began falling apart, i stepped up and began leading it, i did it because i liked being in the clan, i liked the people in it, and most of all because i wanted too. This here is only slightly different yet my feelings are the same.


Id be glad to help out.



(Muahaha my reign of terror shall begin and here is my army! :blush:;):) :) ;) ;) :) lol)

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I think those are the two possible scenarios. Apart from Strong_Bob I currently don't see anyone who would perhaps be interested in administrative XCAS stuff, but again if I am wrong about this point it out (Bob including if I've made a wrong prediction with you).


No, you're right. I'd like to step up. Some people see it to be strange, but I derive more pleasure from being a Game Master than from being a Game Player.


Mouse leaving solves nothing, except for scapegoating, of course. That he is being rebuked for his lack of consistency is not the issue I bring up right now. He is being called out, challenged for command. It's that simple.


I think you misunderstood me DH. In the past I've seen you do good for XCAS, but also I recall several quotes from you in the past featuring how you were incapable of doing something due to lack of instruction from Mouse or whoever. I fail to see where your incompetance comes in, in fact it looks like your inability comes from a lack of administrative power... I could be wrong about that, but that's what I'm getting here.


But the main thing I'm compelled to bring up is, when one leads a sim or clan or whatever other type of gaming group, the leader must be trustworthy, competant, and must also take charge when it's necessary to keep his group together and have fun. Mouse has been absent for a long time, I've only seen him in action four times since June, when he was supposed to be back for good. And since his supposed return I've seen things happen, like the UFOpedia going unchecked for a month, the half-baked sim this week, and worst of all the lack of due info on how to do some things. (Example: The API Tech data was completed some time ago, and we still have no idea what the hell it is...) Sorry, but in my opinion, my accusations are a bit well founded. However, I'm not biased in just throwing him out, in fact...


Above all I'd like for you to shape up a bit, Mouse. But since you have knowingly explained to us you can't, there needs to be an overhaul of management. I'm up for the Council idea, but I could still go for the official modern ranking structure, one man being the Commander. So here's what I can see happening: You could stay, bumbling about between XCAS and your personal life possibly hindering both. (Which is understandably more important.) You could hand over Command to someone else, which would likely make things move faster while you still come by and sim with us whenever you're in the mood. Or we could go for the Council Thinger, where you can stay in command but only to as much a degree as others on the same council. Also you could end the sim and send everyone home in dissapointment, which would possibly turn resentment towards you into homicidal anger and I know non of us want that. :blush:


DH, I know you won't take a response from me until Monday, but since I don't even see the reason why you should fall back my answer is "No" and will be "No" when the time arrives. So unless you want to leave, I'm not voting against you, as I see no major flaw in your work.


Snake Eye, Shadowblade... I commend you. But I commend anyone with such spirit. ;) I'm sure we could use all the help available.


That's my opinion, now since noone else seems to be doing so, I shall post a setting in the roleplays to keep life going in the sim during this matter...

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I appreciate that Loonie. :blush: I will, however, explain why I believe backing down is crap, and why my comments are valid, because this is discussion, not one-way tyrannical ranting.


Backing down, from anyone, is bull. Why? Because it doesn't solve anything. Loonie is at the very minimum, my sounding board for problems in XCAS. At maximum, he's a good leader to be following, because he's the man with the ideas. Nothing is so dangerous as someone who is totally satisfied with the way things are going - nothing should be stagnant for long. Loonie is the vessel for change in XCAS, so long as he's willing to bring up the issues that concern XCAS most. Whether things can be done about some issues, that is in question.


However, people will simply accuse me of blathering, so of course I will back it up by example. During the first discussion on rank, which thankfully is now dead, it came to nothing, despite the fact that there were possibilities for improvement. People backed down, and why? It solved nothing. Fortunately, Alpha Squad resolved its own issues and Loonie showed his worthiness as LT, but sacrifices were made for that - lots of people took voluntary demotions to make it work.


Why are my comments not BS? This is highly subjective, of course. I don't have any particular self-doubts, so you'll have to point them out to me. If people can deny the facts that I presented, then go for it, but the fact is that when you dig deep enough, the problems present are my problems, because ACTIVE command was handed to me. Is this true or not? Mouse, Ghost, Saber, and I had Loonie promoted to overall command, with nobody over him, then Loonie delegated his command to me. He has since left, which makes XCAS my responsibility. Like any commander, I am responsible for what goes on in my command, and in this case, things haven't been going swimmingly, or so I'm told.


For Strong_Bob, my only current restrictions are for this saga only. I wasn't involved in the planning for it, which is why it's sorta in question. Past this saga though, there are already plans that will take the better part of half a real-time year if we are dedicated, and I can force things for this saga to finish by the middle of October. However, all the good in the world isn't enough to combat the bad; I demand only the best for XCAS. Updates are my problem now, and they aren't getting done.


Also note that I will not be leaving XCAS in any playing capacity. If I'm voted out as admin, I will still perform the duties required of me by the leading admin, so no, you do not lose your GM.


If you can somehow find a way to blame Mouse for issues in the sim, feel free, but let me know the logic, because I can't quite find a way yet. Nor will I try, I know my duty.

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Okay. Since I've given my logic in long and complicated form it might not have been understood correctly. So I'll present it in short points.


Question: Why do I think Mouse should not be wearing the title of Commander?


Answer: Because new recruits can primarily look up to him. What hint does a Commander who hardly ever makes it to the sims in a year give a new recruit? That this sim is going to fall apart soon if it's founder and the person who should be primarily taking care of it is not even present at the sims (note: This isn't necessarily MY point of view. But it IS quite likely the point of view that most new recruits will get)


Question: Why do I think Mouse should admit that he cannot preform administrative XCAS duties on a regular basis?


