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XCAS Roleplay

Mouse Nightshirt

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Weindhoven put his hand up in the air, gave Kacur a pat on the shoulder, whispering "You calm her down there." and looked around to the rest of squad.


"Right, you lot, shoo. Up at 0700 hours for intensive training! Go! If anyone has any particular reason to stay, do so, but I'd prefer if the rest of you went away."


Richter did this in a raised voice as to let Terra know that the situation was being dealt with. Most of the squad shuffled reluctantly away, with only a few staying. Weindhoven, brushing his red hair out of his face, which had turned slightly red due to fustration turned back to Kacur, and whispered very quietly, so only Kacur could hear,


"You're the mediator here, calm her down, get her talking. I do not want a suicidal soldier on my squad. If this behavoir continues, I'll have to remove her from the forces. I cannot have a suicidal, hateful soldier on my squad, it's bad for morale and it's bad for both her state of mind, and the rest of our states of mind. So calm her down or she's out. And something will have to be done after this. We do not have the manpower or the time to be running after a nappy case."


And with that, Richter went to the opposite walls, crossed his arms and leant against the wall.

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Weindhoven: Right, you lot, shoo. Up at 0700 hours for intensive training! Go! If anyone has any particular reason to stay, do so, but I'd prefer if the rest of you went away.


Scott: A potentially homicidal soldier is in there, armed and clearly in a spell of insanity. And he's sending everyone away? Golly! Why don't we take it a step further by deactivating NAO's gun turret network and opening the front doors wide! Does this man have a sense of defensive tactics or what!?


Scott was about to declare that he would stay to ensure security, but he was in no mood to get in an argument with the Commander. So instead he turned around and left the Personnel Quarters... Besides, he also didn't want to leave Private Rallwell hanging in Engineering as to what was going on...


Several Moments Later, Scott returns to Engineering


As Scott entered the Engineering bay once again he found Rallwell sitting at a desk taking notes. His frustration with the Grenades and the piece of junk Tank had been somewhat refocused onto Weindhoven, and he was much calmer.


Rallwell: Well, what happened?


Scott: Uh, Terra's having... A psychological issue at the moment. Kacur and Weindhoven are taking care of it.


Scott walked over to Rallwell as she was studying the grenade. It didn't look like she had found anything yet... But then again Scott was clueless when it came to mechanical stuff.


Scott: Ah. Look I'm sorry for blowing up in your face like that earlier... And making you think you were about to die in a horrible explosion... I've just been very agitated after these past few weeks. So uh, let's just forget that happened alright?


Scott left Engineering. Now he was tired, he had had enough with the day and needed a good rest...


<<I just felt bad about Rallwell's self doubt there... Thanks a lot Dragon Hawk. :blush:>>

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Rallwell frowned. "A psychological problem...? Obviously pretty damn significant if she is firing a weapon." She shook her head. "We'll hear more about it tomorrow I suppose."


Rallwell waved Scott's apoligies away. "That's okay. Just scram and head to bed, it looks like you could use it."


As Scott left, she looked at the grenade again. Zrbite... Maybe not the best design decision. "Well, time for me to head to bed too." Rallwell left engineering and went to personnel quarters. Slipping quietly past the Commander and Lieutenant Kacur with a nod, she entered her room, shared with Stone, and collapsed on her (as in Rallwell's) bed.


Everything that goes wrong is all engineering's fault, all the time. I make no comment about zrbite at this juncture - there are other threads discussing this.>>

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<<I sense much fear in DH from an ominous person by the name of Skonar. :blush: Heh, okay...>>


Martin watched the Commander take the opposite wall to the door whilst observing the process. However with no response from Terra, the Psionisist knew that if she was to let anyone in, or even so much as let anyone get a glimpse of what was going on in her room, it would definately not be more than one person. Martin carefully thought about how he was going to say the next sentence, since he would be balancing on a tightrope with it between keeping Terra calm and shattering the Commander's authority.


