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A shame to the X-COM series!


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Yes, that's right, Enforcer is nothing less than a complete shame to the X-COM series. The developers tried to replace the ill-fated, yet glorious X-COM Alliance with this abomination and insult to the X-COM universe. They could've bought Alliance's source code and the developed game so far, but... NO! They decided to completely twist X-COM in a terrible way, reducing it to a game for brainless people (no offense to those who played it).


I base my comments on these points:


1) Enforcer doesn't FIT in any way in the official X-COM timeline! It supposedly takes place during the "early 21st century", presumably the First Alien War (killing our beloved Sectoids other than during AW I in that period of time is completely, absolutely IMPOSSIBLE!) and yet there's absolutely NO reference of an "Enforcer" made by a wacky scientist in UFO and it certainly did not make a SIGNIFICANT change in the course of the war.


2) Enforcer is twisted in such an awful way that, honestly, I don't know what the HELL its developers were thinking. To give you an idea, it's like saying: "Hey, let's make a WarCraft puzzle game", if you know what I mean. They have deformed what was supposed to be Alliance so much that not even X-COM Mommy would recognise it now. It's now an arcade-ish 3D shooter with little or no plot which has an incredibly toned-down UFOpaedia (doesn't even deserve to be called that way) and a R&D system which only functions as a way to improve your wacky equipment.


3) Enforcer is absolutely unrealistic. How the HELL can a soldier, well, not even a soldier, an ANDROID, take on huge alien armies and fight completely non-existant bosses, such as a Mutated Chryssalid, a Giant Reaper or a Arachnopod?! I mean, what the hell is that?!


On the whole, X-COM Enforcer is a pure, sheer blasphemy to the X-COM series, which doesn't even DESERVE the right to belong to such a classic saga of outstanding games. Thank you, Atari, thank you VERY MUCH!!!


:: Exits the room and violently slams the door ::

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reducing it to a game for brainless people

Brainless people deserve games as well!


and yet there's absolutely NO reference of an "Enforcer" made by a wacky scientist in UFO and it certainly did not make a SIGNIFICANT change in the course of the war.

There's also absolutely NO reference of "Men in Black" who co-operate with the

aliens in UFO and they certainly did not make a SIGNIFICANT change in the course of the war.Do we hate them for it? Don't think so.


Enforcer is twisted in such an awful way that, honestly, I don't know what the HELL its developers were thinking. To give you an idea, it's like saying: "Hey, let's make a WarCraft puzzle game", if you know what I mean.

WarCraft puzzle is an adorable game! I don't know why everyone hates it so much...


They have deformed what was supposed to be Alliance so much that not even X-COM Mommy would recognise it now.

I agree with that.


It's now an arcade-ish 3D shooter with little or no plot which has an incredibly toned-down UFOpaedia (doesn't even deserve to be called that way) and a R&D system which only functions as a way to improve your wacky equipment./QUOTE]

Arcade-ish? Yes.3D? :blink:

The equipment is'nt wacky either.It's just stupid.


Enforcer is absolutely unrealistic. How the HELL can a soldier, well, not even a soldier, an ANDROID, take on huge alien armies and fight completely non-existant bosses, such as a Mutated Chryssalid, a Giant Reaper or a Arachnopod?! I mean, what the hell is that?!


Of-course it's unrealistic! It's a legend!

Non-existant bosses? Well,does Enforcer exist? Does X-Com exist?

It's hell,that's what it is.


On the whole, X-COM Enforcer is a pure, sheer blasphemy to the X-COM series, which doesn't even DESERVE the right to belong to such a classic saga of outstanding games. Thank you, Atari, thank you VERY MUCH!!!

I don't know,I never played it :) .


I think perhaps you might need to go sit down in a corner somewhere and take a few breaths before you come back onto the computer...

A bit too late Neorapsta...


:: Exits the room and violently slams the door ::

::Does the same,but very very quietly so no-one notices::

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reducing it to a game for brainless people

Brainless people deserve games as well!

No comment... :hmmm:



and yet there's absolutely NO reference of an "Enforcer" made by a wacky scientist in UFO and it certainly did not make a SIGNIFICANT change in the course of the war.

There's also absolutely NO reference of "Men in Black" who co-operate with the

aliens in UFO and they certainly did not make a SIGNIFICANT change in the course of the war.Do we hate them for it? Don't think so.

