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I already announced a new mod in another thread. I am going to post here some info and pics on a weekly/monthly/... basis (depending on activity in this thread).

So yes, this is basically Allies campaign remake made on Sentinels engine with broken/jammed weapons, money and some cool stuff. But that's only the beginning!



You will play as a male/female British soldier (scout, sniper, grenadier, medic, engineer - take your pick) and start as usual. Voiced like in S2, of course. The only downside: your face will be a preset with no way to change it.

Silent Storm missions will be reconstructed and linked to each other with clues, just like it was in S2. Unfortunately, clue mechanism as well as old scenario system was broken in Sentinels, so this mod does not support 100% parity with S2. But restoring old clue logic with scripts was possible.


New Clue System (NCS). Status: Ready. Alive and kicking working. Next step – restore all S2 missions and inject NCS where necessary. A few missions (with all possible clues/outcomes) restored so far.


Defending your homeland. In S2 you were supposed to be careful when fighting in England, trying not to damage much property, kill allied soldiers, civilians etc. But the game did not care, so you could just do whatever you wanted with the only possible thing to lose — medals. In this mod you will face consequences for such behavior.


Fighting on enemy territory. In S2 you were uncontrollable: kill everyone in Brandenburg, blow up everything in Hannover, ravage etc. No one would punish you, so you could feel pretty safe. In this mod you will have to be very careful, or you will be surrounded and possibly will die in seconds. As for the Germans, they always have some reinforcement ready to deploy. And hunting squads, in case you try to escape after big chaos you created. And Abwehr, of course.



You will have access to everything SE2 has to offer. You will not have to buy guns and rifles, but as a commander of SE2 squad you will have an option to order some prototypes or special weapons/equipment.



After mission is completed, you will be paid like in S3, as well as gain some Prestige. Money represents your squad budget, for special purposes.



Any stuff looking unusual for a typical WW2 soldier: silenced weapons, weapon prototypes (e.g. Sterling), body armors, PK weapons etc.



Almost any operation will have some options for you to choose. The choice will be granted right before this mission starts. E.g. for Germany you may try bribe someone to receive a special opportunity, or hire someone to make that hard mission be easy on you. When in England, you will not have to pay someone, as all resources will be yours for free. But in order to use them, you will have to gain enough Prestige.



This new game mechanic will be essential if you want your store to refresh regularly and new mercs to appear (like pre-mission options – especially useful for operations held on British territory). Any job well done will lead to increasing your Prestige, any job failed will take away some precious Prestige from you. Try to help your allies and complete objectives in order to have full support from HQ. You will need it, because...



Enemies will vary or become stronger, if their presence level is higher than normal. Enemies will have their own objectives, and if they succeed, then their Power Level will grow. E.g., right from the start Germans will have this level at Medium, so depending on your actions, you may increase it, or decrease to nothing. With less Power they are weaker. The more power they have, then more trouble will await you. Especially if you decide to visit Germany and fight enemies while standing with no cover.



Almost all enemy squads will have a "plan". Enemy squads will have medics, engineers, snipers etc. Officers will grant commander auras for their teammates (bonus accuracy, evasion etc.). All important officers will always try to escape, and their men will try to cover VIP's. Some enemies will be very special and will require unique approach. Winning tactics for different missions may vary, so try to choose your squadmates wisely.



Two of them so far.

Lt. Karen Presley, USA female sniper.

Rosemarie "Rose" Friedrich. german (!) female scout.


Need more info? Do you have anything to ask or idea to share? I will make sure your questions will be answered. wink.png

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This is pretty unrealistic. Nival/1C own the rights, so they will not let anyone do anything with their IP. And engine. Which sounds right to me.

Maybe use another engine? UE or Unity? Or this is so hard programming?(Sorry, i totally noob in programming and don't know how this is hard)

Very sad - new tbs game(x-com(2012)) use castrated tactics mode or real-time with pause(Jagged Alliance 3, Brigade E5, 7.62), but more tbs gamer want good tactics, like SS. Realise xenonauts proof it.