"Allow me to rephrase that. I promise I won't try anything and also I promise that no one will ever know about what we say, INCLUDING the Commander who is just leaving now." he said always staring at Richter in the process, whilst making a bit of a faked angry voice with the last line about the Commander, and afterwards whispering extremely quietly but in a hissing manner to him:


"Commander, if you want this problem solved you need to give me all the leeway right now that I can get. Make sure we're not disturbed at all costs." he whispered to his superior officer in a sharp yet concerned tone of voice, hoping that he would understand the gravity of how critical this was to Martin.

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Richter felt a bit peeved at this, or rather, extremely peeved at this situation. Here was some Kabron Pirate, scrounging a life out of X-Com, making hell out of it, and then this Lieutenant, obviously letting emotions get in the way of reasoning, and then attempting to make a superior officer go away, and then leave him in the dark on the entire situation! This was not on.


Two conflicting sides battled in his mind, leave, be peeved and annoyed, and harbour even more dislike for the unstable Corporal, or stay, assert his authority, and order Kacur to mind control her to stand down.


Richter mouthed wordlessly for a few moment, his face going a strange colour of scarlet, not out of anger, but of deepening fustration. He was trying his best to get the entire squad out of here alive, and here was a single Kabron Pirate that could make the thing fall apart at the seams!


Kacur gave him a searching, yet stern look. Richter gave up, leant over to Kacur and whispered in an annoyed tone.


"OK OK, I'm going, but just this once. I am NOT having my authority broken on a regular basis because some person has psycological problems and refuses to be treated and wallows in their own self-pity. This squad has no room for people who's sole aim is to upset the balance of this team. So deal with it, and I DON'T want this happening again, understood?"


Richter got up and went down the gravlift, and to his office, where he made a note in the weekly report to Ascidians that X-Com had a soldier with Psycological problems, and if they had any suggestions, to fire them at the team.


<<As you can see, Richter is not a happy German person :blush:>>

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Terra shook her head in the dark, trying to get Kacur's voice out of her mind. But the muffled sounds still came through...


"...Including the Commander who is just leaving now..."


Commander of? Terra's mind seemed to start back up from being dorment. Of X-Com. Murderers.


The muscles moved painfully throughout her body as they began to move again. She quickly walked towards the door and reached for the handle. As she pulled open the door, the blinding bright lights in the corridor didn't slow her down as her eyes dialated and searched the corridors.


Richter was nowhere in sight, but Martin was there in his uniform, psi-amp in one hand, and a look of shock on his face. A tint of yellow gold caught Terra's eyes and she jabbed her hand forward. The pistol she held in her hand smashed into Martin's chest forcing him back a few inches, the barrel placed directly over the golden X-Com insignia on his shirt.


She pulled the trigger because Martin could react. She pulled it again just to listen to the clicking sound, to hear the hammer hit an empty chamber. After a few clicks her finger began to tire. Terra looked up from the X-Com insignia on Kacur's chest and looked into his face.


"Martin..." She said lethargically and started to collapse, feinting towards the ground.

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<<Oooooof! Now I think that Martin is drawn into a corner. Let me rephrase that. I am drawn into a corner. To be frank this is gonna be real tough trying to imagine and correlate correctly so that Terra can participate in the next mission.....So from now on if things start to get REALLY stupid, wierd or nutty, heh, I guess I've bitten off more than I can chew with this post...here goes nothing...>>


After waiting a few moments for Terra to respond, and seeing that Richter had left, Martin kept thinking about what could be going on inside her mind right now. He thought he heard steps coming towards the door and as they moved up he did his best to try and give away as calming an impression as he could the moment that the door would open.


But it would be all for naught. When the door opened rapidly and the push was felt by something Martin could not identify immediately on his chest, he dropped the Psi-Amp he was holding and quickly jumped a bit back out of reaction. The push still hurt him a bit and he looked down towards where it had occured, noticing a circle around the X-Com insignia on his shirt made by a barrel like object and then by raising his eyes he noticed that in Terra's hands was her Pistol.