By "no reference" I mean inside the X-COM universe. About the MIB... what are you talking about? :blink:


Enforcer is absolutely unrealistic. How the HELL can a soldier, well, not even a soldier, an ANDROID, take on huge alien armies and fight completely non-existant bosses, such as a Mutated Chryssalid, a Giant Reaper or a Arachnopod?! I mean, what the hell is that?!


Of-course it's unrealistic! It's a legend!

Non-existant bosses? Well,does Enforcer exist? Does X-Com exist?

It's hell,that's what it is.

Of course nothing of these really exist, it's science fiction! What I meant is that there's absolutely NO reference, again, in any of the X-COM games about the existence of these hideous creatures. Remember Hoz, I'm talking from INSIDE the X-COM universe. :)


No offense, Hoz, but your post lacks sense, don't post if you really don't have something to say. :hmmm:

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Woah, calm down fellahs. :hmmm:


I agree with you, Shadow, that Enforcer does not belong in the X-COM timeline nor does it deserve the X-COM logo stamped on it's box. But to call it a bad game for that is like calling the Final Fantasy movie bad because it wasn't based directly off the games. It's biased and, I mean no offence by this, a bit naive. You can't expect a shooter based off a strategy game like X-COM to be accurately based off of it, especially when X-COM soldiers would normally die in a single plasma shot. What fun would it be if you played it like that? Think of that... And think of what other changes you'd need to make to appeal to the third person shooter crowd.


Try replaying Enforcer while completely ignoring the fact that it doesn't follow X-COM very well. It must be a decent shooter at least, if long time X-COM veterans are still playing it. If you can do that and still don't like it, then you have something pertinant against the game. Bulling down the plot only says it has a bad story... And I can recite a whole list of best selling games with a story not worth a half a nickel. :blink:


And Hoz? Seriously, what the food did the MIB have to do with anything? :)

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But to call it a bad game for that is like calling the Final Fantasy movie bad because it wasn't based directly off the games.

That's a totally different subject, my friend, games that go to the big screen. Besides, the Final Fantasy games are almost completely independent from each other, using only a number of similarities, (chocobos, for example) but they don't follow any storyline since each game has one of its own.


Enforcer is a game like the other X-COMs, only that horribly twisted and demeaned version of a game that should've been the greatest of all the series, but I won't go into this subject all over again.

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Enforcer would have been much better if it was just called "Enforcer" instead of "X-Com Enforcer."


But, you have to give the dev team some credit. Essientially what Atari said was "We just canned Alliance. Use some of those assets to make a new game that we can sell to kids in six months or else"

For a six month rushed game, it plays pretty well. I haven't noticed very many bugs (except the slowing down one, but that is due to a crappy disk provided by Atari)


Now granted it is nowhere near what Alliance could have been, and it doesn't deserve the Xcom name, but it isn't all that bad if you don't look at it as an Xcom game. If you look at it as a normal arcade game like space invaders, it stacks up reasonably well.


But you are right. Every corporate officer in Atari should jump off a cliff.

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I agree that enforcer sucks. But not because it doesn't fit the storyline well.

I mean just look at the main storyline stuff in the games until enforcer.

So we have:

-Roswell :)

-an Alien invasion :blink:

-loads of Aliens while nearly all the main ones tend to have humanoid shape. :) (Why? I mean they evolved in enviroments completly differnt to earth's. And even on earth the only creatures with humanoid shape are we and a bunch of apes.)

-pyramids and remainings of a million years old civilisation at the cydonian mars face. (WTF is it a human face anyway when it was build by some weird old Aliens?)

-a million years old alien colony ship, which's landing/crash in the gulf of Mexico killed the dinosaurs.

-if this ship could be reactivated why wasn't it used in AW1? ;)

-auqatic, reptilian ancestors of mankind who coorperate with the aliens and are humanoid shaped too. (as science knows today the real aquatic reptilian ancestors of mankind and all mammals looked like some kind of newts.)

