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Roster Update


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Not yet, hahaha. :blink:


Hey guys, we'll look at "officially" updating the roster with "new" info for the new year. Here's the stuff I'm interested in:


1. Who is active? Who is so far AWOL that their teammates can't even remember them? In this case, I'm looking for responses from Stone, Kitat, Asmodai, and McBenneth. If these four could please message me, let me know whether you're still in or out. If I don't get a message by the 1st, I will assume out. For Kitat and Asmodai (or anyone I suppose) I wouldn't mind if you want to stick with board sim only. *EDIT* We're looking for Corporal Paul too. :)


2. Bio updates? A lot of stuff has happened since XCAS started, so the folks who have been around (myself, Ghost, Saber, Yorke, Jacko, and Necro) may want to run a bio update. Maybe you want to mention new skills, or new attitudes, now that you've been "away from home" for a while.


3. Position change - if you feel that your character may be qualified for a new position, let me know. I'll expect a lot of legwork on your part in order to make it happen, as there has to be a longish term transition period. This is mostly to do with secondary, as I don't think anyone is qualified for a primary position change.


4. Poll - Drake is still alive, want to keep him on the roster? :)


Thanks guys, let me know.




Disclamer: Point 4) is not required and is for humorous purposes only.

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Only answering forr point 4. Yes, he should be listed under a section in the roster called "Pets" :blink: but if there's any other use for him in our team then let us know DH. If not, well he really isn't of any use and should therefore not be included in the roster :) .
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1) Asmodai earlier said he had to quit, due to RL constraints. Nothing else for me to report here.

2) I think i will be working on this one shortly...

3) This might be a toughy since im a HWE, but since ive been learning ascidian, and the fact that Howardson has issued quite a few ultimatums before (when noone else would), i could try being a secondary diplomat, but as i said, this might be tough since im already a specialist :blink:. Unless i could be a HWE/diplomat.... lol

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Hehhe, you couldn't be a diplomat for a couple of reasons.


1. Your training should take a large portion of your work day. You're not exactly available for more tasks.

2. Ultimatums aren't diplomatic. People who issue ultimatums aren't diplomats, they're tyrants. :blink:


Having said that, Howardson CAN interpret a fair bit of Ascidian, so he can translate no problem (well, until the big words start coming out :) ).

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Hehe, what do soldiers do when they aren't fighting? They'd better be doing something. :blink: Whatever it takes, pushing paper for scientists, cleaning toilets, scrubbing bulkheads, weapons care, gear care, etc. Training too. Physical exercise. Drills. Stupid stuff that the training sergeant orders you to do. Taking care of Drake. :) There shouldn't be any reason that anyone's schedule is too empty.


And of course, you have what is really free time - yours to do with what you will. I'm hoping these social games are going on during that time and not X-Com time... :) Off duty is really that - you're not working. You can work by choice, of course, but don't expect overtime rates. :) Not that you have anywhere to spend... hehehe.

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Yorke still is here..along with his ever growing collection of alien brains. :blink:


I shall be updating my bio soon...ish, and there may be a picture of either the sectiod brain...or the Good Doctor


Well I'm Doctor, and I am happy as Doctor, so I stay where I am.


Drake should be released into the wild...on another planet.

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I can see Drake's survival strategy in the wild right now.


::A wild flesh eating hog stalks the bunny Drake through heavy vegetation and suddenly the hog leaps towards him trying to devour him::


BUN_Drake: Ha! I am K-tulu! ::dodges the hog and gives it a sharp super bunny kick in the chops and after he lands, he whips out an X-Com Pistol he stole from NAO and fills the stupid hog full-a-lead::


Heh, even the entire X-Com team wouldn't be able to touch him. Indeed he goes straight into the mighty bunny ranks right next to the "Holy Grail" rabbit. :blink:

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yes I know, that wouldn't surprise me...you know it wouldn't surprise me if in fact the rabbit from 'Monty Python's Search for the Holy Grail' is actually Drake that by some bizarre twist of fate was thrown back in time...


Which if true then Drake should be listed as either MIA or KIA depending on if we can prove that Drake has been sent back in time and blown up by the 'Holy Hand Grenade' :blink:

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