"Well.....it was a nice life you had. But now...it'll all be over soon." was his only thought at this juncture as he knew now for sure that there would be no way that Terra would stop at killing that which she believed to be X-Com. And right now it was the insignia, not so conveniently placed on Martin's chest.


A sound was heard coming after that and Martin already jerked so as to anticipate the bullet that would impact with his body. He thought it would be painful at least, but it wasn't. For a moment he was stumped until another such sound and yet again a jerk was made by the Lieutenant, although this one slightly less erratic.


Finnaly after the third sound he recognized it. It was a *click* and not a *bang*. For a moment he didn't know what to make of the situation as he stood motionless still not quite sure if he wasn't dead by now. If he was still alive his brain began working slowly on the assumption that there must've been a lack of any bullets, just as the situation progressed quicker than he would've wanted it:




Suddenly snapping out of his paralyzed stance he lept to Terra's side and stopped her from hitting her head on the floor only barely, still holding her loosely whilst quickly speaking: "Terra....Terra" He shaked her body a bit, but no response ensued. Apparently she fainted...


Now Martin began breathing very quickly for 10 seconds whilst trying to peice together everything that had happened since the doors had opened and since the Corporal had rushed out of her room. After managing to peice it together somewhat he then thought about where he was and where he is going to be:


"Jesus what.....what the heck do I do now?! WHAT NOW?!?! Dammit,....talking to her was one thing but this....she could be suffering from cardiac arrest right now! NO darnit I CAN'T take her to Yorke. If that happens I'll fail with the first step.....I won't fail. And I won't bloody let Wiendhoven put her back in the cell for God's sake, she'd go completely insane there with no hopes whatsoever! I've got to somehow do something.....There's only one hope for all of this...dammit, I swear that I don't want to do it since it could drive her completely mad, but....other than that the only alternative would be to replace Shinji somehow....and that I can never do...or am I afraid to? It doesn't matter, I will do something. I just hope it's the right thing. It better be"


After these quick thoughts flashed inside him he carried her into her room and put her onto the bed, rushing quickly over to pick up his Psi-Amp and Terra's pistol before closing the door to the room, locking it shut as well. He then looked around the room for any kind of way that Terra could hurt herself with....needles, pins, anything possible. Fortunately there were no sharp edges or similar but...she could still hurt herself quite easily, even after Martin hid all of the things away under her bed. He also looked down onto his shirt and whilst cursing and being angry with himself that he did NOT think of this he took of his shirt and turned it inside out so that the X-Com emblem was now on the inside, no longer visible.


And then he waited.....he would wait until she woke up. And then.....he hoped he wouldn't have to do what he planned to. There was still hope inside him he wouldn't do it. But there was no other choice. It was either this or the jail cell, something that would surely drive Terra mad. There was also another possibilty...but Martin scared himself for considering it. It could actually even help her.....but it would almost surely doom him.


<<Babble babble babble. I don't know if I took this route to keep it on the safe side but heh. To be frank there are three things Martin will try now. And for all you pervs he will try the one you're thinking of as a last resort. He doesn't want his nerves ruined throughout his lifetime, still I have to consider how far he really is willing to go. :blush: >>

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<<Could be me, but wasn't the only Psi-Amp we had, found destroyed in the git base when we escaped the Nephilim API guys? Not much time has passed since that, so I sort of doubt they made a replacement. Unless you are talking about a Psi-Probe (as you called it earlier, and if that is an item, not too familiar with Psi). Just thought I'd point that out, hoping I'm not too stupid for commenting this :blush:>>
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Terra heard a loud noise. Her eyes jerked open, she was in her room, Kacur was beside her bed. She realized that she woke up from her own snoring. Her back ached, and her neck was stiff, she felt the rest of her body waking up and she straightened herself out, feeling muscles and ligaments warm up and bones crack.


