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Pvt. Goorit reporting for duty, SIR!


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I'm sure that's fine there Shadowblade. Lemme be the first to welcome you to the sim!


Welcome to XCAS!


I'm the player of Corporal Joseph Scott! The ex-cop that has a problem with authority. It's alright, you can trust him as long as you're not a commanding officer. :blush:

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Commanding officers, I suppose that includes me, welcome to XCAS, at least I doubt there'll be much problems with your application ;) As you may or may not have guessed by my name here, and by my signature, I am Lieutenant Dmitri "Ghost" Schmerjchanikov (lucky you, you don't have to use my surname, just call me Ghost :blush:). I'm Kappa Team's leader, and basically with Loonie the senior officer of the sim, under the Commander and the Colonel of course.


So, what kind of character will yours be? A pirate, or a defrosted one? And what professions? ;)

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::steps in as Ghost mentions him and shoves the big russian out of the way......though he notices he didn't move him and inch :blush: ::


Lo there. I wonder if you might be one of the previous two applicants? The Trooper/Sniper or the Scientist/Medic?


Oh well if not. State your name, rank and serial.....NO your positions. ;)


By the way I play Lieutenant Martin Kacur, the Psionisist guy who's shy with women and has some soulsearching to do on a random basis ;)

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Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!! ::halts wheelchair nearby:: Hi! I'm Chrysalid_Zombie, my alternate persona is CPL Daniel Jackson, who is clinically insane and at the minute has a broken leg ::points at the cast::. I see lobsters everywhere, throw up near mashed potato and recently started experiencing random flashbacks to my by-gone days of rampant civilian killing. Did I say civilian? I meant rioting Cult of Sirius members!

Please try to avoid mentioning the Cult of Sirius around Jacko... He may or may not go crazy... Well... Crazier.

As well as cannon fodder duty (i.e. trooper) I also act as a secondary sniper for Kacur's squad, using my magic glasses to see through walls and other hilarious fun and games. On the negative side, I can be psionically controlled by a one minute old sectoid with half a brain, my left leg is a mechanical replacement and bullets/flying objects/injuries are in fact attracted to me by a mysterious force no one can explain.

It's all good fun! :blush:

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Thanks for letting me join, here is my data:


Character Name: Jonathan Goorit

Codename: Shadow

Primary Position: Sniper

Secondary Position: Trooper

Current Rank: Private

Serial: JG-7X3


Looking forward to Sunday. LET'S KICK SOME ALIEN ASS!! :blush:

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Do feel free to swing by on Saturday as well, same time, if you do have time. There is a sim going on then as well. Not always XCAS, but it's nice to be able to get the practice.


Your info is on the roster now. Please remember to write a biography at some point. You're not assigned to a team yet because we're still trying to figure out how best to fit you in.

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I think you'd best mail it to DH or Mouse. I can't remember Mouse's off the top of my head atm, but DH's is dragonhawk at x-com dot co dot uk


DragonHawk: You f***tard, this email address is currently spam free!!! Don't change that for me! :blush: Loonie is good as well, lenartpogacnik at hotmail dot com

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::throws Saber a mug of coffee::


So that you'll have a better chance to do it next time ;) By the way, I put up your bio Shadow ;) I'd say by the looks of it that your character won't be getting along with Martin Kacur that well :blush: You'll soon see why ;)

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Now then, I'm the bloke that plays the character of Doctor Ned Yorke, so if you medical attention yell, 'Medic' or 'Doc' or 'I say! I've been shot by the enemy and would appear to be in need of medical attention!' And either me, or one of hte other medics will come a running to help.


Other than that - welcome aboard!

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