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The Facts


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Honestly I'll be allright. I just have my preconceptions about organization and they don't happen to be in the spirit of XCAS I believe. ;)


Actually I was wondering if you need some hugs yourself Brain? :blush:


P.S. Though Skonar is indeed correct in many points, including quite likely on the point of why IRC FFRPing is done, there is always the more writers approach to playing out characters and also different objectives for doing it, but.....okay. That's another segment of fantasy. ;)


Also I don't want anyone be discouraged by what he said. True, I would like it to go more towards personal character development too (during and out of sim), but even if we never get there it doesn't matter. As long as we have fun...

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That is why I will never take Brain's path. When I say that I don't want to continue I will say so and not drop in and out on occasions.

I told people I wasn't going to continue. Long before you joined. Just the people who would need to know. I might have popped in and out after that, but I wasn't considering myself as officially re-enlisted, either.


It's only a matter of perception. Never judge over those who you did not previously perceive, or in other words, who you do not truly know.


Especially if they're more mentally destabalised than you would insinuate yourself to be with a nickname such as that. :blush:

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Careful now! I never did judge you with that sentance. I only wanted to assure people that I will stay in XCAS, that's all.


You yourself should also be careful about judging me. To be frank I am finding out lately that my nickname is getting more and more warranted. Which is in a way scary yet good. It's just that it doesn't show here that much. It's more as to what I do during the day. ;)


::notices Brain's absence::


DAMMIT! Shouldn't have hugged him. Now I won't see him again for another half a year! :blush:

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I'm nerd, he's geek ::points to Brain::


Anyway this is the last reply dammit! Don't want to keep this up anyway ;)


There is a difference between judging someone (a.k.a. pinning a label onto a guy with the title of for instance 'geek' as DH so unkindly demonstrated ;) ) and between making a guess about a person as I have about you judging me.


No one can judge really, except the guy who sees the overall picture of the universe (if such an entity does exist. ;) )



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Note: Suck is used by Skonar as in the relation between what is his attitude towards FFRPing and what is ours.


In NO way does that mean that we bite big wind. It does however mean that we have a lot to work on if we really want to improve our FFRPing. But if we don't want to improve it then that's OK too. As long as we're having fun we can be the lousiest FFRPers in the world - it does NOT matter. It doesn't matter if Skonar likes our level of development or not because he is no longer part of XCAS.


Should we really want to improve our level of simming however then his opinion does of course carry quite a bit of weight obviously. But as long as the majority is content with the current level of development then I see no reason as to why his judgement would matter since we are having fun. :blush:

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Um. I was under the impression you were not having fun, thus all the problems?... Uhm.


Maybe I shouldn't get involved.


(Sorry Skonar: I had to edit this out. The last thing we want is more tension sonny, brand your waffle-iron elsewhere :blush: - Mouse)




(Death to Mouse for editting posts. Don't you have anything better to do? I wanted to see some board wars! ;) Flame! Flame! - DragonHawk)

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Just to set the record straight. I was the one who started this ruckus so it could be that it was just me who was distressed. Though it is true that CZ was also a bit, the main thing is that the only one with a major malfunction was me. And that's what started this topic.


And since this topic was started because I wanted to make XCAS into something the others would not like it to be it is fair to say that it was a rant on my part. Ergo most people were happy as things were progressing. I wasn't. :blush:

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