She looked over to Kacur at the side of her bed. "Martin? I've only known you for a few weeks, I wouldn't share a bed with you yet." She grinned to herself. The grin disappeared as what she said sank it. What was Kacur doing in her room? She sat straight up with a jerk, feeling some of her back muscles disagreeing with her choice of moments.


"Shit," She stared at Kacur, checking his chest, looking for where the pistol was jabbed into his chest. "Oh shit... Lieutenant... I'm so sorry..."

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Sometimes the bloody pain just wouldn't go away. Today was one of those days. Silently, Ko rolled out of bed and looked at the clock. Still too bloody early... Well, he thought, I had a lot of sleep yesterday... so... Ko got dressed and quickly and quietly slipped out of the room.


In the dim glow of the hallway lights, he looked himself over; he demanded complete order in his uniform, whether it be dress or garrison fatigues. In this case, his garrison fatigues looked pretty decent. Not the best, admittedly, but not bad. Satisfied, he walked down the silent hallway.


Hopefully most of the people were asleep. Insomnia had been gripping Ko lately... Ever since he had gotten back to base, almost a month now. It wasn't horrible, but some nights, random nights, it would bother him. As always, at this time, the hallways were relatively clear. Whatever the scuffle was had seemed to be ended.


Ko walked away from the living quarters and towards the exit. He made a note on the entry/exit list that was held by an Ascidian guard, and left the base. He had lost track of time in the nightless base, but fortunately, the outside was actually dark. He moved to the side and up the hillface. Ko lay down on the ground and just stared at the sky. Which star is home? Disturbingly, the word "home" no longer just included Earth. Earth was drifting farther and farther back, to be replaced by images of the team. Home is where the heart is.

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Weindhoven had had enough. His mind was flooded with thoughts after the days events. Not only was he getting sick and tired of the antics of a certain Coporal, but the latest actions of his Lieutenant weren't exactly positive. Just as he was wallowing in his thoughts, trying to find an answer to this problem, the computer in his office bleeped several times to signify he had received he had a response from Ascidian High Command. Maybe it did contain the answer...


"Hello Commander, this is Du'ra'nus, I thought I should answer this one myself instead of leaving me secretary to do it. He always fiddles with it. See, I have problems with my staff too!" Richter paused, and re-read the sentence. Was that Du'ra'nus telling a joke? He read on, "But yours is a more serious problem. The Grey Skulls knew of the intergration of some Kabron Pirates, and Terra Fléche was one of the priority cases. Incase you were unawares, which I hope you are not, we had a Grey Skull in there keeping an eye on the prisoners and making analyses." No suprise there, Richter thought, "However, since her release, we thought we would trust you to keep an eye on her, and report her if you needed help, which I'm glad to see you did. You're not as naive as Flor'taut'ious keeps making out you terrans to be. So, I suggest, stritcly confidentially, that we send in another Grey skull to keep an eye on her, and intervene if it becomes 100% necessary. Not only does it allow you to rest that over-active mind of yours, it provides us some important info. I need a reply by 0200."


Richter's mind raced at this proposal. Were things as bad in the Ascidians' eyes that they needed to send a Grey Skull in? Would Fléche ever trust the Ascidians if they had to stop another suicide or murder attempt? Richter thought however, that the safety of the squad was paramout, and with the undiscoverability of the Grey Skulls, no-one would know this was going on. They never did, never even had a suspicion, and now was a good time for action.


Richter pondered for a brief moment how Kacur and Fléche were getting on. Knowing the Coporal, Kacur was probably dead by now, but the Commander decided there were better things to think about.


He then replied, "I expect a Grey Skull here in the next 3 hours Du'ra'nus, and no slacking!"


Hopefully Du'ra'nus had a sense of humour.


<<This Grey Skull will not be found! Ever! Unless I say so :blush:>>

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<<Roger that Mouse ;) And Ghost, there can be multiple Psi-Amps. The one Kacur used to have was destroyed in that mission but that doesn't mean we can't make another one. ;) However there is a reason as to why there are only 3 of them - they require some Elerium to make.


