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XCAS Roleplay

Mouse Nightshirt

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<<To do the E thing, just hold down Alt and press 0233 on the numpad. But just forget about it, it's really not that important and it's just as annoying and bulky as copying and pasting>>


Fleche was slightly taken back by Private Scott's thanks. But then, she just realized that nobody else seemed to thanked her for her medic duties in the last mission. Jackson was apparently too doped up on the medikits stimulants or something else, and Rallwell was still unconscious in the medical attention from her chest wound.


"You're welcome," she said as she shook his hand, "Private Scott..." She seemed to hold onto his hand for a bit longer, seemingly ignoring the rest of Private Scott's conversation.


She loosened her hand and turned revealing her back to Scott. She started walking towards the mess hall slowly. Feeling more hungry than social at the moment.


<<Sorry. It's a bit short, but I'm not really comfortable acting other people's characters yet. I've still need to read a bit more into them before I will>>

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"Mental note...don't sleep on the dissection table." He sat up and pushed himself off the table, which he'd cut up many a corpse up on, he looked to that table and chuckled. "At least the dead don't complain." The medical labs were always a lonely place, except for after-mission check ups and the regular weekly injuries. The loneliness didn't bother him, he'd been quite the loner since the start of the mission. He got on fine with others but he wasn't bothered if he had company or not but sometimes he preferred the silence.


He looked over to the body storage freezers, 4 of them were filled with corpses of an alien nature, one of them being the 'Muton', but today it also held the bodies of faces that he knew, McBenneth, McCarthy and McBurke - they were beyond help and would probably be buried after he'd done a post-mortem on them - he was not looking forward to that. That fact and the dead aliens were the only real down sides to using the medical-labs as his quarters, he'd often string up a hammock in his office for sleeping and take a shower in the medical showers that would normally be used before and after medical operations and autospies, but as he did every morning, he got into the shower and five minutes later he stepped out, then got dressed and then made his way down to the mess hall for breakfast.


Before he left the medical labs he checked his computer, most of the injured from the previous mission would need nothing more than a check up, Rallwell was doing fine, the wound wasn't a deep one which made the job all the more easier. Jackson's leg was on the mend, he'd have regained full use of his leg before the week was out, and the other few injuries that the others suffered were nothing serious but they'd be given a check up eventually, he picked up his note pad and sighed. "Just another day." He flipped the lights switch and took another look around the medical labs then walked down the corridors to the lift.


The lower levels of the base were always quiet, and would often allow him to wander about and think about things that were troubling him, but today he just walked up to the lift, got in, pressed the button, then stepped out of the lift onto the main level.


As he made his way down to the mess hall he saw Fléche and Scott chatting away. Miss Fléche or Private Fléche, had so far proven to be a most excellent combat medic, though he hadn't yet had a chance to get to know her that well, but like he saw on the mission Fléche was a good medic. Rallwell though she too was a medic she spent most of her time with machines or doing something related to engineering. "Morning Terra, morning Scott." He said smiling to the two or at least that what he told himself. Scott and Fléche both said morning to him. Yorke guessed they returned to whatever conversation they were having as he entered the mess hall.


He said morning to a few people who returned it, and most of the NAO personnel were up and at the tables having breakfast. Yorke grabbed a bowl of cereal and poured some milk on it then he collected a mug of coffee. Yorke set his bowl and mug on a table that had no-one sat at it, he looked to the notepad and then pulled out a pencil and started writing some notes down about the Muton, occasionally pausing to take a spoon full of cereal or a sip of coffee.


<<I was going to post this earlier but I got a 500, which buggered it all up!!If anyone wants to join Yorke at the table then please do, he'll put aside the notepad and pencil and listen and chat - oh and don't get too excited about me posting here!!>>

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<<heh heh. Hopefully you'll post when needed, but no pressure man. ;) Good things going on here. With a few more people joining in we can really have something going on around here very well indeed. ;) >>


Martin looked into Scott's direction as he slowly walked out of the mess hall: "Another loner. Our team seems to be just filled with them it seems. Jacko, for being so deprived in his childhood, Yorke already being quite in love with his work and thus not needing much social life (though he did notice him just then entering the mess hall), O'Conner was too until his demise, the Colonel as well, though he feels that he would be 'weak' if he admitted it, whatever that actually means.


And of course me." he concluded with a sigh. Actually he found this group of people very friendly to him, much more in fact than any other in his entire life. The school kids just thought of him as a wierdo and chased him around and the soldiers in the European Defense Force were pricks to the max. Still he felt he could battle the anger that he was filled with against those people. He believed he had the power to set that anger aside and look towards them with clarity of mind. Most of the times he did, but the times he felt rage against them he was simply not happy. No matter how much meditation you have, no matter if you're a psionisist who controls his feelings most of the time, there will always be a time when that anger finds a hole in your defenses and envelops you.