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Maybe use another engine? UE or Unity? Or this is so hard programming?

That would be hell a lot of work for one person.

Very sad - new tbs game(x-com(2012)) use castrated tactics mode

True. Haven't find a good new tactis/tbs game myself, so had to go back to modding S3.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello there.


Any good news about development? Screenshots maybe:?

Sure, I can share some news since someone asked. grin.gif


The mod is still in development.


Work done so far:


- New Hire system

- Prestige

- Enemy Power/Presence (Germans) WIP, implemented, still need to make some tests

- Enemies will have weapons and skills matched to their faction level of presence (e.g., "very high" means elite smg germans will be high level, deadly and will carry STG44 etc.)

- Old Allies store "restored" (free stuff)

- New special store added (paid stuff)

- 3 New Mercenaries added (voiced)

- Something else...


To Do List:


- England regions - WIP

- Germany regions - to do

- USSR - to do

- Switzerland - to do


- Weapon rebalance - to do

- PK rebalance - to do

- 4th new mercenary - WIP (done and voiced but has no class yet)

- Some new stuff like uniforms or items (both WIP and to do)

- Enemy AI (?) engineers

- Enemy AI (?) medics

- Enemy AI (?) officers

- Something else

- A lot of testing - to do


Some screenshots:


Female hero




New Zinaida (head)




Both may use headgear with their haircuts.


New heroes: Karen, Rose, Bison




Bison (new PC uniform)




Female TH Officer (NPC uniform)




Female Nazi Elite Guard (NPC uniform)




Female USA Officer (PC uniform)



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About prestige what will it do? Access to faction specific weapons/clothes/pks or something?

Access to weapons/equipment, clothing, mercs and some pre-mission choices.

Enemy presence will be somehow shown on the map?

You always can check it while at your base. wink.png

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Hey Ho, WerHeruvim! Nice screenshost(New girl's head is great! I'm like this!)

What about new hire system? May i can hear about this is?

What about hire "secret mercs"?(This unical class, or, maybe, someone special skill) Secret Mercs - this is mercs may be hired, if gamer find special clue or clues(How secret mission with mechanical soldier in Sentinels)

Also, sorry for obtrusive with my mad-ideas, but i think this is be good - what if our mercs and main hero may have special skill(quirk, or something else) Example - Zinaida hate nazi troops, and when she use scope-gun against them - chance of critical +10%

Or this is very hard coding?

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What about new hire system? May i can hear about this is?

It works very similar to S2. Due to engine restrictions S2 hire system was impossible to restore, so I recreated it with scripts. You have to talk to the commander as usual, then you will see the list of available mercs: SE2 mercs, USA mercs (unlocked with prestige) and USSR mercs (unlocked with prestige). From here you can hire/fire anyone available. USA and USSR mercs are stronger.

What about hire "secret mercs"?(This unical class, or, maybe, someone special skill) Secret Mercs - this is mercs may be hired, if gamer find special clue or clues(How secret mission with mechanical soldier in Sentinels)

Actually, there is one "secret" merc. Pretty powerful. With unique class. He will be avaialble at your base once you "find" him and spend "some" cash.

Also, sorry for obtrusive with my mad-ideas, but i think this is be good - what if our mercs and main hero may have special skill(quirk, or something else) Example - Zinaida hate nazi troops, and when she use scope-gun against them - chance of critical +10%

Or this is very hard coding?

Implementation would be too sophisticated. Each merc have one class perk right from the start which would fit them well, e.g. Bob has Ignore wounds (lost his family during the First War, nothing could hurt him anymore), Kate has Rage (Indian origin), new russian merc has Vanguard (former militia).

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Folks, this mod looks great, I have started the first mod but it always hangs at the point where the sentry walks in and gets clouted by boris and hero.


any suffestions would be helpful; Windows 10 and steam version being used. Thanks.

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Hi Folks, this mod looks great, I have started the first mod but it always hangs at the point where the sentry walks in and gets clouted by boris and hero.


any suffestions would be helpful; Windows 10 and steam version being used. Thanks.

