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Website Profiles - Pictures Wanted


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Here is a photo of the good Doctor.




And here is one of him at work (Though he enjoy's his 'work')




And another...




And one of the Sectiod which he half-inched the brain from that takes up residence on his desk during work hours and goes into the fridge during missions :devil:




One day you might even get a photo of the brain itself :blink:


Anyhow that's what Yorke looks like!

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Ahhh DH. Are you Canadians all so simple-minded? :blink:


Right-click on the frame where the picture should be and select "properties". You can therefore see the URL where the picture is. Type that URL in your address bar on your internet explorer.


Simple :)

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I bow to the master. :blink:


Doh, I opened the alien ones first. Any idea as to why it doesn't just show up automatically? It seems to be a bit of a waste of time to be rightclicking/propertying/pasting stuff all the time...

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Because I forgot that Geocities does not allow a person to preview an image off geocities - in other words thou canst not view image on a weboard that thou hath linked too off site, but thou can viewth on geocities.


I think it's to prevent people from 'abusing' the free webspace by just using to host images on and not actually create a webpage... :angel:

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