Answer: Because he can't. His real life stuff is mounting which is (justifiabilly) causing him to stop doing XCAS stuff as much as he used to. He can still do some every now and then but the past has certainly shown that not on a level of a regular administrator.


Question: Why even bother with him admitting it. What will it solve practically speaking?


Answer: Well it would solve the problem of him saying that he has returned and will do XCAS stuff but ultimately not making it on numerous occasions as it has happened in the past. Lately he has fortunately at least announced it first to DH, Ghost or me so that we could come up with something, though it has happened that he simply didn't make it on occasions without warning and left us wondering about what sim can we come up with in short notice. Still the problem is that currently he has creative control about HOW this sim will EVOLVE since he still is the Commander, meaning that my, DH's and Ghost's leverage on what kinds of sims do we think up to compensate for the ones Mouse can't make is SEVERELY limited.


Question: Why is it so limited?


Answer: Because we can't do any major changes in XCAS because that could interfere with Mouses plans. Furthermore it would help if he would at least tell us how the sims should be led in the future and what the plot developments will be in the future. If he doesn't do that then the others cannot do anything more than "in-between sims" that have all combat but no significant plot twists which draw players in! We can't do those because whatever we think up might interfere with what Mouse has in mind and HE usually hasn't told us about his plans on the sim so that we can't make sims based on his ideas.


Now as I've reitterated. I have nothing against Mouse. But in my view it would be best for everyone, him included, if he took a side role in XCAS at least and leave the way that the sim would progress in the future to someone else or to a council as it has already been proposed. Why? Because his plans cannot be preformed correctly and I fear that we're going to have another saga like "Hostile Friends" soon. A saga that originally had a most interesting idea in it I'm sure but ultimately it didn't come to light because Mouse just wasn't there to execute it and didn't tell the rest of us about it.


Well.....that took up more space than I thought. :blush: Anyway...response please. And no DH, self-doubt was on my mind before but a new thought sparkled inside me recently about why you constantly blame yourself. Yes, technically you are correct that the sim was officially your responsibility, but unofficially I know there's more to it than just that.

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Mouse' fate is not my concern. He can choose to leave, or not, and that will be his decision. Either way, he is not involved in the micro-affairs of XCAS, and it doesn't change much, except, as you've indicated, the change in focus of projectional blinders. Ultimately though, as has been pointed out, if he is not coming back, he should be admitting it. He is responsible for that.


With regards to his plans, the flow is actually my responsibility right now. I know the general flow of battle, and Kappa Team is supporting that, but I'm having troubles finding things for Alpha to do. Unlike the common perception right now, the API and the BS are not likely to be open organizations, with huge warehouses and facilities all over the place. I'm working on building the last heavy assault mission for the saga, to take place on the 21st or 28th, but I need Kappa Team to sim... well, at least once, but preferably twice. API Tech Data or something was mentioned, I wasn't involved in the implementation of that, so I don't know what's expected. Other UFOpedia entries are my problem, anything that is not mission specific.


Note that future sagas are already out of Mouse' control, so that is not an issue. My 'leverage', as it's been called, is fairly heavy. There are some things that I don't think are worthwhile to pursue, which is why I don't bother. If I say it is so, then I will find a way; Kappa Team was one such development.


In short, nobody is disagreeing with you, Loonie, in principal.

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Why everyone forgets about newbies? Sorry for interfering with the discussion (and sorry for any grammar errors) but I have a different opinion:


1- My point of view are quite different of your, Loonie. OK, surely a commander that can't make good sims are a very bad thing to a newbie, but it's not THAT bad. No one can make up his own mind agains anyone with only five or less sims (thats my case... I have just one sim in my "curriculum")


2- Just a sugestion (if anyone have not proposed it before): how about two or three commanders in XCAS? That way only if all three commanders gone "idea-less" the sim can't continues.


3- A planet/universe/timeline change are really a good idea for me! ^^


4- Why not making a entirely new X-Com universe? (Something after X-Com Apocalypse with two or more alien starcraft-style races)



--Omega2 (A.K.A. Private Robert Stax)


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Hehehh, as you can read, Kitat, not as well as it could be. And nothing prevents you from posting in the roleplay forum, except for the fact that you may not want to, and that's your own choice, nobody elses. If I can convince Ghost and Saber to participate in my marathon sim planned for Sunday, do feel free to show up and watch - we start fairly early, 13:00 to 14:00 GMT sometimes, and this one might go on for a few hours.


Omega, Loonie addressed his view of newbie concerns, but if no newbie posts, we don't have real data, correct? :blush: What Loonie is trying to say is that the impression that Mouse is giving newbies is not as good as it should be - regardless of his outside considerations, he should not be promising to return if he cannot. That itself is the prime issue we're arguing about - the other stuff about how stuff sucks is not Mouse' problem.


One thing that is becoming a problem is the assumption that the highest ranking member of XCAS will lead the sim - it's no longer the case and has not been for many months now. We do have multiple leaders; both Ghost and Kacur are both good players and GMs, but neither want to be in control at this point. I'm not playing an officer character myself, but am the current leading member of XCAS. The reason we believe we want to run it this way is because our prior experience has been that the CO, whether the Commander, Colonel, or Lieutenant, tends to force the issue along a certain storyline - they have the ability to give orders to enforce their projected storyline. This is the reason I'm not playing as an Alpha Squad member.


I can't comment on your third point, that might be giving away too much. ;) Universe and timeline, no. Until people in XCAS Alpha demand a totally new start, we stay in the current. Planet is another story.


Regards to the fourth point, but our projection of the Alliance universe probably bears little resemblance to the game universe, so 'new' is a sort of non-issue - it's as new as your mind will allow.


Anyway, welcome to XCAS. ;)

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