And when that happens you cannot defend yourself. You can only do the best you can to accept that anger as a part of who you are. Something he felt that a Private, that he had just psi-sensed entering the mess hall behind him, didn't want to. He had seen her bio report to which he had access to as a Lieutenant and knew how bitter she must've felt right now along with not being too chummy with the group. He turned around determined to make her feel more welcome here, but as he set eyes onto her he saw she was going to pass near him. Suddenly he wasn't so determined anymore and his knees began faltering a bit, face slowly beginning to blush. No no no! He wouldn't screw this one up, he said to himself. He concentrated hard and looked towards her. She looked him in the eyes just before he spoke:


"Good...uhm....day misses, OH! sorry I didn't uhm....." she passed him then giggling slightly to herself. Martin clenched his fist and hissed in a sharp tone: "F*ck". Terra apparently heard the remark and turned around facing Martin again and feeling her look Martin turned around quickly and with an apologetic sound: "Oh! Sorry, I didn't.....uhm.....I wasn't...." Terra now couldn't help but smile as she turned around again and continued towards the counter. Martin looked away and covered his face with his palms emitting a low moan as he headed towards his office. A cold shower was now DEFINATELY what he needed, but he thought to himself: "Hey well, look at the bright side. At least you've made a bitter person smile and giggle today. That counts for something doesn't it?"


<<Well and there you have the basic relation that Kacur will have towards Fleche. Though you shouldn't count on this happening during combat, Martin is dead serious then. But when nothing much is going on a mission however.......Martin will quite likely start blushing again. :blush: >>

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<<Hehe. I would expect Martin to be nothing but serious in combat. Could make things fun for my character ^_^Also, sorry, but I'm just going to take quick control of Yorke here x_x;>>


Terra grinned as she watched Lieutenant Kacur walked out of the mess hall. Ah, that was fun. And I hardly even did anything! She thought to herself quietly as she got herself a bowl of dry cereal. She tood in the middle of the mess hall with her bowl of cereal on a tray and looked around. She soon spotted Doctor Yorke sitting at a table eating his own cereal while working on a notepad at the same time... Her mind wandered a bit, thinking about another asian man she knew.


She took a few steps towards the table. More images flashed across her mind and she wobbled a bit. She blinked a few times, feeling sweat on her forehead. She blinked some more before her vision cleared, and when it did. She had to jerk her legs back before they ended up knocking into the bench Doctor Yorke was sitting at. The light cast her shadow over Yorke's shoulders and onto his notepad. He turned and Terra got a close up look at his face, not masked with either a combat protective helmet or a hardened battle mindset.


"Good morning again, Terra," He said with a simple smile.


"Uh, hi...?" She said, flustered and confused. "Yeah, good morning..." An ackward pause. "Hey, listen, can I...?"


"Sit down? Of course, go ahead." Yorke interjected.


"Can you tell me how to get to Lieutenant Kacur's office?" Terra replied abruptly instead.


Yorke blinked, unexpecting Terra's request. "Uhm, yes. Just out the mess hall, take a left, go through the general living quarters and one of the offices at the end of that corridor should have Martin's name on it."


"Thank you," Terra replied. Another ackward pause. She quickly turned around and started walking not giving a chance for Yorke to say anything. The cereal and milk in the bowl spilled slightly onto the tray. With quick steps she made her way out of the mess hall. For a second she thought she heard some one yell out to her saying she wasn't allowed taking the cutlerly out of the mess hall but she ignored it and took a left at an intersection.


In a couple more moments, she passed through a door with the words Lieutenant Martin Kacur on it and stopped in a mildly lit office. She blinked. Frowned. Eh?! What am I doing here?


Then she realized that Lieutenant Martin Kacur was in the office with her, looking at her with a confused look. Her mind at this moment, also decided it was a good time to realize that she was still holding onto the tray with the bowl of milked soaked cereal.



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After Terra had left Yorke pulled out his pad and pencil. "Young'uns." He said in an ironic tone, Yorke was the oldest in the team, even older than Scott by one year. He chuckled as he shook his head. He started to write something down but then stopped midway through. He wasn't in the mood to get on with what he was doing before Terra had came over. Yorke still hadn't gotten the chance to know Fléche since she'd joined. Though it was the work that most thought that made Yorke the loner it was really the fact that at the start of mission - the mission to Cydonia to recover Eleurium he'd gotten to know some of those that were part of the team.


Now they were dead.


Since then Yorke had made a point to distance himself from the others it made the deaths that occured easier to deal with. The troopers, the engineers the CO's and the others had only to deal with their friend's absense, with seeing the body once or twice, with the funeral. Yorke had to perform a post-mortem on the deceased, and it was easier when they were just a face, a voice, a personality that he knew only in passing. But even the fact that he'd worked along side them at one point made it hard enough.


Doctor Ned Yorke finshed off his coffee and looked to the table. He thought about Terra's expression on her face. Yorke didn't know much about how she came to join the Kabron Pirates or X-Com. But the look on her face when he looked at her...looked pained. He'd have to make a point about finding about what was bothering her - he hoped it wasn't him! With a half frown, half smile. "Yorke, you are getting soft in your old age."