And Scott......I won't even consider answering that. I'm just wondering if you really are such surface people or are you teasing me again? :blush: >>


Martin was sitting there with his Psi-Amp in his right hand, hidden behind his right leg out of Fleche's line of sight. He felt paranoia slowly take control of him since now he was beginning to be more and more convinced that Terra seemed almost as unstable as Jackson himself if not more! And again the reason for that was the same as with Daniel. To shield herself from the things that happened to her in the past. The only difference was that whilst Jackson managed to do it with humor and keep himself happy at least relatively okay most of the time, Terra expressed it with either rage or sadness. Actually that was what bothered Martin the most. That she would just switch between rage and sadness so quick it could throw a person off his or her feet before he or she realized it.


He noticed the Corporal beginning to stretch out on the bed and in response Martin's muscles stiffened. He clenched his Psi-Amp a bit more tightly, also moving a bit out of the way so that her legs could stretch fully and observed as the first comments were made by Terra. During all of this he did not blush or change his expression from half serious and half concerned as he kept looking towards her. Apparently the danger of Terra jumping into his face and beating the crap out of him was enough to whisk away that fear he had in front of women in general.


As she sat straight up he carefully moved his hands forward and stopped her by her shoulders, slowly setting her down on the bed and retreating back to his former position quickly afterwards: "It's allright...I'll be okay.....I think..."

His mind began desperately trying to recall what it was planning to say and he closed his eyes whilst turning away from Terra for a moment so as he could remember. But somehow.....he forgot what he was about to say. He had little time to do anything or remember it at all and he thought about what he could say. But it was all for naught. He sighed deeply and looking towards Terra again he just babbled out something ordinary.


"Want to go for a walk in the Hydroponics module, to talk about it?"


<<Yup. Martin expected her to be still nutty and wasn't ready for this kind of response on her part. Now let's see what happens...quite possibly another slap on the cheek, maybe a shove out of the door, heheh. I dunno. Right now I really can't predict it properly anymore ;) >>

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<<I better start posting before DH decides to do something with my character. After reading the kinky sim, I'm not taking any chances :blush: >>


BLAM BLAM!! Multiple gunshots can be heard coming from Ong's location. Fortunately for the denizens of NAO, this incident was a lot less exciting than Terra's emotional outburst. Acting on a request by the clearly worned out technicians at engineering, he's taking some of their workload by testing some weapons at the firing range. A few of the weapons were fresh out of manufacturing while others were sent in for repairs. He stared at the rows of rifles and pistols arranged neatly on the table beside him and proceeded to read the tags attached to them. "$%@#& thing's jammed" signed by Ilyuschenko on one of the pistols.


"They should at least try to be polite....." Ong commented bitterly as he picked up the pistol and placed it on a messy table used for repairs. First, he checked the pistol's serial number and wrote it down on a writing pad filled with bad handwriting and gunpowder smudges. Then he started disassembling the pistol into parts and checked each part carefully. Using a brush, he cleaned each part and oiled them. When he's satisfied with his work, he deftly assembled the pistol again and picked up a clip from the ammo rack. He stepped up to the firing range and loaded the pistol. He regarded the ear protectors as a nuisance and so he didn't bother to use one. He settled down to a two handed stance and mentally ordered himself to calm down. The target rolled in front of him and almost automatically his arms brought the pistol up to eye level............BLAM BLAM!!

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<<Kacur, you didn't listen to what I said: What I said was that the time between the mission and this RP is too short to have been able to make a new one. :blush: I didn't say it was impossible to make a new one, just not yet. As for there being more than one, it was you yourself that stated it was the only one during the mission in the Patton, or the escape mission (not sure which)>>


It wasn't until she collapsed on her bed, that Ralwell realized that Kaitlin wasn't lying in her bed, but in stead sitting up on her bed, she was looking at Ralwell that entered the room, and didn't say anything until Ralwell let out a muffled (by the pillow) "Whah?"