Open your console and make a screenshot when this happens. Post it here https://www.strategycore.co.uk/forums/topic/11320-s3-mod-silent-storm-sentinels-redesigned/page__st__20

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  • 2 weeks later...

Release Date: 2017

Can't say more.


Great Comrad, you locations - Russia? You too russian?(То есть, я имею ввиду, можно не изгаляться с плохим английским и нормально излагать мысли на русском? А то мой английский настолько плох, что он снится в кошмарах моей учительнице английского)

We all wants you work, but, maybe, you need some help? Maybe little snack donat(c'mon, i pay in kickstarter, why i can;t support good mod development?)

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Great Comrad, you locations - Russia? You too russian?(То есть, я имею ввиду, можно не изгаляться с плохим английским и нормально излагать мысли на русском? А то мой английский настолько плох, что он снится в кошмарах моей учительнице английского)

Yes and yes. wink.png (Для общения на русском создавал тему на форуме Нивала, правда, и там народу негусто)

We all wants you work, but, maybe, you need some help? Maybe little snack donat(c'mon, i pay in kickstarter, why i can;t support good mod development?)

This mod (like all mods for Silent Storm) will be free, so no donation required. If S2/S3 community was bigger, it would help though. Unfortunately this is not something one could ask. I wish more people would write some thoughts or communicate. It's a shame but Redesigned was downloaded like 1000+ times, and only 15-20 players to date somewhat cared and wrote "Hi", "Thanks" or expressed their opinion in some way. Really frustrating.

As for the release date: I don't want to rush it. When I am in the right mood or not that busy IRL, I launch MapEditor and work on some stuff. There is no point in modding if you are trying to release smth asap. So I prefer to take my time.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Hello! Alas there isn't much good news: Nival has shutdown its russian forum thus erasing all modding content like tutorials, discussion topics and many-many useful posts (e.g. all Novik's posts are lost forever). Honestly I don't need it that much (I manage to keep everything I need anyway), but still this jerk move makes me sad: so much content gone means people would unlikely go back to modding and I may be the last active russian modder left.


Anyway, let's talk about TT. It is not gone. All files and assets are saved. Sadly I am not interested to continue. At least for now.


Seeing people very -inactive- here and there is not very encouraging, especially when you actually spend your free time to make something cool. Let's admit it: Silent Storm community is dead (like this forum section). Very painful, but true.


The only good news is I am not abandoning MapEditor and modding S3. I am making something else (I started working on it long before True Terror) and it keeps getting better every day. I can't say more as I don't wish to generate too much hype or make false promises.

I may return to True Terror and finish it in the future. Or may not. Time will tell.


And the last but not least I will try to find another place with more active community (if there is any). Love discussing stuff and chatting with others.

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Very sad news, comrade. Hoped to see your work in near future.

But you didn't stop and it's promising. If you will find better place to disscus with people your work post or pm link please.

See you around. Waiting for your mod sincerrelly

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Печально, бро. Ну а Нивал - да что с ними, мать их, не так?

Ну а в остальном - я тебп онимаю. Сам попиливаю моды, правда для третьего варкрафта - там и проще, и комьюнити больше, и всяких ништяков прикрутить легче. Однако, всё же, говорю, что либо игр уровня Сайлент Шторма уже никогда не будет, либо надо как-то делать их самим...

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Here are some screenshots from the last mod I was working for. Some models like guns and pa were imported from APN (with Okim's permission)




Однако, всё же, говорю, что либо игр уровня Сайлент Шторма уже никогда не будет, либо надо как-то делать их самим...

Дык дело в том, что людям просто пофиг: в лучшем случае скачают, поиграют и забьют. Привыкли получать все на халяву, что ж с них взять. А тут еще и игра "древняя", а значит и интерес близок к нулю. Warcraft III хоть культовый статус имеет как и действующего успешного разработчика.


А насчет проекта по фолычу... думаю, его постигнет та же участь. Соберу отзывы по форумам, и все станет ясно. Поэтому быть может и его положу на полку, как остальные.

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