After finshing off his breakfasth and putting his bowl, mug and cutlery in the wash tub he made his way down to the lift. He'd probably start the post-mortem on one of the dead X-Com troopers that had died last mission. But he decided to pop into and check on the aliens in containment first.


The first two cells contained the Etheral and Muton, both restrained and sedated, the medical readings showed that they were fine, the pulse rate on the Etheral was lower than average. the next two cells held the Sectiod Medic and Navigator, and it was the former of the two that interested him. He looked into the cell and onto the Sectiod Medic.


"Release me." It spoke in a strained rasping voice. Seeing that the person had not responded to it it changed tack. "You and I are not that different."


"True." A shiver ran down his back, the sectiod knew that Yorke was a Doctor. They both practiced medicine, they both performed autospies and probably did research. "And you are the enemy just as I am to you." He took one last look at the sectiod and then left alien containment.


"Well lets get on with this." He said to either the body or no-one else. He withdrew his X-Com hand gun, checked that it was fully loaded and then set it down within easy reach on the medical tray, alongside he put the tape recorder. Stating the time, date, he started doing the external. "I am now going to start doing a External study of Private Joey McBenneth." The plasma wound to his upper chest was immediatly obivious it had gone down quite deep, on the arm there was some scar tissue which intered him, everything he did was followed shortly by commentry. He noted down the marks made by the alien medical devices that they'd used on him.


Really he should of asked either one of the medics or scientists to give him a hand, but he didn't want to bother them or make them suffer having to see a friend being cut up. Yorke had decided that one of these days however Fléche would give him a hand with the Muton corpse, she seemed to a have a level head, and it would be a good oppurtunity for her to get anything off her chest that was bothering her. "Good looking lady too." He muttered. Great, now that's been recorded and put into storage for all time! He then started to inspect the scar he hadn't recieved any wound on that arm, and he hadn't seen the scar before, but either way it was old.


<<And thus we see into the life of Yorke in the mortury>>

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<<Hooo! This will be rather so and so to play out. I'm not too certain about it so I might screw up at a part of your character (notify me if I did) but here goes.>>


Martin just stepped out of the showers and returned to his quarters. "That's better." he thought to himself after a rather quick wash down of cold water. Now he could start his daily meditation with a better peace of mind, right after he checked the messages of course. He didn't have much else than a towel around his waist as he passed through his office doors. He always kept a fresh set of clothes there since the office also happened to be his sleeping quarters all in one.


As he stepped inside he checked his desk computer, typing at the keypad with his right hand whilst still holding his towel with his left. He leant down and looked into the monitor noticing the mission specifics of their next assignment. It was to be of a most simple nature, one where the team could actually relax a bit more so he didn't check the specifics really since he could always review them later. They were hardly important anyway, he thought to himself as he began sensing Fleche heading towards the quarters area. He was rather surprised that she decided not to eat, but he didn't pay it much attention. He threw his towel onto the chair and made his way to the large storage box besides his bed which contained his clothes. But about halfway to it he stopped in the middle of the room as he began sensing Fleche's presence getting stronger and almost at his office's door. Martin was puzzled and looked towards the door as it began opening.


Inside stepped Fleche carrying a tray with cereal and looking rather absent. Now Martin really began to ask himself if this wasn't all a dream. He had these kinds before where he was naked and embarassed in front of women and at first he slightly paniced but quickly comforted himself with the fact that this must be a dream. The whole setup - a woman with a tray along with cereal along with a man with no clothes on - was so weird that Martin thought that only his dreams can get that nutty. He did his best to relax his breathing as Terra spoke: "Oops."


Martin let out a short but sharp "aah" jumping slightly as well before scrambling for his towel back on his chair, slipping on the floor at the end and falling behind his desk. He swiftly wrapped the towel around his waist and straightened himself up with but three words to say: "Private what are..." Terra herself still wasn't quite present until she dropped the tray with the cereal onto the floor, which finnaly snapped her back to the present. She focused on Martin, half embarrased, half amused and retreated out of the office, but slowly, whilst saying: "Sorry sir I just....uh....heh...needed something and um....." she concluded as she quickly went to her right down the corridor.


Martin sat back down on his chair and looked at the spilt cereal. "What was that all about?" he could only begin to wonder. He had quite a long way towards understanding Terra, a) because the bio doesn't tell the whole story about a person and B) since.....well......he knew the other reason all too well. He sighed and decided not to call her back to clean up the mess, like he would've no doubt done with a male Private doing that. He sighed again and begun by putting his clothes on. He wasn't taking another cold shower either since he already had one darnit, which also meant that he couldn't meditate as he had planned.


"Eh, I'll just hit the firing range. It's been awhile and it'll help me stop thinking about women.........at least for now..."

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<<Hehe, that was fine ^_^>>


Martin Kacur's door closed behind her and Terra's mind started to think straight once the thud reached her ears. Okay... Obviously seeing Shinji--I mean Yorke made me panick, she frowned to herself and stopped mid-stride. She turned around again, and looked at the name on the office door. After a moment's pause she started laughing. It started off as a low giggle, but then iit became louder and harder.