"What was going on there? Those gunshots I mean. Jacko went psycho again and finally gunned down that buffoon Ong?", Kaitlin smirked slightly, Ong had been making a few passes at her, whether intentional or accidental, but she wasn't too charmed by them.


"Nah, you're not so lucky today it seems. That new medic we recruited from the pirates seems to be having some issues. I believe Scott said it was under control when he talked to me.", Ralwell replied. "You'd better get some sleep too, I heard the Commander yelling there was early training for everyone tomorrow morning."


Kaitlin nodded, but didn't really make any motion to go to sleep yet. She just sat there and didn't say anything, staring at the wall above Ralwell, in front of her. After a minute of silence she spoke up again.

"Anne, do you ever think... of home? Whether we'll ever make it back, whether they are still alright? Whether people have forgotten about us, or maybe are still looking for us?"

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<<Ghost, I notice there were 8 days between the time we were captured and the last mission. I think that would be enough to properly construct a Psi-Amp, though I will admit to saying *just* construct it. In regards to me saying that mine was the ONLY Psi-Amp.....I don't think I ever said anything like that. Why would that be true, since Ilyuschenko's would of course be the second? But if I did say it then I must've been really tired or something... :blush:>>
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J/K... sorta.


With regards to the psi amp, or any other high tech equipment, I would say that to build one is not child's play. However, in line with other XCAS developments, it's hardly something to argue about.


And dammit, let the kinky sim forever be a landmark of XCAS ingenuity! ;)>>


Rallwell turned over clumsily and looked at Stone. She was serious. Rallwell rolled over onto her back to look at the ceiling before answering. "I try not to think about it. It's depressing, for me. When I had signed on for this mission, I had always thought that we'd be back soon, not even half a year away. But here we are now... And Martin was saying that we've lost three years - maybe by the time we return we would have lost six. Yes, it does hurt, not only for myself, but to think about the friends and family we've left behind, those who are still hoping to see their brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, fathers, mothers... Anyone on this damned mission.


"I think I don't like to think about home because I don't think we'll make it back. Deep down, I feel it's hopeless, and I feel powerless to help. I'm not like Derrick or Gael, both who are attached to their work more than to home - home for me is too much of my identity."


Rallwell leaned forward. "Kaitlin, what's waiting for you on Earth?"

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<<I was only kidding with you Loon. ;) Besides, if things were my way the log for the Kinky Sim would be deleted. But as long as it's there I might as well exploit it as much as possible. :blush: >>


Scott was in his quarters. Currently roomed alone, he found the solitude of his quarters relaxing. He had undressed from his combat garb and was now only wearing military trousers. He looked in a mirror in the corner of his quarters, just a few feet away from the bed.


His chest was brutally scarred and mutilated. It was a painful reminder of his third mission with X-COM. The scars didn't hurt anymore, not physically. It seemed most of the wounds he'd sustained out here were psychological.


Scott: 'Liz... Why did I let you down?


He slowly lent forward, resting his head on the glass of the mirror.


Scott: Just a few years ago it was just other people... Renegades, thieves, murderers... Now it's aliens from outer space and yellow gorillas.


Scott turned away from the mirror and sat down on his bed. The adrenaline was still moving through his body, between the screw up of today's mission and his frustration with his fellow officers, he knew he wasn't going to get much sleep tonight.


He had a personal vendetta with all of them now... The Black Spear for shooting him up, the API for tormenting his mind, and the Aliens... Common enemy number one. The Aliens... Despite their strength, numbers, and intentions they no longer seemed to be that big of a deal anymore. Too much of the recent conflict had been between the Ascadians and the Humans... Scott has almost forgotten about the strange watery aliens aboard the Patton and the Phasers which managed to infiltrate the base undetected and unscathed. Compared to the barbarism of the enemy Ascadian factions, the Aliens didn't seem that bad.


