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The Sims 3: Feelings of Guilt


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No this isn't some new expansion pack or DLC, it's my reaction to the game last night. Let me set it up for you. I was kinda curious to see how the game handles multiple romantic relationships, so I created a "man-whore" or more specifically, a "player". A "player" is typically a guy who goes after women (many, many women) just to have sex, nothing more. (I'm not like this in RL BTW, just wanted to see how far it goes in the Sims). wink.png


Initially I was more after the relationships - I wanted to see how many girlfriends I could have at once. Well, the game allows that with no issues, but your Sim has to be ultra-careful while wooing potential love interests in public. Other sims may notice and one of your girlfriends could decide to confront you about it. Then you have to woo all over again, though this time around it may take a lot more work. Some good traits you'll want is Charismatic and Good Kisser as they "unlock" other interactions which help in creating a relationship. Schmoozer is another good one.


This soon evolved into how many women (married, single, in a relationship, old, whatever) my Sim could bed. This was working quite good for a while. All you need to do is make an introduction to a prospective subject, then invite them over to your place (at your own convenience) and get to work wooing them. With a receptive subject you may be able to sleep with them that same day, while others may take quite a bit of work - especially those which are married or in a relationship. I never used the "propose going steady" interaction, I wasn't interested in keeping someone long term, ahem. blush.png


Anyhow, I was bedding a lot of women (think at least 10) so it was hard to keep track of all of them. But what got me guilty was after sleeping with a gorgeous girl, my sim got up to grab a bite to eat, so I didn't see what she was up to. After I asked her to leave, my sim decided to get some shut-eye, and lo and behold my bed was made (I never make it myself). So this girl was sweet enough to make my bed for me even though I planned to never see her again. I think she even put some books away into the bookcase without being asked. Talk about a guilt-trip. I was both sad and floored at the same time. Needless to say, my wild days may be numbered: I found a keeper! love.gif Now if only I could remember who it was... rolleyes.gif


- Zombie

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Maybe she felt guilty that she gave your SIM an STD?unsure.png Perchance she was already 2 months pregnant in which the real father jumped ship, and she needed your SIM to be the "baby's daddy" excuse...."See, you have the same eyes". Possibly casing the joint for your SIMS hidden stash of XCOM merchandise?!


I believe the next DLC is entitled, "UN-Planned Parenthood".



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Maybe she felt guilty that she gave your SIM an STD?unsure.png Perchance she was already 2 months pregnant in which the real father jumped ship, and she needed your SIM to be the "baby's daddy" excuse...."See, you have the same eyes". Possibly casing the joint for your SIMS hidden stash of XCOM merchandise?!


I believe the next DLC is entitled, "UN-Planned Parenthood".


Hehe, I kinda wish the AI-controlled sims were devious like this. That would make for some interesting stories. As it stands now, the player controlled sim has to create the friction him/herself. ;)


@Zombie: you know, I can see where you're really going with this - I suppose now you'll have to sleep with them all again in order to find "the one". wink.png


It might actually come to that. woot.gif I thought about this last night a bit, and I believe I narrowed it down. My sim will have to re-bed this girl to see if her behavior is the same, and possibly her traits will shed some light on the subject ("Neat" would explain her cleaning behavior). angel.gif


- Zombie

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Trouble in "paradise":




I went to the park to catch a show after bedding my latest conquest and was confronted by not one, not two, not three, but four romantic interests for cheating at the same time. Whoopsie! blush.png


Triage mode enabled! I'm going to try to quietly woo all of them back to the harem. biggrin.png


- Zombie

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Trouble in "paradise":


I went to the park to catch a show after bedding my latest conquest and was confronted by not one, not two, not three, but four romantic interests for cheating at the same time. Whoopsie! blush.png


Triage mode enabled! I'm going to try to quietly woo all of them back to the harem. biggrin.png


- Zombie


Just a guess, but I think the one wearing the maid outfit could be the "keeper" you're looking for ;)

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Just a guess, but I think the one wearing the maid outfit could be the "keeper" you're looking for wink.png


You are quite correct sir! Though, I'm second guessing myself now whether or not she'll be my main squeeze. I was doing a little sleeping around trying to determine who it was and ran across my first love Sadie. After a nice romp in the hay for old times sake banana.gif , the game blurted out that we get along perfectly and that I should move in with her. Obviously, I'm not ready for that level of commitment quite yet so I didn't accept, but it's tempting. I'm a golddigger see, she's rich and, well, you get the idea. :P


- Zombie

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And the funny thing is, I actually feel terrible about it even though this is just a game. blush.png Well, I think for the time being, I'll plod along as before leaving wrecked relationships and broken hearts in my wake sarcastic.gif, but next time through I think I'll settle down with a cute little thing and check out that aspect of the game.


I did manage to triage the previous situation - all the gals are back and at full romantic relationship levels. I also was able to bed a couple more victims (er, I think that's the correct term for this mess) for a total of 15 so far. The town is pretty small and there are only a few women I haven't got romantic with yet. One is Holly Robins (you can see her name mentioned in my previous screenshot). The issue with her is that the game made her invisible to me. I can't click on her to access any interactions even if she's technically standing right next to me (but I did find a slight "fix" for it by going to the overhead town view and clicking on her star icon). I was able to make her a friend, but I'll need to invite her over sometime and try this trick with the romantic interactions as the last time she ran away (and rightly so) before I was able to put the moves on her. Smart gal. laugh.png Unfortunately though, that star icon disappears when you met the condition the game wanted, so I may be out of luck.


One of the women was on the heavier side, but that didn't bother my sim as he has the libido of a stallion. After getting it on, the gal changed into her sleeping clothes and her hair changed grey. At first I thought I was responsible for making her older by taking away her virginity, but when I asked her to leave a little later she changed back into her everyday attire and her hair was back to it's normal light brown. Then I realized that sims can have different hairstyles depending on attire, so the game must have given her grey hair as a defensive survival mechanism... or something. no.gif


- Zombie

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There you have it, ladies - concrete evidence that men give you grey hair. wink.png


Regarding your impressive overall progress, Zombie, I imagine there may even be some achievement to get from this daring pursuit should you succeed - something like "Gotta catch 'em all!" tongue.png

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