She decided it would be a good idea to stop laughing when another X-Com soldier walked by giving her an odd look. Terra grinned again while her eyes starred at the name on the door.


In one swift movement she quickly walked back to the office door, hit the button to open the door with a wooshsound and popped her head into Martin Kacur's office. She spotted him inside, this time with more than just a towel on him, and this time with a seemingly more prepared look on his face.


She whistled, winked, and blew at a kiss at him before she dashed off down the corridor to the right.


<<I hope you don't mind my character toying with Martin like this^_^ >>

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Kacur's door swung open once more. This time he saw Scott standing in the threshold with a great big grin on his face. He looked down the corridor as Fléche walked away and then back at Kacur.


Scott: Oh Martin... You dog! Heh heh heh.


Kacur's face was beat red with a combination of embarassment and frustration with Scott's remark.


Scott: (Walking in and accidently stepping in the pile of milky cereal on the floor) Don't you know that they have rules against dating subordinates?


Kacur: (Turning away and tightening the sleeve of his uniform, having just now put it on) What do you want, Private?


Scott kicked the floor beside the mess of cereal, knocking chunks of it off his boot. He then walked over to the chair in front of Kacur's desk and sat down. Scott's face had gone from the amused grin and now looked quite serious.


Scott: Sir, I've been thinking about what you said to me in the Mess Hall. About practicing my skills more...


Kacur sat down at his desk, he was obviously a little dazed by what had just occured but seemed willing to listen to Scott anyway.


Scott: I know we're being shipped out again really soon, but... Ah... Sir I'd like to take the Avenger out on a short patrol around NAO, just to refamiliarize myself with the interface. Y'know, since I've been flying the thing a lot lately I need all the experience I can get. (Thinking to himself) It's also the perfect opportunity to get the hell away from this place for a few minutes...


Kacur looked into Scott's eyes for a moment.


Kacur: Why don't you just use a training simulation or something?


Scott looked at Kacur raising an eyebrow.


Scott: Sir, we both know that when it comes to the real thing, simulations don't mean anything. All I want to do is fly around the base a bit and maybe shoot at a few mountains no one cares about.


Kacur turned away for a moment, as though contemplating a response...

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<<If I did mind would I have ever written Martin as having only a towel around him? ;)>>


After the wink and the kiss Martin was just not himself anymore he scrambled to get his clothes on, not certain about what he was even thinking now. And to top it all off he needed a smart ass Private to come in at that exact moment:


"Oh Martin... You dog! Heh heh heh."


He renewed his vigor to get his suit on and kept pulling the sleeve when the unwanted guest continued:


"Don't you know that they have rules against dating subordinates?"


"Oh f*cking GREAT" Kacur thought to himself. "Now he's most likely going to spread the word around the whole base, just by accident I bet the bastard. And there goes all my authority down the drain. Some fine Lieutenant I'll be in the eyes of my troops. One who's not afraid to duke it out with the roughest Alien scum but who is afraid of girls" Martin kept blushing throughout those thoughts when Scott restarted with a different tone of voice:


"Sir, I've been thinking about what you said to me in the Mess Hall. About practicing my skills more..."


Martin collected his thoughts together. Why was he thinking such mad thoughts at Joseph? Just because he happened to find out something about Martin? Was he afraid? Martin believed it so. He slowly began shifting back to his old self and listened in to what Scott had to say.


At the end of it all Martin thought to himself somewhat. Then he suddenly thought to himself: "What am I thinking? I'll make Joseph more welcome here by allowing him to train, after all I did ask him to do that, and giving him a few hints whilst at the same time I can avoid Terra. Two birds with one stone." He looked back towards the Private and responded:


"I think I can convince Ghost to let the Avenger go out on a short run. But there is a prerequisite Joseph. That I tag along and observe. I promise not to get in your way or anything, just so long as you bring the gunship back in one peice and don't expend too many missiles."


Scott grinned slightly, not just because of the excitement as Martin thought, but also because he guessed the Lieutenant's real reason for tagging along. He stood up and joyfully replied: "That won't be too much of a problem. When do we leave?"




A few hours later the two men were walking down towards the Avenger on the gray landing platform in the hangar. All the time Martin just had his mind on one person, but it wasn't Scott and he kept looking around for that person. He hoped she wouldn't be around. The two were beginning to get on board over the ramp, Joseph moving onboard rather quickly. Martin sighed with relief as he was about a metre away from the ramp, but just then when he had reached the threshold he stopped for some reason and looked around. Terra wasn't anywhere around, but Martin just kept looking for her.....and looking...


"Martin you coming?" Yelled Scott from the cockpit already igniting the engines and feeding the energy from the elerium engines into the navigational consoles.


"Yeah..." was the absent reply from Martin as he slowly went up the ramp. He wondered what was all of his looking for. What was it about? He didn't want to see Terra that's for sure,.....but....."Forget it" he said to himself and ran as fast as he could to the front cockpit, trying to erase the thing from his head.