Scott: (Laying down on his back on the bed) Can this war even be won? We came here with but a single enemy... Now we fight three? Possibly more!? If we stay here for just a while longer, will there be more to fight?


Scott leaned onto his side. He inhaled deeply through his nose and exhaled quickly out of his mouth. It relaxed him enough to ignore his questions. But not enough to sleep.


He grabbed his laser pistol off the drawer next to the bed. He didn't return it to the armory for the fact that he may risk mixing it up with other faulty equipment in the future. He fidgeted around with it, switching the safety on and off and twirling it around his trigger finger.


Scott: My, how the times change.


He put his gun back on the drawer and lay on his back again. His eyelids had begun to feel heavy. Scott put everything from his mind that had been nagging him. Weindhoven ordered training early tomorrow morning... At least it was something Scott could agree with for once.

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Terra relaxed in her bed. She slowly pulled out the pillow from under her neck and stuffed her face in it, using it to cover her face and hide herself. "No, I'm really not in the mood to be walking about right now," She muffled to Kacur through the pillow. "Frankly, I don't think I could leave this room for at least a month... Probably two..."


She pulled the pillow down the bridge of her nose slowly to reveal her eyes. "Then again, there's the question of whether or not the Comnander would let me move around the base at all," She sighed heavily. "Good thing he left, or else I probably would've clubbed him half to death with the pistol... I've notice you're usually slow to react to anything I do that's remotely eccentric..."


She looked up at the ceiling. She saw the wide arrangement of bullet holes scattered above her. "Crap. My aim blows."

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Richer had nodded off in his chair, and was giving off a slight snoring sound, when someone tapped him on the forehead.


"No I am not doing your accountancy for you" shouted Richter as he woke up, but then realised his mistake, and said sorry to whoever it was. He looked up, and infront of him was a Grey Skull.


"Blimey! That was quick"

"Grey Skull Operative niner-niner-three-seven-five reporting for duty." replied the Skull soldier in a monotone.

"Don't you have a name that I can call you by or anything?" replied Richter

"My name is Grey Skull Operative niner-niner-three-seven-five. My original name no longer exists and is of no importance."

"Charming" said Richter with a strong hint of sarcasm, which the Grey Skull, probably due a complete lack of a sense of humour, missed out on.


There was an akward silence for a few moments before Richter spoke up.

"I take it you have your orders assigned to you from Du'ra'nus."

"That is affirmative Terran Commander. I am to report any wronggoings to you at a time which I will deem safe and necessary at the time. You and your team will be unaware of my presence unless I am in contact with yourself. I have been ordered to remain hidden from the rest of your squad. I have been assigned to keep track of Terran number three-five-niner Beta, known to you as Terra Fléche for any hostile or self-harming activities, and intervene stealthily if required. She will not know of my presence."

"Well all is well then," replied Richter, "feel free to set out. Oh! And when you report back to AHC, tell them we need more cheese, and that we would like a reliable toastie machine. And I'm ordering you not to eat that cheese. It's mine 'kay?"

The Grey Sjull gave the Commander a quizzical look, before nodding his head, and exiting the room.


"Now that that's dealt with," Richter yawned to himself, "I can get some sleep"


Richter promtly fell into dream world.

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"...Thus Corporal Terra Fleche will be under closer observation due to her recent actions [mentioned and detailed will eye witness accounts in the previous paragraphs] she will be under closer observation by myself. I believe her condition is in fact Post-Traumatic-Stress. I will offer to help her with this recent psycological development, but it is up to her. But if her condition worsens I will take steps to remove from active duty until she is psycologically fit for front line action.




Ned Yorke"


He looked at the computer screen and then clicked 'save' the file (TF-1W9:PTS-Psycological Problems) was then uploaded to the core, as well as Fleche's personal medical record, both copies of which were in fact only accessable by himself, the CO and the XO. "Bloody hell it's late." He looked to his watch. "11pm." He yawned and then put the computer on standby mode, then removing his lab coat he set up his hammock in his office and got in, looking up at the ceiling Yorke frowned, this was the first serious case of PTS, and to be quite frank he was surprised their wern't more...that or he hadn't spotted it yet.