-PSI powers

-MC powers

-a stable 115th element with magic powers :hmmm:

-Zr'bite ;)

-interstellar travel which exceeds lightspeed ;)

-parallel universes

-one of them accesable through a black hole (and just existing to keep a sun some ships and bases and the doomsday weapon. I mean a universe just as big as a solar system. Temperatures exceeding a few million kelvin and the impossibility for existance of anything bigger then a proton anyone? :) )

-nova bombs :tank:

-tachyon cannons which beams a visible. :) ( A tachyon by definition, is an particle

which gets faster as lower it energy potential gets, and which's energy potential would have to get infinite if it SLOWED DOWN to lightspeed. btw, can anyone explain me why this would affect a ships system? call me consevative, but I'd use good old EMP)

-aliens from other dimensions being HUMAN SHAPED ;)

-other dimensions in which objects from our four dimensional room (width,height,depth,time) can exist, without even being changed. (ok you can discuss with me about this. Maybe the changes in the four dimensional fashioned sense organs of my soldiers would compensate the other dimensions effects in actual perception.) Vice versa for ufos and Aliens.

-ships trying to pass over in that dimension being destroyed by antimatter implosions (wtf?)

-the possibility to produce ships of normal matter which are not destroyed by antimatter implosions ;)


-disruptor beams

-ME owning the biggest military force within a city that could be invented by george orwell without the ability to kick the governments ass. :devil:


To me a professor creating a uber-robot with stupid weapos who is capable of fighting of great alien hordes and a mothership without being recognised seem to fit the general scenery quite well.

In general you could summarize the whole X-com storyline with a great DOUBLE-U TE EF QUESTION MARK.

I'm just waiting for the firedragons to fly by.


But don't missunderstand me. I absolutly love these games and I can't stand enforcer. But not for one being realistic and the other not.

I love X-com 1-4 for their well developed and complex storyline (realism is not the point for me when coming to storys), their atmosphere and depth, their intellectual challange and their action and I hate enforcer for being dumb, boring and totally screwed.



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Personally I agree with M. Hoz. It's not a bad game in its own right, but not exactly X-COM. Nowt wrong with that view, but no point arguing about it now as... erm... you can't exactly make Atari take it back :blink:


Chill and play one of the other five X-COM games available to you :)

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maxoman, I'm seriously tempted to rub your face in it with all your points, but personally I can't be bothered.


Also, don't just think because you do basic physics you understand exactly how the universe and all others function, this is shown by your belief that Time is actually the 4th dimension

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Sometimes, the best course of action is to just to drop everything, step back, and remind yourself 'Yes, this is fiction. It doesn't have to make sense.'


Of course, it has to be consistent as well (of which, most of the games in the X-Com series aren't, look at the sectoid skin tone for example, and the 'armless'ness of the ethereals), but we cannot always have our cake and eat it as well... you need a nice cup of something hot to go with it too. :blink:


As for the fourth dimension... wasn't it surprise? Or was that mint? No mint's the fifth element.



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Neorpasta wrote:

Also, don't just think because you do basic physics you understand exactly how the universe and all others function, this is shown by your belief that Time is actually the 4th dimension


I don't actually think it to be it in a official manner. But as far as I'm concerned a dimension is something in which something else can exist, and the position of something else inside something can be given as a number. With this definition

time could be a fourth dimension but it don't has to be. But I'm actually not doing basic physics so if someone does and knows better please tell me.

In general you can say that dimension number five (four if time not counted) which is the lenght and grammatical complexity of the sentence is highly influenced by dimension number six (five) and seven (six) which happen to be my bad english and my lazyness.

But personally i'd agree with petes definition of dimension number four, because his one seems to explain many thigs that happen and that time can't explain. :blink:


I don't think I unterstand the how the universe works, but I think I know that fiction don't has to work exactly the same. And I also think I know that the story behind x-com is quite strange.


But if you have a different opinion on this we should disuss that in another thread.


To get back on topic: Enforcer sucks. Thank you.

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Just my opinion but it sucks as a action game too. It's no challenge. If it haden't x-com typed on it I would consider it to be kids software (Which the publishers must be considering it too. In my version there are adverts for toddler edutainment in the instalation routine.). I mean a Autoaiming function in a game where you could hardly throw a brick without hitting an enemy. It's just good if you need a breakfiller, or want to do take personal revenge for suffering in Ufo :blink: .

*Could keep on bitching around about enforcer for hours but thinks everyone has heard this before, and so shuts up*

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Oh? there are many things in reallife that are not implemented. swimming for example. why use magion armor when you can swim? or currents.

"help sarge! i'm being dragged away by the current"

"there ain't no currents here, sonny. the programmers were too lazy to program us a current" :blink:

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