<<I believe that I have made Kacur suffer a lot. In fact I really feel guilty that I've put him into a want/desire conflict. That's one of the worst conflicts one has to battle with him or herself. I really wonder how I can develop it in the future. :blush:>>

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<<Oh don't feel sorry for him! Depending on how he handles things, his situation could eventually improve =) >>


The hanger was filled with the sound of the Avenger's engine as it lifted off and made its way towards the wide open exit. Terra stood close to the window in the observation deck and watched as the Avenger slowly moved forward. When the cockpit of the Avenger came near, Terra focused her view on it. She spotted Private Scott in control of the ship and Lieutenant Kacur sitting beside him.


For a split second, she realized that Martin was looking in her direction. She gave a quick wave with her hand and smiled as the Avenger flew further past her.


The Avenger eventually cleared the hanger within a few seconds and a loud boom echoed through out the hollow hanger as the Avenger took off at a much faster speed. Terra turned around and walked out of the observation deck. Her thoughts churned as she wandered around Nova Omega Alpha.


I wonder if I'm being too hard on Lieutenant Kacur, she mused. Then again, teasing him is so much fun, it's hard to resist. Heh. It makes me feel like a kid. I wonder if the old adage holds any truth? Little girls pick on little boys because they like them. Makes me wonder...


Terra stopped walking for a bit. She was in a corridor with one stairwell to the side. Above on the ceiling was a sign that pointed downwards and the words "Medical Bay" on it. Why I don't tease Doctor Yorke instead...


After a slight pause, she continued walking. Eventually, she made her way to the living quarters. She went to the e-book shelve in the corner of the quarters and picked up one of the miniture computers. She moved to the nearby literature database computer console and plugged in the e-book. Within a few moments a copy of Douglas Adams' The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy; a trilogy in five parts was downloaded onto the e-book.


Terra walked back out of the living quarters. For a few minutes, she wandered the base aimlessly, walking here and there. She found herself in the hydroponics module under the hanger. She moved from one room to another, noticing the different plants, fruits and vegetables grown. She spotted an apple tree and moved closer to it. After taking a quick look around, she picked off a small red apple, pocketted it, and walked off.


In a few more moments, she was back in the hanger observation deck. She dragged a nearby fold-up chair to the window, sat down, turned on the e-book and began reading.


After the first page, she took out the apple and bit into it. It oddly tasted fresher than the ones stored in the mess hall. She chewed and thought at the same time, Maybe I should stop bugging Kacur... Her head turned to look out the observation window, expecting the Avenger to return.


After a few moments. "Nah." She continued reading.

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<<We're all very mean arn't we! Anyway, carrying on with the autospy...>>


"Okay...lets see what we have here?" He open it up and reached in with his hand, then pushing aside something he shoved his arm deeper in. He squeezed something, and then licked his lips. "Ah-hah" He then pulled it out, he peeled it and bit into it, then closing the fridge in his office he returned to the autospy/mortury room.


With a banana in one hand and a mug of tea in the other he looked into the chest cavity of McBenneth, he'd already opened up the thoracic cage, and had started a indepth check and study of McBenneth's organs. Taking another chunk out of the banana he frowned, he'd begun a toxicology check, the results from that would take a while, however the plasma wound that he'd suffered didn't appear to be a fatal wound, or at least, it didn't kill him straight off, fluids in the lungs suggested to Yorke that his resiprator system was still on the go, and the alien medical device markings also suggested that they had tried to drain the lungs of the fluids.


"Right side ribs, 5, 6 and 7 have been broken at both the sternum and the 5th, 6th and 7th thoracic vertebrae, the bruising is consistant with that of a heavy blow to the chest," Peering into the chest he put the banana down on the medical tray and picked up a long tweezer, then pushing one of the broken ribs to one side. "The 3 broke ribs would appear to be the cause of the punctured the pleura" -Covering of the lungs- "of the lungs." Taking a sip out of the mug of tea. "And the pneumothorax," Collasped lung. "Was most likely the cause of the death."


He paused and picked up the banana and finished it off. Walking over to the bin he dropped the skin into it. And returned to the body. He would always snack through an autospy, he'd noticed this behavioural trait of his. "Thank god I'm not a shrink." He muttered under his breath. "However there is one unaccounted past wounds which have resulted in scaring. The scar I noticed was consistant with .40 FMJ round." He looked at the scar on McBenneth's right arm. "The thing is that .40 FMJ rounds are not used by X-Com. Which is an interesting anamoaly, I shall investigate this further, see if there is any other evidence of any other unaccounted wounds." He tipped the tea into his mouth and swallowed. "But first I'm gonna get me a snack."

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<<Heh heh. Yorke may not be a shrink but Martin is, albiet an amature one. :blush:


When it comes to Martin I know. I'll try to think up of a way of how this normally or really could be fixed, heh, the psychological aspects are really tough. Reminds me a bit of the "Fight Club" situation though more subtle. Anyways yes heh, mean is OK right now. Later on however it might evolve quite differently. ;)


I'm gonna let Bob do the majority of his training run since he knows best at what piloting aspects Scott is good at and at which he is bad. ;)>>

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The Avenger blasted out of the Hangar at full throttle. Scott and Kacur felt little to no g-force feedback due to the onboard inertial dampening systems. As the Avenger hit a good mile and a half away from NAO, Scott slowed the ship to a halt, hovering at a good 700 feet off the ground.


