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;) ...further more (I'm sorry if I'm nagging, but its for your own good ;)), a projectiles speed is not called "cruise speed", cruise speed is the term used for the top speed of self-propelled objects, missles, rocket propelled grenades, aircraft etcs.

The term for the highest speed of a ballistic projectile is "mussle velocity".. well... meaning the speed the bullet has when it exits the barrel, I'd reckon ;)


I'm here to help. :blush:

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I think that since the majority of us here are not as technical as you that Mouse should consider allowing you to write up some new tech specifications.


NOTE: This sim really isn't that centered on the technical aspects. I know there are things that aren't like they exactly should be but we're not really aiming for that I believe.


Meh. Talk to Mouse about it. And why the heck am I even responding now?! I'm done with leading the sim right now. :blush:

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The ever eternal Zrbite question rages on (even though I've answered it no less than 4 times in the past ;) Yes Skonar, that means you as well! ;))


Zrbite is inactive yes, but is still potent as an energy source. If you ever read the history of X-Com, in the booklet that came with Interceptor, or here on this very XTC website, you would see that the Kabron Pirates used Zrbite to line the engines with in their Avenger aircraft. As a result, one could deduce that this provides power. WHich is why the Grenade Mark 2 has a Zrbite shell inside.


Also, the Auto-cannon is a heavy weapon. Not a mingun (That's been said somewhere, but I'll repeat it :)), but a cannon shell launcher (which I'm not even sure exists at this time). Having it fire any more than 2 rounds a second, even with the smaller rounds, would mean the user would have to be made of steel, and have good grounding, or be blasted back by the recoil. The 30,000 RPM Avenger gun is on a plane, and the gun was specifically designed to be in the handling limits of the plane. The plane does infact jolt upwards when using it, although it is easily controlled by the pilot.


However, as the sim is fictional, we don't concentrate on the specifics, unless someone really really wants us to. And as I don't know much about the specifics of cannons, any help would be appreciated.


Roll in the tanks dudes! :blush:;)

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Heheee. Actually erm....I think I made the same argument to Skonar and he managed to refute it, but....I'll know soon enough since I'm sure that he will nevah let a 16 year old defeat him at his own technical home field. :blush:
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Umm.........I *hate* to say this to you Yorke, but........welll........




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I thought what they did with the inert Zrbite was use it similar to depleted uranium (They're used in the making of bullets for the Apache's 20mm under nose mounted cannon). They used the depleted and no longer radioactive material to make alloys. I read the same thing about the Zrbite lined engine but when I read that, I pictured that parts of the engine were made from Zrbite because it was inert and could withstand lots of heat and pressure or that the container of the engine was made of zyrbite because of the same reason, not because it could still produce or react to create energy.
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Acctually, DUP is used for making bullets for everything from machineguns to tankguns. But the rest.. I couldn't agree more :blush:

So I guess we shouldn't mix zrbite into the explosive compounds as much as jacket the rounds with it? heh

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You assume wrongly!


Inert Zrbite was used for the shell of a reaction container. This probably means it is either - VEry resilient (Something I doubt), has some kind of mysterious catalytic property (More likely), or does interesting magnetic things (Also likely)

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Thanks Caster. I was a bit worried but I think I DID get the jist of how Terra feels towards Yorke. ;)


And Bob terrific! Will send you the picture I have stored at my computer so that you can write up the specs more easily :blush:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey, i drew a laser rifle if your interested. Unfortunately, my scanner scanned it SIDEWAYS, so the text is tough to read. Does anyone know how to rotate images in photoshop?



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Uuuf. Um.....problem is I've already got a very lovely 3D pictured myself that I swiped from the web. :o


But.....we could post that as in "early development of the laser rifle" kinda picture along with mine. I'm sure that could work. :blush:

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