Yorke reached out for his note pad and noted down that he'll need to arrange a time where he could discuss, individually with each trooper, including the CO, XO and squad/department heads, and see if he could spot any signs of PTS and other such conditions -especially those that had been taken prisioner or had seen a lot of combat action. No doubt the whole team here is suffering from it.


He placed the pad down and rolled over and soon fell to sleep. As he lay in his hammock he tossed and turned, cold beads of sweat glistened as it rolled down the side of his head. "Hold on..." He murmered in his sleep, his rate of breathing accelerated. "No..." This time a little louder, he then started to shake his head quickly from side to side. "No...no..." Silence, other than the hum of the cooling systems in the mortury nothing else made a sound. "NO" His eyes opened, he bolted up looking for a potential threat. Nothing, just himself and his dreams. "7th time this month..." Thankfully he was a good distance from the personnel quarters, so no body would hear him. He shook his head, it was nothing, just a bad dream, he then lay back down and fell to sleep, tommorow was going to be a exhaustive day. This time he had no dreams, he just lay asleep.

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Continuing with the same concerned look Martin replied: "The reason as to why I'm slow to act is because I don't consider eccentricity to be something of a threat in general.....though in your case...well..." ((I might've been dead)) was what he wanted to finish the sentence with but he didn't need Terra to feel guilt alongside all of the stuff.


Ignoring her aiming comments he continued slowly, now looking slightly away from Terra:


"The fact is that right now I have no doubts whatsoever that people are going to like you even less since no one wants a loose cannon around them ready to explode. Not saying that you are one, ((though you probably are - he thought again)) but that's how I expect the team to percieve you right now. I know for sure that if word gets out of what happened right now you'll be put back into jail..."


Terra felt a cold sweat at that thought and at the possibility of her nightmares reoccuring yet again and already moved to speak as Martin cut her off:


"Don't worry! I won't tell the Commander of this. To be frank my logical side tells me I should but.....I won't be able to live with myself if I do that." he concluded. Once again he looked towards the Corporal in front of him and decided to see if he could just for once talk honestly to her:


"Now I want you to think about this for a DAMN long time so don't even think of answering quickly. Do you think you need any help right now?"


He tightened his grip around the Psi-Amp as he said that, ready for one of the possible responses...

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Kaitlin avoided looking Ralwell straight in the eyes when she (Ralwell) leaned forward. She remained silent for a little and then nodded slightly, when she straightened her back. For a moment it seemed like she would fall out with her regular fierce response when she felt cornered, but then she seemed to change her mind, and turned her head to face Ralwell.

"So you think we'll never get back to earth... yes, I suppose you are right. And granted, this place isn't too horrible... well save the killing then." She grinned faintly, but not really convincingly.

"As for what's waiting for me back on Earth, well it's not what you think. No guy or guys to return to, well unless you consider my dad a guy. It's my parents I am most worried about. As X-Com trooper I hoped to protect them from ever having aliens harm them. However, now I'm out here. God knows how far away from Earth, and we found that the Aliens are still alive. So who knows they may have found their way back to earth again too... to take vengeance for their fallen brethren. Just think of it. How little we know of the aliens really. All we know is a rough sketch of what they are, and how they relate in rank. But we don't know how they *really* think... What scares me is that some day, they might actually catch us totally by surprise, and I will not be able to protect my parents or the other civilians"

With those last words Kaitlin had been clenching her fist more and more, and when she finished talking she raised it and smacked it hard on the desk next to her. She may not be the strongest, but it still made a loud noise. A faint wetness was visible in the corners of Stone's eyes. As she whispered to herself (though too loud to actually keep it to herself), "I do not want to have to wait helplessly again..."

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