Scott: Sorry sir. (Unbuckles his seatbelt and walks into the troop bay) I just realized I blew off breakfast, I'll be just a second.


Scott opened one of the survival packs from the storage room. He procured an MRE packet and returned to the cockpit.


Scott: (Ripping off the foil wrapper with his teeth) So what shall we go over first, Martin? Weapons, dodge practice... *Cough* Your afair with Private Fléche...


Scott couldn't help but smile as he took a bite out of the hard, bland MRE still partially in it's packaging.


Kacur: (His face red with a combination of frustration and embarassment) Joseph... What you saw back there, it's not what you think!


Scott: (Swallowing a chunk of food while sitting back in the pilot's chair) Martin, I saw her blow a kiss at you... And when I walked in you were still putting on your clothes! (Turning to the Avenger's controls) But don't worry sir, I won't tell anybody. We don't see that many human women out here anyway.


Scott placed the MRE on the Avenger dashboard. Grabbing ahold of the joystick, he throttled the ship up to 50% and made a hard left, searching for a mountain or something to blow up.


<<Yes, short one again. I mainly want to see Kacur's reaction before training starts. :blush:>>

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<<heheh. Good one. Really inspired me to do a post of a more philosophical nature :blush:>>


When Martin was in the co-pilot seat he just absently watched the hangar walls which were speeding downwards as the Avenger ascended gradually. He felt someone focusing onto him at that moment and turned towards the direction from where it came. There she was again! After noticing her he quickly turned his head again and sighed very very deeply.


"Okay, this is how we'll play this. First you do some training with Scott so focus on him right now! Then when you get back you straighten things out here. Easy, peice of cake."


The Avenger sped off with Martin still being rather absent. He wondered how the hell did he get into this fix. Being around Rallwell was actually the easiest, though still not too damn easy, but at least she didn't do anything too provoking. On the rare occasions that he had faced Fox he just scurried like a little cockroach away from her. But at least she wasn't interested in him, unlike Terra! He tried replaying his office incident in his head in hopes that he could analyze what actually brought her to his room when Scott pipped in. Though Martin remembered that he did mention something about his breakfast just a little bit before, his mind was elsewhere at that time and he now registered the next line that Scott threw at him:


"So what shall we go over first, Martin? Weapons, dodge practice... *Cough* Your afair with Private Fléche..."


"Jesus" thought Kacur to himself. "I bloody knew it! How the heck can I trust him?" He began blushing and responded:


"Joseph... What you saw back there, it's not what you think"


Kacur knew however that he wasn't getting off THAT easily as Scott's reply came in with a smirk on his face:


"Martin, I saw her blow a kiss at you... And when I walked in you were still putting on your clothes! But don't worry sir, I won't tell anybody. We don't see that many human women out here anyway."


A short snort came from Martin, but he did manage to refocus mainly thanks to the assurance that the Private wouldn't tell anybody, though he knew how much good THOSE kinds of promises were in the military in general. Still there was a part of him which was actually more disturbed with the fact of how much Scott assumed to be true and he decided to speak about it to him:


"Joseph, just because it looks that way doesn't mean that it IS that way. I happened to participate in a mission to a little planet called Kanay V (see the story Alien Eye ;) ) where we were supposed to be stationed at an Ascadian base. Everyone was fine with the prospect when we arrived except for two people, Necro and me. We both saw that something was wrong with that picture and sure enough being the only ones to prepare ourselves for the possibility that this might not be how it looks we both survived a Black Spear trap, whilst all the other three members on our team got slaughtered. I know it's much more significant that the so called "incident" right now but the principal is the same. So be careful at what you assume."


After finishing his argument he remembered that the example might not have been the best. He began wondering if he didn't argue right now because of Scott's safety or if he was trying to clear himself.


(Bob inserts reaction here - he can post his version of this incident as Scott experiences it ;) )


Scott having found a series of rock pillars decided to come to a stop and looked over to Kacur for what the test would be whilst saying: "Well, I think this spot looks good. Those pillars are quite numerous not to mention that I scanned a canyon through the GPS system just a few clicks up west. So, what'll it be?"


Martin thought back to the mission "Alien Titan" and considered carefully before finnaly replying, having forgotten about the incident for now:


"Well, we're here now aren't we? So we might as well start with shooting practice. To make it more interesting come about 180 degrees first. Then swing the Avenger back and as you do try your best to destroy that row of pillars ::points with his index finger:: as fast as you can. I'll time you and we'll repeat the exercise again. Then I might show you a bit about how to fire X-Terminator missiles before going off to the canyon okay'"

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Scott banked the Avenger to the left, avoiding a large rock pillar as Kacur finished his story. He chuckled in amusement when it was finally done.


Scott: Martin... I'm only playing with you! Haven't you looked at my record? I used to be a police officer for a good 20 years, 1 and a half of them a detective, I couldn't have missed something so obvious.


Kacur's expression seemed pretty blank. Probably because he was surprised about being tricked so easily.


Things were silent for a few moments, Scott took a look at the onboard GPS system. A massive cluster of pillars were just a half a kilometer ahead, while a nice large canyon was located a few more kilometers west of them.

Scott stopped the Avenger just a hundred yards away from the pillars and turned to Kacur.


Scott: Well, I think this spot looks good. Those pillars are quite numerous not to mention that I scanned a canyon through the GPS system just a few clicks up west. So, what'll it be?


Kacur: Well, we're here now aren't we? So we might as well start with shooting practice. To make it more interesting come about 180 degrees first. Then swing the Avenger back, and as you do try your best to destroy that row of pillars (Points with his index finger) as fast as you can. I'll time you and we'll repeat the exercise again. Then I might show you a bit about how to fire X-Terminator missiles before going off to the canyon, okay?


Scott nodded and he turned the Avenger away from the pillars, sending it flying at a good 350 KPH before doing a complete U-Turn back at the pillars. He armed the Avenger's forward laser cannons and lined up the targets with the onboard computer. He accelerated the Avenger to 400 KPH and let loose a massive barrage of laser fire onto the pillars.


The Avenger zipped on by at breakneck speed, it's lasers slicing into about six of the pillars. Four of them collapsed and toppled, the other two lost chunks of themselves but were still standing. Scott did another U-Turn at the pillars but he did it too soon and was only able to snap a single shot off at one of the ruined pillars. Passing by the second time, Scott let the Avenger fly out farther this time before turning again. This time his angle, distance, and speed were right on the money. Using the Avenger guns he blasted the remained pillars to dust and flew the Avenger straight through the cloud of dust generated from their destruction. The sound of sand rattling against the outer hull of the Avenger rained throughout the ship.


Scott: Haha! That's all of 'em... How long was that? (Turns to Kacur, awaiting the results)

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<<Sorry for the delay. Had some stuff to do and even more to think through so...>>


Martin noticed Scott's sharp turns and quick manuvering. During the first pass he did the best of all, but during the second he got a bit overexcited apparently which made him miss that lass pillar. Still he made another turn which finished the job and Kacur was quick to give a reply to the pilot's query:


"Time is 28.1 seconds. If you managed to hit the last two of them on the second pass you could've cut that time by a third. Don't get too carried away okay? I know that it's quite a thrill to fly one of these but try to keep a cool mind most of the time. Go overboard only when you really need determination, okay?"


Scott's nod came in just at the same time as a communications signal started beeping on the dashboard. Leaning forward and using his index finger Kacur pressed the button and spoke: "Avenger here."


At the other end back in NAO Ghost was standing in the middle of the Communication Room and speaking over the room-wide comms unit: "Sorry to interrupt your training but the schedule for the mission has been advanced. It has become necessary for us to prep the Avenger for the long flight, meaning that you return back to base right away."


Scott made a rather dissapointed face and Martin sighed whilst tapping the button again and replying into the device with a sense of dissapointment himself: "Roger that Ghost, we'll be back soon."


Martin then turned his head towards Scott and whilst sighing again he spoke: "I'm sorry. We'll do it again some time okay?"

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Atzel takes off her helmet with "Friendly Skies" writtin on the side and "Malarky" on the front and whipes her face with the back of her hand, looking down on the mess in the reactor room... "Hot damn... what a first day, eh? But I think I smoked me a four armed freak, at least... hey, buddy, you okey?"


She gives Scott a prod in the sholder with the barrel of her rifle.

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Martin just walked into the reactor room panting quite severely as his Light Ferronium Suit was not making it the easiest to move around. Upon arriving he leant at the side of the wall looking at the carnage that was still in the place and also noticing two hanging Ascadians from the top level of the reactor room, bloody all around. Fleche came back in limping somewhat whilst Necro was carrying Jackson behind her and they all stopped upon seeing the bodies. Martin then let out a long sigh and approached Ghost whilst shaking his head a bit on the way:


"What the hell happened over here?"


Ghost was sitting on the floor, still stunned somewhat by the recent explosion from Yorke's launcher. He coughed quite a bit until he finnaly cleared his throat and responded:


"Aghhh...we managed to take out two of these things whilst also recovering some survivors. They're still housed in the Comms room." was the reply as he moved his arm a bit towards the communication room's general direction with the last two words. He then began slowly rising and continued with a bit more harsh voice:


"But we could've done this tonnes quicker if the goddamn security system didn't come back online. Why the hell did you turn it on Christ..."


Martin was a bit surprised by the response. Ghost didn't seem like too much of a hothead or jerk normally and this was rather surprising. He didn't have time to respond with a more calming voice however and instead responded in an offended tone: "Why else dammit? So as the system could hopefully detect them and help us out."


"Did I ever say that you could hack in? Did I ever give the order? I'm still senior here you know?"


"Yes you are darnit, but I informed you of what I was going to do and you didn't say a damn thing about me not brining the system back online infact..." Martin stopped at that second as both the Lieutenants panted for a moment. He looked inside him and knew that both him and his counterpart were distressed by these hanging corpses, not to mention just what a horror scene this all turned out to be. He restarted with a much lower and quieter tone: "Look. No time for this stupidity, we'll discuss it later in the office and not in front of the troops here. The last thing we need is a low morale due to our bickering. Get some rest and I'll take care of this allright?"


Ghost didn't say a word. He just left out of the place leaving Kacur to look towards his direction. He then looked down towards the floor briefly and then towards the rest of the soldiers:


"Allright people. Here's the situation. We believe that the place has been cleared effectively of any of these...things. But as we know these things are very stealthy thanks to their cloaking devices. Therefore I will require two of you to patrol through the NAO areas, just to make sure."


After a short look at the remaining people he quickly identified the two which were not wounded or needed anywhere else at the time:


"Scott and Evander. I guess you're the best suited for that task. After you've completed your run through everywhere EXCEPT the alien and prison areas which are off limits report back to me via the comms systems and then turn in your gear at the armoury. Fleche, Jackson and Necro report with Doctor Yorke to the infirmary so that you get your wounds treated properly after depositing your gear at the armoury. I'll head over and call down some of the Ascadian maintainance crews to clean and fix this mess up and check the alien and prison holds. Carry on." he concluded, starting to leave towards the Comms room to also assure the Ascadians first that they will be able to leave with the maintainance crews' ships after they are debriefed.


<<There you go. I really felt like acting Mr. Bossy so.... :blush: Feel free to develop these chances in any way you want. After a while I'll speed up the clock to something like a day after this incident so that you can post any thoughts about the mission and also roleplay about anything you normally couldn't after being through a mission. ;) >>

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Terra limped down the corridors towards the armoury. Once there, she unloaded each of her clips from her pistol and rifle and set them down in a pile to be inspected and refilled later. Looking around briefly, she moved to the area where the body armour were held and stripped down, revealing a simple bodytight cloth underneath. Quickly, she opened up a nearby locker and pulled out some simple clothes she could wear.


She flinched slightly as she pulled the shirt over her head. The claw wounds on her lower torso burned everytime she moved the muscles. It burned even more when she had to bend down to pull some loose fitting pants onto her legs. After putting everything on, she made her way out of the armoury and headed towards the imfirmary/medical bay to get checked out.

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Atzel puts her helmet back on and smartly salutes with a "Right-o, Sir", . She gives Scott an other poke "Look alive soldier. We got more work to do."

She looks down at her bandoiler and then around "Hey? Anybody got a couple of spare rifle mags? I'm all out."

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Atzel: Hot damn... what a first day, eh? But I think I smoked me a four armed freak, at least... Hey, buddy, you okay?


Scott was interupted by a quick jab from Atzel's weapon. He turned to her, mildly frustrated with her comment.


Scott: What the hell is wrong with her? Doesn't she know the gravity of the situation!? Don't talk to me Atzel... Not right now...


Scott turned away from her. He knew his anger shouldn't be directed at the new Private right now. He looked back at the body of one of the Ascadians waving back and forth on the ropes.


Scott: Du'Gannon... I don't know what they are, but they will pay for this slaughter of your people.


He looked away from the carcass of the Ascadian he once called a friend. Spotting Ghost and Kacur in a heated argument, aparently this new enemy has affected them more than Joseph thought.


Scott: Perfect... Even our commanding officers are scared shitless. This bodes well.


Scott holstered his pistol. He refused to look back at the Ascadians swinging from the cealing and was about to look for the survivors that lacked themselves in communications when suddenly...


Kacur: Alright people. Here's the situation: We believe that the place has been cleared effectively of any of these... things. But as we know these things are very stealthy thanks to their cloaking devices. Therefore I will require two of you to patrol through the NAO areas, just to make sure. Scott and Evander. I guess you're the best suited for that task. After you've completed your run through everywhere EXCEPT the alien and prison areas, which are off limits, report back to me via the comms systems and then turn in your gear at the armoury. Fléche, Jackson and Necro report with Doctor Yorke to the infirmary so that you get your wounds treated properly after depositing your gear at the armoury. I'll head over and call down some of the Ascadian maintainance crews to clean and fix this mess up and check the alien and prison holds. Carry on.


Scott: He's just trying to test my patience isn't he? Making me do this grunt work while everyone else gets pampered by the Doc!? (Turning and saluting to Kacur) Uh, Yes sir... I'll get right on it.


As the rest of the team moved about their duties, Scott moved slowly through the Command Center as Atzel moved in behind him...


<<Just one question, am I allowed to find more aliens and/or alien bodies in my search? Including both Ascadians and these "Space Hulk" resembling aliens. :blush: >>

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<<You can come up with anything as long as it doesn't make a big impact. Don't write for instance that you discover 10 of these "Space hulks". You can write you discovered another Ascadian corpse, or if you want to you can find another one of the aliens, though keep it confined to your area. Don't make it run around the base so that Martin needs to get the whole place back to alert status. This isn't a mission. :blush: >>
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